Response From A Dominicana to thread about our culturee


New Member
:swearing: :swearing: First let me introduce myself. My name is genoeva(hen-o-eba).I am Half Dominican and Half Cuban.I was sooooooooo upset at this thread that I paid my 5 dollars to express it.
First Let me address this stupid article. Somebody caught a hand full of idotas and gave them air time.People tend to say the dummiest things when thier country A$#@ get in front of someones camara.Not realizing that that people who are unfamiliar with our culture will take the comments that they make and assume any entire country has the same views.
Will here are my views bull^%$.
No not even the majority of dominicans hold these views.No one in my entire family thinks less of Dark skinned Dominicans, Latinos of african Americans for that matter.
I read that several people have had encounters with Dominicans that have said they are not Black. It is commen since that our ancestors come prominantly from Africa.No one can deny this. Just like Italians tend to set themselves apart from whites by saying,"Im Italian". Jamaicans are Jamaican. Phillipinos are phillipino. Cubans are Cuban. Indians are Indian.
Most of the time when someone says are you black they mean ,are you african american. I know that alot of Us take pride in being Dominican.Not that Dominicans are better in any shape or form than Americans. We are just Dominican.To say or believe that an entire population hold the same self hating views about there culture and existance is insane.
I am very proud of my african heritage. And have taken 2 trips to africa to learn about and celebrate it. Im not going to sit here and say that some of us do not hold these views.I am going to say that those that do are a minority.To answer some of the questions raised.
1.Why dont you see any afrolatinas on television?.Most of the American spanish stations are owned and controlled by mexicans.Most of the Novelas you see are Filmed in Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina where there are very few afrolationos.Even they are ignorant of our culture.
2.Clasifications of beauty?Domincan women are very aware of ourselves.It is something that has been drilled into us since birth. Pelo rizo(curley hair)is just as beautiful if not more than straight hair.My mother did not let me perm my hair until i was fifteen.And was annoyed with me when I did.When you go to a salon any beautician will want you to come back more often for moer perms.It equals more money for them.
3.Big butt comment? As far as big butts go.Any one in with a small one or no hips in my culture is looked upon as having had the short end of the gene pool.
4.Killing Blacks?Trujillo was crazy.He was Black so to speak himself.The issue was not that they were black but that they were immigrants.Exactly the same as the overall feeling many americans have towards mexicans.Social services schools healthcare same thing.Trujillo was a dictator many compare to Hitler. When He was doing all the ethnic cleansing his views WHERE NOT shared by the country.Many Dominicans were assisnated for hiding Haitians that lived in our country and for even uttering a word or against trujillo.
5.Cant think of anything more to say other than.We are in may ways the same bubch of grapes.We speak spanish with african and spanish ancestors. A"s speak English with british ancestors etc.
Last comment.I know plenty of AA that speak of good hair bad hair and hold many of the insane views migente(my people ) were talking about in the article.
Thanks for paying the five dollars and giving your point of view. There are ALWAYS 2 sides to every story. :yep:

And WELCOME!!! :grin: :wave:
Looking back. I didnt mean to come of hard.But ther were so many nasty things said in that thread I felt backed into a corner Thanks for understanding.:ohwell:
Welcome to the hair board. Thanks for sharing your views. I responded to the article and my reason for doing so is from tired and fed up with people with their ignorant and unjustifiable disrespect for other peoples based upon differences in skin color and hair type. And that goes for all people regardless of nationality and ethnicity. I know all Dominicans are not like that.
Thanks you for posting this. I just shook my head at that article because I know several Dominicans and the one thing they all had in common was claiming their black side!! My next door neighbor went out of his way to let me know he was black from the Dominican Republic (he didnt really look black to me) even showing me pictures of his family who could be mistaken for American Black's. I grew up with friends who were dominican and I didn't see any hate for their curly hair or big hips and butts at all.
I'm sure that those views exist in the dominican culture as they do in every culture, but that has not been the majority of my experience at all.
Welcome and thanks for sharing your point of view,it's great to hear all the different sides to a story.
First, I'd like to say, "Welcome Cubanit!"

Secondly, I want to say that I agree with you in that the views expressed in the article should not be considered a representation of an entire group of people. However, I do believe that every culture has their hangups in terms of skin color and hair, so you shouldn't take too strong offense to that.

I have had friends of every race, and each of them expressed to me at one point or another, their warped view of beauty. Let's face it, we live in a society that celebrates European-esque looks over ethnic looks. In the grand scheme of things, our standard of beauty has been largely shaped by a predominantly white Hollywood and images of Barbie.

My Indian, Latino, and even Asian friends have talked about their skin color issues. In addition, the term "nappy" is used even by White Americans to describe difficult to manage hair, which many consider to be the antithesis to beauty. These standards go beyond hair and skin, as one of my Asian friends has even talked about getting surgery done on her eyelids in order to give them a hooded look, which is representative of Western roots.

I can go on and on, but the point I'm trying to make is that although you and your family may not have issues with skin, hair, heritage, etc. other people do. I'm not saying everyone does, so maybe the article was throwing around generalizations. Yet, there are still a lot of folks out there who unfortunately do struggle with such issues.
I understand every culture has its hangups. What I was trying to express more or less is that the article was misleading. Over all ,Not just my family we do not shun africanism.Many people held views like that in the past but this is 2007.Over the last 40 years lots of things have changed in my country.Many of us who have had experiances outside of DR specifically In the Us Bring a since of Black pride back to the island .Not that it wasnt already there.But in my genereation its prevalent.My Grandfather told me he didnt even know he was Black until he came to the US many many moons ago to play negro league baseball and was arrested for taking a white women to the movies.Their IS a since of black Pride in my country.Please understand if you were in a Australian chat room that said AA's had purple noses you would Blow it up too.
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Welcome, Cubanit!! Thank you so much for paying the $5 and adding your perspective to the boards. It's very much appreciated!
Hi and welcome, Cubanit! It was interesting to hear what you had to say. The same hair/color hang ups occur in the US, but I guess some people were just shocked by what they read. I've heard about a Black Pride movement in Cuba, but I was never aware of it growing in DR.
I am really glad you posted this. Welcome and thanks for taking a stand, someone should rebutt that stupid article..
Welcome cubanit! Thanks for expressing your views as well. As I posted in the other thread, people must not generalize all Dominicans just by this article. It shocked me when some posted that they were not rethinking their plans to visit Latin America or that they will never visit a Dominican salon because of what they read. :perplexed I love my color, my ethnicity, my culture and there are many others who do as well.
cubanit said:
I read that several people have had encounters with Dominicans that have said they are not Black. It is commen since that our ancestors come prominantly from Africa.No one can deny this. Just like Italians tend to set themselves apart from whites by saying,"Im Italian". Jamaicans are Jamaican. Phillipinos are phillipino. Cubans are Cuban. Indians are Indian.
Most of the time when someone says are you black they mean ,are you african american. I know that alot of Us take pride in being Dominican.Not that Dominicans are better in any shape or form than Americans. We are just Dominican.To say or believe that an entire population hold the same self hating views about there culture and existance is insane.
I soooo agree with you right here!!! It's like what's wrong with Dominicans saying they are not Black? Black & White are racial terms that were created here in America to put people in groups based on common traits. Why should a Dominican identify with Black? Why should an Italian identify with White? Dominicans aren't African-Americans, their Dominican! lol! I don't see why people get so hung up on certain terms that we should identify ourselves with. Your either Black or you're not. Just because you "look" Black to some Americans doesn't mean you have to deny your heritage and say "Okay, I'll be Black because you said so."

I identify myself as an American with African ancestry. Of course, I mainly use the term Black to identify myself, but as I get older and think about things on a more deeper level, I feel that identifying myself as an American (since I was born here) with African ancestry (since I do have dark skin and nappy hair) would be a better way to identify myself. I wish I knew what part of Africa my ancestry came from, but I am a Black person of the disapora and I do not know my roots because of the colonization and social conditioning of America. When Africans came over here to America to be treated as slaves, we were given the identity of Black, something that is the opposite of White, something that is considered inferior and powerless. Now, we have to work on changing that view and seeing things with a more positive light.
Thanks for posting, girl I am originally from trinidad and I could start a thread about some views about stuff and you'll would pass out and then another person from trinidad will say there views, I totally understand you 100%, I work with people from DR and I have never heard none of the stuff in the other post, that's why I never commented because I know there's another side to that story
Thank you for joining and posting this. I was so hoping a Dominican person would respond. Welcome.
cubanit said:
I understand every culture has its hangups. What I was trying to express more or less is that the article was misleading. Over all ,Not just my family we do not shun africanism.Many people held views like that in the past but this is 2007.Over the last 40 years lots of things have changed in my country.Many of us who have had experiances outside of DR specifically In the Us Bring a since of Black pride back to the island .Not that it wasnt already there.But in my genereation its prevalent.My Grandfather told me he didnt even know he was Black until he came to the US many many moons ago to play negro league baseball and was arrested for taking a white women to the movies.Their IS a since of black Pride in my country.Please understand if you were in a Australian chat room that said AA's had purple noses you would Blow it up too.

This is interesting. My grandpa is always telling me stories like this.
NuMe2004 said:
First, I'd like to say, "Welcome Cubanit!"

Secondly, I want to say that I agree with you in that the views expressed in the article should not be considered a representation of an entire group of people. However, I do believe that every culture has their hangups in terms of skin color and hair, so you shouldn't take too strong offense to that.

I have had friends of every race, and each of them expressed to me at one point or another, their warped view of beauty. Let's face it, we live in a society that celebrates European-esque looks over ethnic looks. In the grand scheme of things, our standard of beauty has been largely shaped by a predominantly white Hollywood and images of Barbie.

My Indian, Latino, and even Asian friends have talked about their skin color issues. In addition, the term "nappy" is used even by White Americans to describe difficult to manage hair, which many consider to be the antithesis to beauty. These standards go beyond hair and skin, as one of my Asian friends has even talked about getting surgery done on her eyelids in order to give them a hooded look, which is representative of Western roots.

I can go on and on, but the point I'm trying to make is that although you and your family may not have issues with skin, hair, heritage, etc. other people do. I'm not saying everyone does, so maybe the article was throwing around generalizations. Yet, there are still a lot of folks out there who unfortunately do struggle with such issues.


Welcome, and thanks for giving your side. Unfortunately you will always have stories (such as the article) in every nationality. I commented because of my experience. But the same happens in my family which is Jamaican and Cuban. I have tons of family that do not and will not associate with "dark skin" people. It's sad.
I respect where you are coming from. I didn't comment on the culture as much as I did on the nature of the article.... it was BRASH! sheesh.... but not surprising. I'm from Sofla so i have heard it all. I just wish anyone would answer my question on the previous thread... not becuase i am trying to cause conflict, but out of genuine concern.

welcome :newbie:
I don't believe that article applies to every Dominican, but there were too many personal stories in that thread for it not to be true on some level. There are steropes everywhere about blacks/Africans. When I was in Australia for study abroad where I befriended many Asian people I heard so many bad stereotypes and beliefs that it would make that article seem tame. The thing is to just be aware of it, but don't let it ruin your soul and spirit.
Thanks for sharing your views and welcome to the forum. I can't speak for everyone here, but I know that not all Dominicans share the opinions expressed in the article. It's just that it hurts to the core that in this day and time that people of color are still denying their ancestry, playing into the hype that "white is right and black is wrong". It makes me think of the realization that racism and self hatred with the right amount of propoganda can still lead to monstrous acts of violence on a worldwide scale. Some people should be blessed that they have their health, shelter, clean water and food to eat - many others don't have those luxuries :( I mean, some of the stories I've heard in the other thread is heartbreaking - aborting a child because you're afraid it'll be dark skinned with kinky hair? Fear of going outside because you'll ge too dark? It's sickening to me, especially since I've also witnessed it firsthand.
qoute from bravenewgirl 87
Can i ask a question of some of you all? For the ones who know people who are married to black latina(o)s, how do their spouse of in-laws regard them, black or latina? Do they see a difference between themselves and their spouse, or do they follow the "okie-doke"? What do they say when their partners make statements regarding race that clear objectify them as their mate? I know some of you have responded, but did these relationships work out?__________________
I am married to an AA.And boy thats a loaded question.We have three divine children.Not to toot my own horn but hey:) Any way because the complexons of my family have varied through out the generations we have a variety dispalyed in our kids. The oldest one came out with a dark complexion. The middle one very light and the youngest medium complected.My family swears they all look like me. But his family make comments like "There the milk mans kids","Have they gotten any color yet",they say that half heartedly joking but I dont like it. Any way I have had AA's in my community go as far as asking me is our oldest child really my husbands._Essence our oldest daughter loves being dark skinned really.She makes every body call her choclate. And when she sees another dark skinned little girl she makes comments like "shes cute but not like me".She is a little bit of a narcisses. She really gets a lot of compliments about how cute she is .So I she is extremely confident and so far no hang ups about her complexion.I watch her carefully though.She had an argument once eith a little white girl about who was gonna play Dora. The white girl said she couldnt beacuse she was to dark.My daughter said the white girl couldnt because she had ugly hair and looked like a horse then locked her out of our house. I had a loong conversation with her that day. Anyway my family both cuban and dominican Have never said anything charged to my husband. Other than_He looks Spanish needs to learn how to speak it and the occasional latins kick butt in baseball and boxing discussions.:lachen: ______________


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cubanit said:
qoute from bravenewgirl 87
Can i ask a question of some of you all? For the ones who know people who are married to black latina(o)s, how do their spouse of in-laws regard them, black or latina? Do they see a difference between themselves and their spouse, or do they follow the "okie-doke"? What do they say when their partners make statements regarding race that clear objectify them as their mate? I know some of you have responded, but did these relationships work out?__________________
I am married to an AA.And boy thats a loaded question.We have three divine children.Not to toot my own horn but hey:) Any way because the complexons of my family have varied through out the generations we have a variety dispalyed in our kids. The oldest one came out with a dark complexion. The middle one very light and the youngest medium complected.My family swears they all look like me. But his family make comments like "There the milk mans kids","Have they gotten any color yet",they say that half heartedly joking but I dont like it. Any way I have had AA's in my community go as far as asking me is our oldest child really my husbands._Essence our oldest daughter loves being dark skinned really.She makes every body call her choclate. And when she sees another dark skinned little girl she makes comments like "shes cute but not like me".She is a little bit of a narcisses. She really gets a lot of compliments about how cute she is .So I she is extremely confident and so far no hang ups about her complexion.I watch her carefully though.She had an argument once eith a little white girl about who was gonna play Dora. The white girl said she couldnt beacuse she was to dark.My daughter said the white girl couldnt because she had ugly hair and looked like a horse then locked her out of our house. I had a loong conversation with her that day. Anyway my family both cuban and dominican Have never said anything charged to my husband. Other than_He looks Spanish needs to learn how to speak it and the occasional latins kick butt in baseball and boxing discussions.:lachen: ______________

Thats awesome! I asked because my bf dated a white girl and we were talking about this news article. I remembed he dated a cuban girl too, but i never asked him if he met her family and stuff, what did they think of him, such and such. People in the other thread have some craaaazy stories about relationships and I know that some are very likely because I have had friends who confirmed it.
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didnt slide pictures of essence in there.Im new to this bare with me.Still couldnt do it I give up
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