resources for bible study


Well-Known Member
Hello all!

I have just come into my faith in the past two years. Today I had such a great day in church and one thing the Pastor reminded us of was continuing to read and study the bible throughout the week. I don't just want to read the bible front to back. I want to really study, especially sections/chapters that will speak to my heart at this time. I am apart of bible study at my uni but I seems that its not really working for me because what we study for that week won't really speak to me (although I will still continue to go).

Does anyone have any tips or links on how to conduct bible study/reading on your own? I really want God to speak to me/ me to learn about him but I am just having trouble on where to start.

thank you in advance!
Does your faith have a daily Bible study quarterly/lesson which people come together to discuss in church or during the week? Or even a group for young people or singles that studies together? The church study may be more in depth than the university study. That way your study is focused on particular topics, and you are able to hear the thoughts and understands of others. It's a great way to begin and continue.

Most of all, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you in study and provide a study guide for you. Also, if you want to go further in depth. I encourage you to get a Hebrew/Greek Bible.

Here is the lesson I use, which is quarterly. There are many archived lessons that study specific areas or topics in the Bible.
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Have you ever tried the Watchtower & Awake magazines?
Not only are they very informant but they are also Bible based literature.
Hello all!

I have just come into my faith in the past two years. Today I had such a great day in church and one thing the Pastor reminded us of was continuing to read and study the bible throughout the week. I don't just want to read the bible front to back. I want to really study, especially sections/chapters that will speak to my heart at this time. I am apart of bible study at my uni but I seems that its not really working for me because what we study for that week won't really speak to me (although I will still continue to go).

Does anyone have any tips or links on how to conduct bible study/reading on your own? I really want God to speak to me/ me to learn about him but I am just having trouble on where to start.

thank you in advance!

Without a doubt start with the book of John. There are many ways to learn and study bible. Some time you just read, sometimes you recite/meditate power scriptures and other times you study. Each way is important and necesarry since one may not always have time study before work but they can at least read some passages. Book of John is for new believers and remember that the scriptures will always speak to your life even if it not applicale at the time. God will lead you and he sees your heart to seek after him but do not worry He will direct you path. Be encourge and thanks for sharing because knowing God's word while armed with faith is two of the best weapons aganist the enemy.