resisting temptation


Well-Known Member
how do you ladies resist temptation?
what methods do you use to get your thoughts back in order, or to even physically get out of a situation?

did you pray, did you scream and call on the name of Jesus, did you call a spiritual friend, did you run to church, did you read a scripture that was related to what you were going through, did you start quoting scripture, etc....?

what did you when you couldn't resist the temptation and gave in. how did you recover?
Oh this is a good one. ( smile ). I try not to put myself in any situation where I am tempted. Now when I am at work I flunk my test 80% of the time. I hate to be wronged by other people and I let them know it. The Father has tested me on this many times. Now I am learning to keep my mouth shut and let him fight my battles.

I read the Word and Pray.
The quote in my siggie is what i have to recite, sometimes outloud! Then I have to physically remove myself from the situation... however, in the event of a failure I never allow myself to be ashamed, I ask for forgiveness right away and get back to living right. No guilt, no condemnation for those who seek forgiveness
The quote in my siggie is what i have to recite, sometimes outloud! Then I have to physically remove myself from the situation... however, in the event of a failure I never allow myself to be ashamed, I ask for forgiveness right away and get back to living right. No guilt, no condemnation for those who seek forgiveness

that is a very good quote! yes i ask for forgiveness right away, but sometimes i still feel condemnation afterwards. i can be very hard on myself.
that is a very good quote! yes i ask for forgiveness right away, but sometimes i still feel condemnation afterwards. i can be very hard on myself.
Oh, no... Guilt and condemnation are tools of the devil to keep us down! As long as your sincere, forgiveness is yours, and the sins are forgotten!
I just finished a study on the Book of Judges with Dr. David Jeremiah. In one of the lessons on Samson he said this:

Do not flirt with temptation. Run. Do not stay in a situation where you're constantly being bombarded day after day with the same thing because over a period of time, your defense mechanisms will break down; and like Samson, you will give in to the situation.

He also gives a verse from Proverbs 4:14-15: Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.

And this from Romans 13:14: But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

You can do it. Seek God to help you.
I think of the face-to-face confession I must give and the sheer horror of telling another your sins. That'll often put a damper on anything. Otherwise, I pray to resist. Thinking about hell helps too.
In order to resist temptation, I first have to recognize that I am being tempted. Before, I would just react without taking a step back and realizing what the devil is trying to do. I have only been able to do this since I have been spending time in the word and going to church to hear the word on a consistent basis. Now that I have been studying the way that God wants me to behave in my daily life, I can see when the devil is trying to get me to behave differently.

Once I recognize the attack of the enemy, I, out loud, bind it by name. The Holy Spirit is my very present help in a time of trouble, and there is no pressure that will come on me that he will not make a way of escape. I come against anything - any person, any thought, any action, any words, etc. - that seeks to exalt itself above my knowledge of God's will for my life and my behavior. Usually, once I bind the spirit that the temptation is coming from (lust, offense, negative emotions, anger, etc.), the pressure to react negatively leaves.

However, God is still perfecting me, and sometimes I do fall - as we all do. When that happens, I know that God is faithful and just to forgive my sins, and I remember that there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who walk after the spirit and not after the flesh. I know that the Lord is Jehovah Tsidkenu (my righteousness) and Jehovah M'kaddesh (my sanctifier). I remember that I have been made righteous, not through my actions, but through those names. I move on because God is depending on me to spread his message of love and salvation, and I cannot do that if I am acting like I don't believe in it for myself.
how do you ladies resist temptation?
what methods do you use to get your thoughts back in order, or to even physically get out of a situation?

did you pray, did you scream and call on the name of Jesus, did you call a spiritual friend, did you run to church, did you read a scripture that was related to what you were going through, did you start quoting scripture, etc....?

what did you when you couldn't resist the temptation and gave in. how did you recover?

One of the ways that I resist temptation and I believe is much needed in the black church (and every church) is to marinate in the Word of God. But first in order to resist the temptation is have a real relationship with God.

But anyway, if I am having trouble with thoughts of wanting to fornicate: I first cast down the thought and imagination and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and I bring into captivity every thought in obedience of Christ. Then I marinate on some scriptures like, "My God is holy, so I should be holy.: Thinking about fornicating with someone is not holy. Then I think about Romans 12:1-2 and I should present my body a holy and acceptable sacrafice and not be conformed unto this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of my mind. God is renewing it everyday from the world's weapons.

Sometimes, I just cry out and say, "God, you said that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and that I shall condemn every tongue that rises up against me in judgement because I'm your servant and this is part of my heritage. My vidication comes from you O' God, so vindicate me and don't let my enemies win. Your Word doesn't return void so when I cast down this thought, let it be brought down and into captivity in obedience of Christ. Don't let my enemies win O' God for your name is on me."
thank you ladies for responding. i am wondering about escape now. i wonder about some of the things that happened that allowed someone to escape out of a thought or situation. i know for me i will get a strong stirring in my spirit or a conviction that allows me to see the situation for what it is and that gives me the ability to decide if i want to walk away from temptation or not. like a door of opportunity or a third eye. and sometimes i struggle with something so fierce, my mind or body starts to ache. (like a a drug fiend) that is when i call on Jesus to rescue me. i remember i was having a not so Christian dream, and i violently woke up, crying and praying, asking for God to help me. that dream messed me up so much that i didn't want to go back to sleep and just read my bible till i felt safe again.
I just finished a study on the Book of Judges with Dr. David Jeremiah. In one of the lessons on Samson he said this:

He also gives a verse from Proverbs 4:14-15: Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.

And this from Romans 13:14: But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

You can do it. Seek God to help you.
I love Dr. David Jeremiah. His teaching is always on point:yep:
thank you ladies for responding. i am wondering about escape now. i wonder about some of the things that happened that allowed someone to escape out of a thought or situation. i know for me i will get a strong stirring in my spirit or a conviction that allows me to see the situation for what it is and that gives me the ability to decide if i want to walk away from temptation or not. like a door of opportunity or a third eye. and sometimes i struggle with something so fierce, my mind or body starts to ache. (like a a drug fiend) that is when i call on Jesus to rescue me. i remember i was having a not so Christian dream, and i violently woke up, crying and praying, asking for God to help me. that dream messed me up so much that i didn't want to go back to sleep and just read my bible till i felt safe again.

You know, the enemy can enter dreams? Well, I am receiving revelation from The Holy Spirit about dreams and there's a scripture in Job that talks about the wicked and says "like a dream he shall fly away." Okay, the way i think dreams work is that they can sometimes rise up and it is like a picture being painted in the spiritual realm. People always want to know, if a Christian's helmet of salvation is sturdy and strong, they have a protection over them, then how can the enemy enter dreams? Well, I believe that a dream is like a picture being painted or a movie being produced. The Holy Spirit is still explaining things to me but here's the scripture: "He flies away like a dream, and they cannot find him; Even like a vision of the night he is chased away." Job 20:8

When you go to bed at night, cover your dreams with the blood of Jesus Christ and ask God to prevent any unholy beings from entering your dreams. Loose the fire of The Holy Spirit to circulate around your dreams in the name of Jesus Christ and for God's Holy angels to guard you as well as your dreams.
I just finished a study on the Book of Judges with Dr. David Jeremiah. In one of the lessons on Samson he said this:

Do not flirt with temptation. Run. Do not stay in a situation where you're constantly being bombarded day after day with the same thing because over a period of time, your defense mechanisms will break down; and like Samson, you will give in to the situation.

He also gives a verse from Proverbs 4:14-15: Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.

And this from Romans 13:14: But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

You can do it. Seek God to help you.

I've learnt to do the above rather than flirt with temptation and exhaust my self control.This has worked for me so far. For example, i'll be going on a mini break with my new SO who i'm extremely attracted to. Rather than get a twin room and battle with my flesh all night, we'll be staying in separate rooms to avoid (or greatly minimize) the temptation altogether.

For temptation which cannot be anticipated, i'd say pray and exercise self-control - it is a fruit of the spirit. It would also help to be conversant with what the bible says about whatever it is.
Great thread!

During my devotional I read a chapter on temptation in a book titled "The Power of a Praying Woman" by Stormie Omartian. I gained tips from her book that actually helped me out this weekend that I wanted to share:).

Six good things to remember about 195 - 197

1) Who: Temptation can happen to anyone. No matter how spiritual and solid you think you are, you can fall into temptation.

2) What: You can be tempted by anything. The enemy will tempt you in the way you are most susceptible. Whatever your flesh lusts after, ask God to give you strength to resist it. Guard your vulnerable areas with prayer.

3) When: Temptation can happen any time and often when you least expect it and are most susceptible. When it does happen, the danger is in thinking you can handle it alone. It's best to take it to God and confess it immediately, and then find someone trustworthy to pray with you about it. Don't think it will just pass. The risk is too great. Treat it as a serious threat no matter when it happens.

4) Where: Temptation can happen anywhere. In church, at work, at home, on a bus or plane. It will happen in the place you least expect it. Wherever it is, separate yourself from it immediately. If chocolate tempts you, don't hang out in the candy store. The smell of it will drive you crazy and weaken your resistance. Separate yourself from the temptation and ask God to kill the lust in you.

5) Why: The reason the enemy tempts you is because he knows of the great things God wants to do in your life, and he thinks you are dumb enough to give it all up for a few moments of pleasure. He knows that not only do you stand to lose from it, but other people will be hurt by your sin as well. So he has the potential for multiple victories.

6) How: You have to remember that no matter how you are being tempted, it is a set-up by the enemy intended to bring you down. He will find your weakness, need, or insecurity and tempt you with whatever you are most easily tempted. This is the best reason to get rid of all insecurities and become whole people. It eliminates one of the ways the enemy has access to our lives.

In addition, the best time to pray about temptation is before you fall into it. The model prayer Jesus taught us to pray is a good start. "Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" (Matt 6:13).

We can call on the name of the Lord "for in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted" (Heb 2:18).