Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

That was very well said.... :yep:

Girl you better use him as an example!!! Remind your youth group that we ALL SIN AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD! That even those of us who look like we've got it together and are sold out for Christ fall. If the man after Gods own heart, David, fell so hard, then we should know that others will too.
Show them that there are attacks to every ministry and the worst ones come from our own lusts (james 1:14). Discuss with them what precautions to take...what would they do in that situation...and how God forgives us but we still have to deal with the consequences of our decisions!
Had a really good convo with my rommate and she said I wore many mask and had some really strong brick walls around myself...I already knew this but I don't want to take off my mask nor tear down my wall bc Im don't want to get close to anyone and I will knock a person over for getting close to me...what is a girl to do who wants to marry one day and do some good things for God..
Father, why do I keep thinking about this one guy? I pray for him everytime he pops into my head. I guess it'll be reveal to me sooner or later. I rather sooner.
Do They See Jesus In Me - Joy Williams

Is the face that I see in the mirror
the one I want others to see
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
The love that You've given to me
My heart's desire is to be like You
In all that I do, all I am

Do they see Jesus In Me
Do they recognize Your face
Do I communicate Your love, and Your grace
Do I reflect who You are
In the way I choose to be
Do they see Jesus In Me

It's amazing that you'd ever use me
But use me the way You will
Help me to hold out a heart of
compassionate grace
A heart that You're spirit fills
May I show forgiveness and mercy
The same way You've shown it to me

Now I want to show all the world who You are
The reason I live and breathe
So You'll be the One that they see
When they see me


Lord, please change me so I may truly reflect You...:pray:
I can't help feeling this way, but when I read things like this Lord......

Some people just need to burn in hell, IMO. Their crime are so unforgivable, so inexcusable and committed against the most helpless members of (any) society. The only prayer they will receive from me is to rot. I'm all for praying for my enemies, but not for them.
I can't help feeling this way, but when I read things like this Lord......

Some people just need to burn in hell, IMO. Their crime are so unforgivable, so inexcusable and committed against the most helpless members of (any) society. The only prayer they will receive from me is to rot. I'm all for praying for my enemies, but not for them.

I feel you 100%. 200% even. Its a good thing I'm not God. Salvation would be COMPLETELY different...
Nope. BC makes me violently ill. I refuse to take anything else.
Yeah my daughter had a really bad day with it on the fourth day , it was pretty scary, but after that she was fine

I really think PMDD sufferers 'feel' the hormones more than others because of the imbalance

having lived with it first hand I know how it can wreak havoc on your feelings/perceptions and everything

keep standing girl, you know you don't need a pill you already know you can be fully delivered from this. Keep fighting no matter what
I'm so happy that God put it on my heart to get to the root of my issues..it's time to be healed of all the nonsense in my life..I know that depression is a comfort zone for me but no more..Lord help me to stay out there when I want to give up like about my future,desired career,money,family ties..

Lord please continue to bless each lady on this site and esp the CF board.I love these ladies since they are aspiring to be more like God.Please Lord keep a safe haven over these ladies esp my beloved Shimmie.She means so much to me because she loves me when at times I don't love myself.And keep BronxJazzy moving Lord.I know that the devil wants her but oh God your too awesome for that.Lord I thank you for giving me a voice for those who may be silent in their suffering Lord..help me to stay on the narrow in Jesus name Amen
I'm so happy that God put it on my heart to get to the root of my issues..it's time to be healed of all the nonsense in my life..I know that depression is a comfort zone for me but no more..Lord help me to stay out there when I want to give up like about my future,desired career,money,family ties..

Lord please continue to bless each lady on this site and esp the CF board.I love these ladies since they are aspiring to be more like God.Please Lord keep a safe haven over these ladies esp my beloved Shimmie.She means so much to me because she loves me when at times I don't love myself.And keep BronxJazzy moving Lord.I know that the devil wants her but oh God your too awesome for that.Lord I thank you for giving me a voice for those who may be silent in their suffering Lord..help me to stay on the narrow in Jesus name Amen

:kiss: :grouphug2: :kiss:

Little Lady.... I am so blessed and your post made me cry :cry:

Happy tears of love for you. :love3:

:love2: :love2: :love2:

"Sweet Coco" You even changed your screen name.

You are surrounded by love and true appreciation.
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Shining the light wherever it is needed, always staying humble, and in love with Jesus.

This love compels us to love others always, in spite of divisions, denominations and differences of opinion :yep:
I am struggling with forgiving someone who consistently and purposely does evil, spiteful, and selfish things to me. :buttkick: Even worse, he is a chronic liar and according to him is never wrong. :ohwell:

I have decided every day to pray for forgiveness, even though he would probably never apologize, not even if hades freezes over. :ohwell: Sad thing is, he's an Assistant Pastor and someone I should be able to trust, yet he knifes me in the back each chance he gets. :nono:
I am struggling with forgiving someone who consistently and purposely does evil, spiteful, and selfish things to me. :buttkick: Even worse, he is a chronic liar and according to him is never wrong. :ohwell:

I have decided every day to pray for forgiveness, even though he would probably never apologize, not even if hades freezes over. :ohwell: Sad thing is, he's an Assistant Pastor and someone I should be able to trust, yet he knifes me in the back each chance he gets. :nono:

I've been there :nono:. Keep praying on it. Talk to God about it, leave it with Him and try not to wait and hope for an apology but just move on. You forgiving Him is for you and shouldn't be dependent on whether/not he apologizes (although that would make it easier). It might take a little while but as long as you're determined to forgive, with God's help, you will let it go.x
A song, a thought and a chorus for all my sisters in Christ, be blessed.

In Your presence
That's where I am strong
In Your presence
O Lord my God
In Your presence
That's where I belong
Seeking Your face
Touching Your grace
In the cleft of the Rock
In Your presence O Lord

I want to go
Where the rivers
Cannot overflow me
Where my feet are
On the rock
I want to hide
Where the blazing
Fire cannot burn me
In Your presence O Lord

I want to hide
Where the flood of
Evil cannot reach me
Where I'm covered by the blood
I want to be where
The schemes of darkness
Cannot touch me
In Your presence O Lord

In Your presence
That's where I am strong
In Your presence
O Lord my God
In Your presence
That's where I belong
Seeking Your face
Touching Your grace
In the cleft of the Rock
In Your presence O Lord


Thank you Lord for your presence around your people. Help us to praise you and give thanks in every situation, knowing that your eyes are ever watching your people, and that you are the never-changing I AM for every situation we are facing. Everything we need, you are. Thank you Father.


You're more than enough Lord
You're more than enough
In all of my problems
You're more than enough
Every situation
That I am faced with
You're more than enough Lord
You're more than enough
Why do I sometimes feel forgotten......


Remember delay does not by any means mean denial. It has taken me years to learn that God's waits yield some of the biggest blessings. One of my favorites scriptures is from James 1: But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Just continue to stay prayerful and let God work it out. I once heard a sermon says that God is always working even when it looks like he isn't.
I love Jesus and even when I want to give God a not nice finnger he stays with me..I have been trying to find a job in my career field for the past 9 months..well today it came a nice internship..i love learning and im ok with cut in pay..Im slowly trusting God with my whole life not just the parts I want him to look at..God is awesome and amazing..
Thank you God for bringing me through school. It's all you!

Lead me where you'd have me to go from here!