Reputable Ebay Wig Vendors?


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:
I wear wigs as a protective style and absolutely love them for simplicity and to change up my look. I have many synthetic hair wigs, but thought about investing in a human hair wig. I checked a couple of sites like royaltywigs, mylittlesecret, and sassysecret, but I just can't see dropping over $200 for 14 inches. I looked on ebay and saw some human hair wigs at more reasonable prices, but I am scared. It is ebay. Do any of you know wig vendors on ebay that are reliable?

I am also considering making my own wig, but the last time I tried that, it was a disaster. Any youtube tutorials on making wigs that are easy?
Check, the lace wig section. There are a ton of ladies who buy direct from China for well under $200 for much longer lengths.
I bought a wig from cnakeitha225 at tge beginning of my transition and i must say I loved it. I wore the ig daily for about 3 or 4 months and then one wash day I washed it with a shampoo it didnt like and it fornered the most perfect locks I have ever seen. It was great quality hair and durable lace- just make sure you do a test section before applying new products. I now go elsewhere for my online wig shoppping thoigh.
Thanks so much for your feedback. There is one wig vendor in particular that has me intrigued. It is Alluring Wigs-any feedback on them?