Reneice's Straight Hair Regimen


Well-Known Member
Hi Girls!

I have literally searched for reneice's hair regimen for over an hour and a half, and I can't find it. I figured you girls would know. Does anyone know how often she flat irons her hair, how often she washes her hair, and what products she uses inbetween washes to keep her hair straight? I press my hair 99% of the time, so I'm interested in her regimen.

Thanks in advance!

@pet I don't know if she's ever posted that. I don't know if stylists who actually make a living doing a good job tend to share their secret publicly--but maybe she does? Also because she's so careful to get to know each person's hair type, texture, traits before she works on it, I don't know if she'd post a "cookie cutter regimen" which could mess someone's hair when she herself has to tweak each procedure depending on whose hair she's working on. I know if I were she, I'd not want someone to mess their hair up based on info I posted just because it happened not to be suitable for them.

I know when @mwedzi was getting her hair straightened, Reniece took time to first get to know her hair and how it responds to different things before giving her that wonderful press. Maybe there's a way to email her and ask her?

PPGbubbles, I thought OP wanted to know the details of her straightened hair regimen like products uses to keep hair straight after pressing etc. Not so much her PS regimen.
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If you look on her latest YT video she post like on page 3 or 4 what products she uses and what vitamins she has taken.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't keep her hair straight. She PS'es these days with sew-ins because it's easier. I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of seeing her hair as many times as I've been to her salon :lol:
amwcah - I looked at those three things. She lists the products, but she doesn't list when she uses them, and at what times. I'm so use to a very detailed regimen from the members of this site! lol

diadall - LOL! If she did, then there wouldn't be any hope for us!

PPGbubbles - she gives a very general list of specifics really. I went back to her youtube channel and read all her responses to the comments given (it really took some time!) I found out that she straightens her hair about 5 times a year, and when she does, she doesn't wash until two weeks after. I don't see any comments on what she uses during the two weeks that her hair is straight (because she can't really use water based products).

Nonie - that makes sense....if I were her I would probably do the same thing. And of course, everyone's hair is different..

Darenia - Thanks for the response! I guess I was looking for a more detailed regimen like some of the members on here (every week I do this, every two weeks I do that sort of thing). Well, I'll take what I can get! Her hair is beautiful! She's about the second person that I have seen go from very short damaged hair to the length she's at now.

Thanks again for all of your responses!

What I would like to know is her technique for getting her client's hair so straight and even (relaxed and natural), flat iron? pressing? heat protectant? How she gets the newgrowth so straight,etc.
I understand it's kinda her signature look because all of the pictures I've seen of those who are her clients have the same insanely beautiful even smooth shiny look.
havilland - very random, but your hair is beautiful!
danysedai - I remember reading somewhere (I think it was in her fotki) that she prefers to use a pressing comb because it gets her hair straighter. I have always used pressing combs, and it can get the roots that straight. I don't know whether or not she uses a flatiron or a pressing comb on her clients (or even a mixture of both), but she does have some skills! I remember flat-ironing my hair in the past and I can never get the roots as good as when I use a hot comb.