Remember Vigorol?


New Member
something reminded me of the smell of vigorol and it brought back memories of me as a lil girl sittin in a patio chair on the back porch while my mom applied that stinky stuff with a big comb, then a fine toothed comb and smoothing it all over like a perm.

After the shampoo conditioning, blow dry, grease and press,my hair was always so pretty and shiny.

But I do remember avoiding water and rain so it wouldnt convert to kinky so quickly.

I never thought about it before, but what was the use if it was going to revert anyway? What did the vigorol do to keep my mom using it on me and herself faithfully? Why not just deep condition?..........or was it just a conditioner?.......cuz way back in the day......I thought it was a perm.
I remember that nasty stuff. I think it was more of a 70's version of a texturizer. :)
That stuff will have your hair smelling like rotten eggs for days. :barf: This nothing more than a thio-based texturizer. I remember it well. When my youngest brother's late girlfriend did his hair with that stuff, I could smell it throughout the whole house. I can't believe it still exists in some BSS.

They still sell that stuff too. I saw it at the BSS last week. I wondered how long it had been sitting there because it looked kinda dusty.
Ugh!!! I use to cry each and every time my mom put that crap in my hair. She would stand me in the mirror after it was styled and all glossy and long to show me how pretty I was and all I would see is my red swollen eyes and tissue residue all over my face.
I have never heard of this stuff and I am happy my kitchen beautican aunts and sister never used it on me when I was a kid.
Vigorol was my first "perm" at 16 because my mother wouldn't let me have a relaxer...I don't remember the smell, but I also don't remember it doing anything good for my hair.