Remember Taylor Dior?

She's cute. Now um, I ain't tryna start nothing, but in the pic w/her back turned, is that a track I see just past the part in her head? :look:

She is so cute and I see nothing wrong with her mom's statement. LOl @ grown women insinuating that she has a weave or a lacefront. Deal with it, she has long pretty hair. Yup I used the pretty word.

I went to her site there are tons of pics of her beautiful hair in it's natural state. She had long hair as a baby too.

Poor child will have to deal with hair "haters" for the rest of her life.
I've seen a lot of little black babies with hair like that. Why did people think it was a weave or whatever? (I didn't see this at the time)

Her hair obviously retained a loser curl but I've seen many black babies that ended up with tight coils start out with hair just like hers in the first baby pics. What was the big deal?
Damn son, grown a$$ women were hatin on a toddler?? Oh well, tis life and misery. She's a beautiful little muffin, I don't see the issue.
Damn son, grown a$$ women were hatin on a toddler?? Oh well, tis life and misery. She's a beautiful little muffin, I don't see the issue.
Sandra Rose hates on EVERYBODY. Even LHCF. She use to be a member on banned...and know talks crap about LHCF. She said that were delusional because black women cant grow long healthy hair.
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She is so cute and I see nothing wrong with her mom's statement. LOl @ grown women insinuating that she has a weave or a lacefront. Deal with it, she has long pretty hair. Yup I used the pretty word.
I wouldn't have an issue with the mom's statement if she would've said "She has pretty hair naturally". Ok that kind of statement could be taken many ways.

But it was the full statement
" I guess it was too hard to believe that a black baby could have naturally pretty hair that didnt need chemicals and extensions to look like that. "

then I realized what the mom meant by "pretty hair."
Why is hair such a big deal? For gosh sakes, it's 2010, ppl?!

I mean, really? smh@ momma's insinuations. I personally would not have sent SR a letter, a note, a pigeon with a scribe attached because what would I have to prove to SR? My daughter is healthy, she's successful. Why does it matter is people think my kid has "good hair" or not?

oh, bother. *researchesgettingtubaligation* it's just not worth it anymore...
She is definitely a cute little girl. But I prefer to think we all have beautiful hair. Her hair is pretty, but her mom is going to far with the good hair concept. She really needs to calm it down.

When I first came to this site, I would wonder at why most people were so sensitive to hair typing and the like, now I see why. Some people use it as a means to imply they are better than others. A shame, because at the end of the day it is just hair.
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I'm not really mad at the mom. She thinks her child has good hair and? Some people think good hair is long curly hair *shrugs*

I'm not gonna call for a moratorium on her comments or ask for an apology.
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Her hair obviously retained a loser curl but I've seen many black babies that ended up with tight coils start out with hair just like hers in the first baby pics. What was the big deal?
I agree. My sibling had hair like that until age 5 or 6; by age 8, however, her hair was clearly 4a/b. Big deal
This baby's hair is gawjus :love: Why does she look like a young teyana taylor?

ETA: SR beat me to it :lol:


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She is super cute! I take it her mother had to defend her baby a lot which is why she felt the need to explain her baby's hair.... I guess...
LOL thanks everyone...I'll just explain one thing..."naturally pretty hair" meant it is nice without any chemicals or extensions since the main topic on SR was that i permed my baby's hair and put weave and tracks in it...I was just letting them know it was pretty the natural way...and is still pretty naturally. no chemicals or weave or anything despite what they may have thought
why are her edges airbrushed so heavily in the second photo? it looks like she tried to airbrush the lacefront edge out of the photo. and why is the child wearing a doobie in the first pic? i'm too through!

I see her mother is going to be living vicariously through her all her life.

Ok so her daughter is cute? and is she suppose so be drop deap gougeous cause she has straight hair? I dont get it? Who cares!

Okay! We know! She was in Nortorious, DANG!

Jealous much? :look: Look at y'all old arses clowning that pretty baby :nono: