Remedy for Hair Neglect?


Well-Known Member
I have been neglecting my hair something serious lately; not moisturizing properly (leave-in wise), wearing lots of hats and scarfs or lazy puffs.

I just don't feel like doing my hair. I've thought about braids/twist extensions, but I don't have extra funds to get my hair done or the patience to do them myself right now.

How have yall gotten over a hair rut?

I have half a mind to shave my head :spinning:
I have been neglecting my hair something serious lately; not moisturizing properly (leave-in wise), wearing lots of hats and scarfs or lazy puffs.

I just don't feel like doing my hair. I've thought about braids/twist extensions, but I don't have extra funds to get my hair done or the patience to do them myself right now.

How have yall gotten over a hair rut?

I have half a mind to shave my head :spinning:

Divine, I've been in a rut before. Sorry, hun. Winter does that to me sometimes....just don't feel like giving a hot daggum about anything. I got out of my rut by getting back active on the forum. I got some cheapie conditioner and did a steamin' DC, some mega tek and pulled it into a bun.

I'm sure some more ladies will chime in here, but, just read the threads you're interested in, find your inspirations and see what they're doing, and just jump back in! Don't shave your head, because the boots won't be hard enough to kick your own butt with if you do! :nono:
Girl it happens, don't get down. Your hair will forgive you immediately after a good DC and perhaps braiding it up so you won't have to deal with it and 'do' it every day.

PS - i'm not a violent person but i'll mollywhop you all up and down your block if you shave your head.

peace and blessings :)
Divine, I've been in a rut before. Sorry, hun. Winter does that to me sometimes....just don't feel like giving a hot daggum about anything. I got out of my rut by getting back active on the forum. I got some cheapie conditioner and did a steamin' DC, some mega tek and pulled it into a bun.

I'm sure some more ladies will chime in here, but, just read the threads you're interested in, find your inspirations and see what they're doing, and just jump back in! Don't shave your head, because the boots won't be hard enough to kick your own butt with if you do! :nono:
that sounds right. the pj in me saw all the new raves and started a personal use-it-up challenge. oh, and i hadn't detangled in a good 2-3 weeks so i had some matting going on. that right there scared me back into cowashing every other day.