Re: Relaxers: your experience
Mahalialee4 said:
My point was: damage from relaxers was the major or sole catalyst for many "becoming natural" and growing to love their hair. No damage....many would still be relaxed and think nothing of it. On any natural sites I have been on, and on sites where people are talking about was not the "initial LOVE of natural hair" that came was the "CONCERN that RELAXERS were causing damage...(or that they were not "keeping it real", or touchups were too time consuming or expensive or whatever)...because if they had loved their natural hair so much why would they have ever relaxed it? Further, they would probably have never straightened it in any manner with heat, wore rollers to be and you name it, except that they wanted to achieve a certain look or style or for managebility. But with all respect, I believe that there was a catalyst that precipitated the CHANGE to wearing it natural. The "love" more often came LATER.
As for me, I have always loved my hair, it is not hard to comb or handle, it is very soft and wavy as is that of many naturals on the board... it just shrinks up and does not show the length. I would like for the length to stretch out, stay stretched out without a lot of manipulation, keep every wave I have and the texture and then it would be the one thing it is not at at all times...long.
Until enlightenment about your "natural hair" I do believe that at a different time in history "relaxers were at one time your "preferred choice". I do believe that you "learned about your hair and embraced it and learned to love it as part of self acceptance...and if you had never travelled the path of relaxer damaage ....that brought you to a get to where you are would probably still be on the relaxer until a different catalyst for change came along. Remember I said ..."some, "most".... not "ALL" and not "EVERYONE." Why would I assume such a thing about every single individual?
With all due respect, if you are not a part of the "some", or "most, the "remark I made post was not personally directed at you or to you in the form of a judgement, and of course I would not assume that it applied to you or anyone else on this board who is not in the "most or some" catagory, and I was referring to the site as a whole, not just this thread, so please ignore the parts that do not apply, and in return, I will not assume that you are speaking for "All natural heads...or the preferred choices of All Natural Heads or the whole site, or that I have offended anyone at all by posting an opinion." I have found that the ladies on this site are very special, well informed and non judgemental and not quick to take offense, so, No, I would not assume such a thing.
Peace and Happy Hair Growing to you. I hope you achieve all your goals as well.
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Hi again Mahalialee4!
Thanks for responding.
I respect your opinion, and want to clarify mine. When I responded to your statement, I wasn't speaking for myself only, I was speaking of the variety of women in my circle who have gone natural. I have relaxed and natural friends/family/acquaintances/enemies/co-workers/etc. and a common thread I hear from the natural ones is that they would never go back to a relaxer again, even if there was no damage. Now maybe your experience with natural colleagues was different, but I responded the way I did because I felt that your assertion about what most natural heads would do wasn't necessarily accurate. I'm sure there are a good number of natural heads who would return to relaxers if they didn't cause damage, as I'm sure there are an equal number that would not under any circumstances.
I think that's why we all have to be careful about speaking almost definitively about others' choices and experiences because we may be assuming incorrectly.
Now, about my earlier preferred choice to be relaxed... I think this part goes a little deeper for all black women, no matter what we are choosing to do now. I honestly can't say I really thought I had a choice between relaxed and natural (by natural, I mean non-pressed) until I reached adulthood. The only people I know who were natural were either...
1. Biracial
2. 70s militant holdovers
3. People with major health problems, like having chemo, etc. (like one girl in high school who had a hair fungus and had to cut her hair totally off).
Since I fit none of those categories, I just got my hair blown out or pressed until age 13 and then relaxed from 13-20. The natural styles I did see were unattractive to me, because they were all the almost-bald Caesar cut. There were also few products geared toward styling long natural hair.
Growing up in an all-black community where everyone either was pressed or relaxed, that's simply what I thought everyone did. I never even felt I had a choice between going natural or wearing my hair straight.
Now, I think the climate is much better for black hair choices. Natural hair styles are better than ever. Braid technology is great. Weave technology is improving and relaxers have become less damaging than in the past. New products are being developed that address the needs of all kinds of black hair. Dominicans are showing us AAs new products and methods of styling.
In summary, I think there is truly a CHOICE now as opposed to in the past. So while, technically, relaxing was the preferred choice in the past for a lot of us, I think we can't really say that it's always an informed choice for many, especially if you see the other choice (natural) as being something ugly and bad.
Now that I do have the ability to make an informed choice, I choose natural, even with improved relaxer technology and knowledge on how to protect and strengthen my hair to grow it long. So do many others. Many others do not.
It's all good no matter what.
I hope I explained a little better where I'm coming from