Relaxers- How much growth?


New Member
How much new growth do you have before you relax? I had my last relaxer in the middle of September. Now I have more than 1½ inches of new growth, it’s really close to 2 inches, but I don’t know exactly where it is because I’m too lazy to look at those little lines on the ruler and figure out what they mean.

I have mostly 4a/b hair and some 3c (or maybe just more loosely curled 4a?) at the crown. It’s thick and I don’t even try to comb it when it’s dry because I’m afraid of breakage.

I was going to wait for 3 months that means that I would relax on Dec. 15. By that time I will have at least 2¼ inches, probably at least a half-inch more. My hair grows on average ¾ of an inch per month, but it has been growing faster than that lately. Is it better for me to relax at a certain length of my new growth, or to let my scalp rest for a longer period of time?

My new growth isn’t dry or unmanageable or anything…
I think that sounds fine what you're doing. I've never gone more than 6 weeks without a relaxer, so this is my challenge to myself - to go 10 weeks!!! I figure since I'm using the SCurl and other softening methods I can make it. But as for your growth amount, I think that's great! I also think that's a good time to relax it if you just can't take it anymore (the two textures) and YOU feel you need to relax. I guess it's different for everyone. Good Luck with your awesome progress!!
I usually have between one half to an inch of new growth at the time of my touch ups. I can't go much longer than eight weeks because then I get a lot of breakage.
As long as you don't get the breakage, then I say go for it. Typically I wait about 3 or 4 months however I last relaxed Oct. 4, but I will be doing it again in Dec. so I can be fresh for Christmas and New Years.
I'm so vain.
pebbles said:
I usually have between one half to an inch of new growth at the time of my touch ups. I can't go much longer than eight weeks because then I get a lot of breakage.

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The same goes for me. No longer than eight weeks or else I suffer!
Normally, I have about 1-2 inches of new growth by that time.
I think you have a good amount of new growth to relax now if you want to. However, if all is well (no breakage and such) and you will like to hold on a lil longer, I think you can. The key for many of the ladies (including myself) who wait long periods for relaxing is "minimal manipulation" and moisture. Personally I wet/rinse/conditioner wash my hair every two to three days. I only comb in the shower when rinsing the conditioner out (using the Jilbere shower comb). I also use a conditioner that has an incredible amount of slip (Humecto) to make detangling in the shower easier. Once I'm out, I put on Razac Perfect for Perms Leave-In (amazing stuff) and put my hair in a ponytail/bun and roll. When I get home, I moisture with S-Curl and EVOO and pin it up until the next day. No frills or styles. WHen You try and struggle with both textures, you will almost undoubtedly fail and get a large amount of breakage.

Just remember, moisture and "minimal manipulation" are gonna be the keys to your success
for me (like pebbles) after one inch of new growth my hair gives me trouble. As long as you are not comprosing breakage for the sake of waiting longer, I think its fine. I applaud those who can go more than 3 months in b/w touchups, i really wish hat was something i could do.
I was goin to ask the same exact question. First I dont want to perm so often, but then my hair is breaking. It is a lil give and take I think. I am probably goin to perm this weekend, because last night when I combed my hair I could feel the struggle I was having when combing from the roots.