Relaxers being called creamy crack.


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies... As some of you already know. I just relaxed after being natural for 3 yrs. The girls at work said..."oh no, I know you didn't go back to the creamy crack". I am sort of upset by it but as usual I kept my composure and said.." yep, and I am addicted. We had a laugh but I didn't really like it. Can some of you ladies that were natural and then relaxed tell me why you did it? Maybe it will make me feel better. I went back because I didn't like fighting with my hair every morning. I never liked braids and twists so every morning I would wake up looking like a thunder cat.:lol:
I went back to a relaxer for pretty much the same reasons as you. I was natural for ten years, and I just got tired. Most mornings it was a task trying to figure out what to do with it. And, the longer it got, the more work it was for me. I just wanted something easier. I got a relaxer a few years ago, and honestly I do not regret it one bit. But, that is my experience. Good luck to you in whatever decision you make, and definitely don't let folks give you s**t for it.
It's YOUR hair and you do whatever YOU want with it.
The reasons why folks relax shouldn't matter in the least bit.
Let this be practice for 'not giving a ish.' As someone who needs to practice this herself, I'd delete your OP and start practicing NOW!

FUDGE'EM guuuuuuurl...
LMBO @ Thundercat. Hooooooooooooooo!

Girl, don't worry about anyone but yourself. I was natural for 2+ years and relaxed in May. Knowing me, I'll BC again. I do what I want in my Lucie-dictatorship. My hair is no one's democracy. :D
I hate that phrase...creamy crack.

I cut my hair to wear it natural in 1998. In the summer of 1999, I relaxed it (texturizer), but still wore it curly. I re-relaxed it because I couldn't style it natural, and I didn't know where to go for help. I continued using texturizers (a few a year) until 2005, when I used a bad product and very nearly lost all of my hair. Since that event I've been relaxer/texturizer free. I don't relax because I don't like the chemicals.

In the grand scheme of things, Kinky4Agirl, it's just hair. If you want to relax it, that's your own personal choice. I do not think that relaxing your hair after having worn it natural shows any default in character, or makes you a self hater - it's your choice. You don't owe anyone an explanation for what you do with your hair.

Don't agree to being "addicted" to relaxers - you know that isn't true. You sought other options, that's all.
I hate the term creamy crack as well. I think it is so offensive.

I started out on this board relaxed, bc to natural, relax, now natural and have done this for about 4 times so far. Seems like I am never pleased with my hair.., no wonder why I can never see any significant growth. I have been relaxer free for 18 months now, and that can change at anytime. Just be comfortable with any decisions you make with YOUR hair because if you leave it up to people to define how you wear your hair, you will continue to be disturbed by people's opinion/comments. Always do YOU.
I sometimes call it "creamy crack" too. My hair has been relaxed continously for over 20 years and I do it because it's easier for me to manage... And I like straight hair better than curly. It's on your head and you are the one dealing with it, just ignore people's negative opinions.
I actually kind of think it's an appropriate term lol, in the sense that it's hard to stop since the only way to get out of relaxers is to chop your hair off. Admittedly I feel kind of trapped sometimes, lol.
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Wasn't the "creamy crack" phrased coined by Nappturality members? It's so weird to think people actually say it IRL.
When I was graduating from highschool I had finally bc but after a year of trying to make it work I gave in and got a relaxer a year or so later. My issue was that I didn't know what the heck I was doing lol. I'm natural again and a little wiser, but if I want to relax again I surely will. My hair my choices. Do you OP!
I wish there was a moisturizer that I can apply like a relaxer with a brush and all....yum!
carryon folks...
I relaxed my hair in the end because I had had enough of fighting with my hair everyday, the shrinkage and my increased use of heat which I felt would be damaging in the long run. I straightened my hair so regularly, I figured I may as well relax it.