Relaxers and wide hair parts


Well-Known Member
When I texturized my hair a while ago (2002-2003), I noticed that I instantly "lost" some hair parts, meaning they got a lot wider. When I was natural, I had smaller parts----but after I texturized, my hair parts got wider, and my edges got thinner. I don't believe I've seen a post on this, but I've seen pics of people with texturized/relaxed hair on the board, and I have seen those same wide parts. After I transitioned and cut my hair, it took a while for my parts to go back to how they used to be, but they finally did thank goodness. I just wanted to post this for anyone who had/has the same hair part issue. I thought it was just my hair, until I saw others on the board with the same things going on with their hair. Anyone have any comments on this?
I would have liked to help but Im Sorry I wont be much help because I didnt quite understand what you meant by "parts". But then again, I am relaxed and not texurized so maybe thats why it doesnt make sense to me:confused: . Hang in there, Im sure someone will come along and offer their insight:) .
Lkaysgirl said:
I would have liked to help but Im Sorry I wont be much help because I didnt quite understand what you meant by "parts". But then again, I am relaxed and not texurized so maybe thats why it doesnt make sense to me:confused: . Hang in there, Im sure someone will come along and offer their insight:) .

Thanks for replying. But I do not have this issue anymore. I was just bringing up the subject for anyone who has ever wondered about this. When I was texturized, if I parted my hair down the center or other ways, my hair parts were wider than they had been when I was natural; however since I am natural again and have been for a while, my parts have returned to "normal." Since this happened to me, I have noticed relaxed/texturized heads on the board, who have wide parts, so I know it just wasn't me.