Relaxers and Fibroids


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know if anyone else has heard this. Dick Gregory came to speak at my school (Florida A&M University) and he was touching on alot of different issues. One being the fact that relaxers have been linked to the reason why alot of black women suffer from fibroids. He said that before the days of relaxers, when most women used a hot comb or some other means to straighten their hair we (black women) did not suffer from them as we do now. Due to the long time use of relaxers and such it is now almost, I guess engraved in our DNA and has become hereditary. What do you ladies think about this???
It's an interesting theory but I'll have to read more about it before I take it as gospel. I have a history of fibroids myself but in my case it's heriditary.
The relaxers have to alter the hormones in some big way. I need to see more of the research done to come up with this as anything can be linked to relaxers and black women.
First, fibroids are probably detected more now than in the past because many of us have better more thorough health care now. Since fibroids can't kill you, they were probably among the least of health concerns generations ago. Secondly, there are probably a number of environmental factors that effect the health of all women, including Black women, and relaxers may be one of those environmental factors. We are exposed to so many chemicals on a daily basis (not to mention hormones in our foods) that I would think it's very difficult to pinpoint just one chemical and say that has to be the cause.
At this point I'm not convinced of this. However, I do believe a like lack of support from our brothers and society in the highly stressful life styles "most" of us lead...does contribute. How do we know its not something like BC pills??

Anyway, I'm not going to start on a rant, cuz thats not what this thread is about...but you get the gist. This is a good topic to think about though!
CAPlush said:
First, fibroids are probably detected more now than in the past because many of us have better more thorough health care now. Since fibroids can't kill you, they were probably among the least of health concerns generations ago. Secondly, there are probably a number of environmental factors that effect the health of all women, including Black women, and relaxers may be one of those environmental factors. We are exposed to so many chemicals on a daily basis (not to mention hormones in our foods) that I would think it's very difficult to pinpoint just one chemical and say that has to be the cause.

Good points!
Thanks for the replies, I really don't know if there is a relationship between the two...I just was putting it out there. It must be something seems as if every black woman I know suffers from fibroids. What I found to be interesting in the little research that I did do, was that only 25% of white women suffer from fibroids while 50% of black woman suffer from them. It seems as if relaxers may in fact play a big role, or maybe just the stress from being single mothers and all the other things that black women mainly go through. But I don't know.......
I agree with CA and Pixel. Too many other things like diet and lifestyle would have a greater effect on something like that than relaxers would. We all know that in general, white women tend to do more in the way of healthy diet and exercise than we do so I'm compelled to believe that that has something to do with the numbers.
Well like I said I do not know...I would not however put relaxers that low on the totem pole as far as the causes are concerned. While doing research on relaxers and fibroids I stumbled upon an old LHCF thread that was talking about the high levels of estrogen and various hormones contained in shampoos and conditioners.......... like placenta hair masks and a variety of other products. The ladies in the thread talked about periods being thrown off and or missed as well as lumps in their breast. They said after they discontinued use...symptoms stopped and things were normal. I believe there is a plethera of info about these happenings throughout the net. Oh I also wanted to say that this is not to bash relaxers or the relaxed.....just keeping people informed on what could or could not be going on.:)
I don't know about fibroids and relaxers , but i know that premature puberty in black girls has been linked to hair products such as placenta etc. I know i'll be using all natural products on my kids thats for sure.
It seems that people are always tossin out some kind of FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) about one subject or another to get people on some bandwagon or cause. Point being do your own research and not take what people say as the gospel, remember the 10% rule. Believe only 10% of what you hear and see. BTY I am almost 40 and have never known or met any Black women w/ Fibroids. I do know 1 White Jewish girl with them. There you go.:cool:
tnorenberg said:
It seems that people are always tossin out some kind of FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) about one subject or another to get people on some bandwagon or cause. Point being do your own research and not take what people say as the gospel, remember the 10% rule. Believe only 10% of what you hear and see. BTY I am almost 40 and have never known or met any Black women w/ Fibroids. I do know 1 White Jewish girl with them. There you go.:cool:

Whoa there now lil buddy...Like I said twice before in this thread I DO NOT KNOW!!!!! This thread was not meant to scare anybody although it is scary. I was simply putting it out there, and asking all the ladies in here what they thought about what I had HEARD...not what I know. If you want a bandwagon try a thread labeled MTG, this thread was posted merely to raise a question for discussion. BTW, my mom, my step mom, both of my grandmothers....and some random lady I met at six flags are all black women who suffer from maybe its just my neck of the woods. I guess because I'm natural and I posed the question people take offense to what I'm saying or should I say asking. Please read before you accuse people of scare tactics and trying to start a bandwagons.....We must not forget RID...(Reading Is Fundamental)
JuicesN'Berries said:
I wanted to know if anyone else has heard this. Dick Gregory came to speak at my school (Florida A&M University) and he was touching on alot of different issues. One being the fact that relaxers have been linked to the reason why alot of black women suffer from fibroids. He said that before the days of relaxers, when most women used a hot comb or some other means to straighten their hair we (black women) did not suffer from them as we do now. Due to the long time use of relaxers and such it is now almost, I guess engraved in our DNA and has become hereditary. What do you ladies think about this???

Go RATTLERS!!!!! :weird: :weird:
LuvLiLocks said:
Go RATTLERS!!!!! :weird: :weird:

Then You already know where it goes down...............ON THE HIGHEST OF SEVEN HILLS WHERE THE RATTLERS..............................................
AND STRIKE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
CAPlush said:
First, fibroids are probably detected more now than in the past because many of us have better more thorough health care now. Since fibroids can't kill you, they were probably among the least of health concerns generations ago. Secondly, there are probably a number of environmental factors that effect the health of all women, including Black women, and relaxers may be one of those environmental factors. We are exposed to so many chemicals on a daily basis (not to mention hormones in our foods) that I would think it's very difficult to pinpoint just one chemical and say that has to be the cause.

Fibroids can't kill? I am not sure if I'd put it that way. My sister died of related complications after years of different treatment and suffering. Another sister was never able to have kids because of them, despite 2 surgeries and all kinds of treatment, and now my 2nd oldest sister has developed them.
I recently told my mom I suspected that maybe relaxers could be linked to it but I am definetely NOT a scientist or a doctor so I don't know. But one thing for sure is, my 2nd oldest completely changed her lifestyle after she was diagnosed. Lots of exercise and a very strict diet that EXCLUDES meat, and any enriched or white products, and she says that since doing this, her symtoms are drastically reduced and her tumors have shrunk, so who knows.
By the way, my oldest sister had a hysterectomy (sp?) because her fibroids kept coming back. My mom had 5 girls and 4 of them got fibriods (not me), maybe it is genetic, again who knows :ohwell:
JuicesN'Berries said:
Then You already know where it goes down...............ON THE HIGHEST OF SEVEN HILLS WHERE THE RATTLERS..............................................
AND STRIKE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

OH YEAH BABY!! and again we STRIKE..... :grin:
LuvLiLocks said:
Fibroids can't kill? I am not sure if I'd put it that way. My sister died of related complications after years of different treatment and suffering. Another sister was never able to have kids because of them, despite 2 surgeries and all kinds of treatment, and now my 2nd oldest sister has developed them.
I recently told my mom I suspected that maybe relaxers could be linked to it but I am definetely NOT a scientist or a doctor so I don't know. But one thing for sure is, my 2nd oldest completely changed her lifestyle after she was diagnosed. Lots of exercise and a very strict diet that EXCLUDES meat, and any enriched or white products, and she says that since doing this, her symtoms are drastically reduced and her tumors have shrunk, so who knows.
By the way, my oldest sister had a hysterectomy (sp?) because her fibroids kept coming back. My mom had 5 girls and 4 of them got fibriods (not me), maybe it is genetic, again who knows :ohwell:

I am so sorry to here that your sister died, and that your daughter suffers from them as well. My mom has had terrible trouble with them, she is getting a hysterectomy this summer. But you are definitely right, one really does not seems as if there are so many things out to get us. My mom just called me a couple of days ago saying that I need to throw away any aluminum pots and pans that I have because they have been linked to cancer. And I know you all have heard the latest with re-used water bottles and how it releases chemicals into the water. Man......what next.
JuicesN'Berries said:
I am so sorry to here that your sister died, and that your daughter suffers from them as well. My mom has had terrible trouble with them, she is getting a hysterectomy this summer. But you are definitely right, one really does not seems as if there are so many things out to get us. My mom just called me a couple of days ago saying that I need to throw away any aluminum pots and pans that I have because they have been linked to cancer. And I know you all have heard the latest with re-used water bottles and how it releases chemicals into the water. Man......what next.

I no J&B, did I say my daughter? (not old enough to have a daughter with fibroids :grin:), I meant my sisters...ALL of them, 4 out of 5 girls that my mom had, got fibroids.
I sorry to hear about your mom.
JuicesN'Berries said:
I am so sorry to here that your sister died, and that your daughter suffers from them as well. My mom has had terrible trouble with them, she is getting a hysterectomy this summer. But you are definitely right, one really does not seems as if there are so many things out to get us. My mom just called me a couple of days ago saying that I need to throw away any aluminum pots and pans that I have because they have been linked to cancer. And I know you all have heard the latest with re-used water bottles and how it releases chemicals into the water. Man......what next.

Are you kidding? :eek: I reuse water bottles with my brita water!
Divine Inspiration said:
I've never seen placenta as an ingredient in a relaxer. Many of them don't even contain parabens.

The placenta comment was in regards to the high estrogen levels in shampoos and conditioners....not in relation to the relaxers. I posted the link on that discussion.
JuicesN'Berries said:
The placenta comment was in regards to the high estrogen levels in shampoos and conditioners....not in relation to the relaxers. I posted the link on that discussion.

Right...but this thread is about I'm trying to find the connection. :confused:
JuicesN'Berries said:
Here is the link to the discussion about hormones levels and such in shampoos and conditioner linked to causing cancer.....I know we are talking about fibroids but if a shampoo can possibly cause cancer....than aint no telling what else can be going on with the products we use. This is why I am weary about placing it so low on the totem pole.

Please reference the bolded part.
JuicesN'Berries said:
Hey secretdiamond, I hate to tell you this but there has been a big controversy over this reused water bottles and a whole bunch of information will come up. My 13 year old sister said they learned about it in class. But here is a link with some info:
Yeah I just went off to google it I am shocked! :( I thought I was thinking about the environment when I decided to do that. I hate to hijack the thread and go off topic, but it looks like the water that you buy are the bottles that can't be reused. I just felt bad throwing them away, when I thought I could use them. :(

I went to It was the first thing that popped up on my google search for "water bottle reuse" and they said that they are safe and that the studies had numerous errors and holes in them:

Other sites have said that there is no credibility in these studies as well:

Don't Reuse Plastic Water Bottles?

Can I Reuse My Water Bottle?

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Reuse of Plastic Bottles

But I'm not taking any chances because other sites have said that washing them out might make them even MORE dangerous from chemicals released going into the water. This sucks.

I'm thinking of buying this one:

I just hope I didn't do any harm to myself now, but according to the above sites, I probably didn't so I'm not sure.
secretdiamond said:
Yeah I just went off to google it I am shocked! :( I thought I was thinking about the environment when I decided to do that. I hate to hijack the thread and go off topic, but it looks like the water that you buy are the bottles that can't be reused. I just felt bad throwing them away, when I thought I could use them. :(

I went to It was the first thing that popped up on my google search for "water bottle reuse" and they said that they are safe and that the studies had numerous errors and holes in them:

Other sites have said that there is no credibility in these studies as well:

Don't Reuse Plastic Water Bottles?

Can I Reuse My Water Bottle?

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Reuse of Plastic Bottles

But I'm not taking any chances because other sites have said that washing them out might make them even MORE dangerous from chemicals released going into the water. This sucks.

I'm thinking of buying this one:

I just hope I didn't do any harm to myself now, but according to the above sites, I probably didn't so I'm not sure.

Whoa I really was the bearer of bad news....I think you will be ok. But think of it this way...with all the research you are doing you can make an informed decision....which is better off than you started.:grin:
Divine Inspiration said:
Ok, so the two are unrelated. Did the speaker mention a reference of any sort that would support his assertion?

No, and if he did I probably would not have remembered. However, google yahoo and ask jeeves may point you in the direction....if there even is a direction.