Relaxer to texturizer.... LADIES PLEASE RESPOND!!!


New Member
Hey all,
Now LHCF has always been soooo helpful to me so I know this won't be any different. I am a 4a relaxed lady with baby fine hair that I'm slowly (but surely) strengthening. I have been relaxed since I've had hair (4 years old, grandma did it while mama wasn't looking) so deciding to change is VERY daunting for me.... So in DESPERATE need of advice:

  • How can I switch from relaxing to texterized? I've been hearing good things about S-Curls texturizer b/c like the perm I use now (Mizani), its lye based.
  • Is there anything that I should do to my hair before texturizing (to prep).
  • I've heard some people say that you shouldn't texturize if ur hair is around APL.... mine is. Is anyone else out there texturizing with APL?
  • How do you manage the texturized hair... like at night and the daily conditioning
Help a sister out... I really appreciate it!!!!!!
Well you have a lot of options. You can use S curl or you can continue to use Mizani, but the mildest one and add oils and/or conditioner to it to slow down the process time.

Since you have fine hair, I would suggest staying on top of your protein treatments to make sure your hair can handle the two textures. Though the difference may not be that significant depending on whether you've been relaxing your hair bone straight or not.

I use the same prep procedures to texturize as most use to relax. Protect the already processed hair. And I add oils to the chemical before i apply it.

Daily upkeep for me waterbased leave in conditioner and I seal with coconut oil. Wash and DC once a week.
are you gonna chop? before i went back to relaxers (now i am transitioning to natural...yeah i had it all), i chopped off the relaxer and texturized the new growth so i could have a fresh start
are you gonna chop? before i went back to relaxers (now i am transitioning to natural...yeah i had it all), i chopped off the relaxer and texturized the new growth so i could have a fresh start

Hey Hoya girl... I'm a GDub girl... and no chop for me... The thing is I still wanna have my hair straight and do my normal styles, I just REALLY don't like how straight my hair gets with a perm. Though my hair is fine, and not as kinky as other, it processes sooooo slow so you sit there and u wait for it to take then u blink and its bone straight... at least thats what my hair dresser says....:look:
Since you have fine hair, I would suggest staying on top of your protein treatments to make sure your hair can handle the two textures. Though the difference may not be that significant depending on whether you've been relaxing your hair bone straight or not.

Daily upkeep for me waterbased leave in conditioner and I seal with coconut oil. Wash and DC once a week.
Do you mean the different textures between my permed and the texturized? or like now with the new growth as I'm waiting to get the texturizer? and do you wrap you hair at night (like doobie wrap)? and when you wash, do you blow dry and flat iron or do you roller set? Sorry soo many questions:drunk: and thanks for being so helpful:yep:
Come on ladies!!!! Plz respond. I can't hold out on getting a perm/texlax/texturizer much longer and I need some advice!!