Relaxer Stretching CHALLENGE!

Is It too late to join? :scratchch If not, I'm In! I usually stretch for 7 weeks so i'm going to try for 12 weeks. My last relaxer was July 25th (I'll be 5 weeks post tomorrow), so my next relaxer should be October 17th, yall gon have to pray for me, my edges and new growth get terribly kinky :cry3:, so i'ma scavenger hunt the stretchers support thread to find a way to tame those roots. Wish me luck! this is my first challenge! :yay:
How is everyone doing? I am finding it easy to stretch this time around because I found some cute wigs!:grin: I am also enjoying my new growth. The texture is really soft and wavy. I decided today that I am extending my stretch until Dec 23. That will make it 30 wks! I am so excited. I plan to keep my hair in cornrows under wigs and full sewn in weaves. My stylist told me to use braid spray to combat the shedding and breakage from braids. I just achieved APL as of 8/30 and hope to be at BSL by Dec 31. I am in the HYH challenge and will not show any progress until Dec.


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It's touch-up day!:grin: I just detangled my hair, put it in sections, then wet it with the bath faucet, because that blowout has lasted well all week.

I was actually supposed to do it yesterday, but then I decided I'll do it tonight. I am such a procrastinator because it was originally scheduled for Friday ..:nono:

Ah well, the glory of self-relaxing; no appt. necessary! :rolleyes:

Good luck to everyone, keep holding strong!:yep:
It's touch-up day!:grin: I just detangled my hair, put it in sections, then wet it with the bath faucet, because that blowout has lasted well all week.

I was actually supposed to do it yesterday, but then I decided I'll do it tonight. I am such a procrastinator because it was originally scheduled for Friday ..:nono:

Ah well, the glory of self-relaxing; no appt. necessary! :rolleyes:

Good luck to everyone, keep holding strong!:yep:

Hey Kelle,

We relaxed a day apart....we must be hair twins now. :drunk:

I wanted to wish all the ladies on this Challenge good luck. You can all do it. My 20 week stretch ended today. I wanted to relax bone straight but I texlaxed instead.

Keep trucking ladies!!!! :yep:
Hey Kelle,

We relaxed a day apart....we must be hair twins now. :drunk:

I wanted to wish all the ladies on this Challenge good luck. You can all do it. My 20 week stretch ended today. I wanted to relax bone straight but I texlaxed instead.

Keep trucking ladies!!!! :yep:

I texlaxed too! It was an accident, I always texlax, then correct with my next relaxer, but this time was more than usual. Congrats! We made it!:grin:
I will be 12 weeks post come tomorrow! I think I've got a good 1/4 inch of new growth since sew-in weave 3 weeks ago. Without a sew-in or some other protective style I couldn't have made it this far.

Protective style


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I hope it's not too late to join because I want in :)
Current Status: 4 weeks postrelaxer

-Last Stretch Time: 14 Weeks

-Original Stretch Goal: ?? Weeks

-New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 17 Weeks

-Potential Relaxer Date: November 28, 2008
I am in! I don't have a starting point since I've been natural for a while, but I know I can at least make it for 12 weeks.
I will get my virgin relaxer in October.
Current Status: 3 days post

Last Stretch Time: I have never stretched--Every 6 Weeks is generally when I relax

Original Stretch Goal: None really, I was contemplating 8 weeks but hadn't really made a decision.

New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 10 wks

Potential Relaxer Date: November 17

Stretching Advice To Share: This is just advice to myself :)--moisturize, moisturize, moisturize and w/o fail wear my satin scarf and bonnet every night!

Stretching Advice Needed: I love to wear headbands. A habit I'm trying to break but I think they would be great for stretching. Any suggestions for headbands that do not add to/cause breakage? TIA

I have a huge presentation in October and I will be stretching :blush:! For me its not what others think but its how I feel about myself. I hope I feel comfortable. My ultimate goal is maybe 12-13 weeks the next time.
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I get most of my headbands from Target. I love them and i wear them nonstop when i get around week 6-8 and the NG is too much and i can hide it w/ my headbands.

I get the fabric, stretchy ones that come in pretty colors. they get expensive..almost 8 bucks a piece but its an accessory to me because of the pretty designs and scarf-like patterns.

Find them in your accessory department near the belts and scarfs or in the haircare section.

They never give me breakage. In fact, i like how firm they are because it doubles as hiding my NG and doing a scarf method of laying down NG.
Thanks MizzBrown! Daggone it! I have been at Target 2x since Saturday. That's my store. I guess I will be there again.
Checkin In... YES I'M VERY LATE INDEED. I'm 5wks post and currently sporting a sewin. Tomorrow will be a week since i have it in and i hope to keep it in for the most 2mths. I usually stretch anywhere from 16-22wks i hope i can go 6 full mths. Last week i did a mild protein treatment and DC. I'm hoping to continue doing this for the next 51/2 mths. I hope to reach APL by Jan 09.
I will be two weeks post tomorrow and I am very happy so far. I have been washing 1x/wk and co-washing 1x/wk. Big deal for me bc I was scared to wash so often. We will see how things go as time continues. I'm hoping that things will go so well that I can possibly stretch longer than 10 weeks. We shall see.
Okay *sigh* I've decided to delurk and confirm that I will be partaking in this challenge.
I am currently 14 weeks post with the help of extensions (never gone past 13 weeks).
I will try and stretch till december. Wish me luck ladies and happy hair growing everyone.

*Goes back into lurk mode*:grin:
Checking in: I just relaxed last week Friday which was 9 weeks. I usually go 8. I wanted to wait until 12 weeks, but couldnt since I have an event coming up and wanted to relax for that.
Where's Tiffers?

I'm 18 weeks post.

2 weeks away from winning this challenge and she hasn't checked on us in a while!!
I'm still stretching at 14 weeks. Don't know if I can make to October 1... gettin real tired of this sewin.:yawn: And I'm also scared of what my hair is going to look like underneath the sewin. :nono:

Checkin' in at 20 weeks.

I beat this challenge! And since i aint takin these braids out for another 2-3 weeks means i get extra credit.

I think i'm ready to relax after that. I miss my rollersets.

Tiffers, where is my trophy?
Checkin In! Hey Everybody! :hiya: I'm currently A few days under 11 weeks post relaxer. currently sporting a full head sewn in weave as shown in the pic below (I have a better one to post once i charge up my digi cam), and itching my mind away underneath it :wallbash: My original goal was for 12 weeks, but considering that i just got this weave 2 weeks ago, i may be going longer :yay: between school and work its hard trying to keep up with the regi but im definitely moisturizing the braids and scalp with Jane Carter's revitalizing spray and using BT on the scalp between the parts. How's everyone else coming along? Happy stretching everyone!!!! I'm sure the next time i post a comment it will be after my next relaxer.


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Hey everyone, I made it to 16 weeks and I am so proud of myself. I am now 4 weeks post and I am going for a 8 month stretch but I am using braids and doing the crown and glory method. The next time I relax will be May '09. Wish me luck!
Just checking in. I'm currently 16 weeks post never thought I'd make it this far. THinking of touching up in 2 weeks or maybe not now that I've seen Sylver's fotki. Thanks Soulie and Slyver. :grin:
Wow, this is an AWESOME thread ladies! Hopefully, all will go well with my consultation Tuesday and I will be texturized and join you ladies in this challenge.

Congrats to all of you ladies b/c you are such an inspiration! When I was relaxed, I could never seem to stretch longer than 8/10 weeks. I plan on stretching my texturizers for 3-6 months with the help of braids, wigs, and weave installs.
Only 5 weeks post but doing well. Just really starting to feel the new growth and notice the line. Still very managable and know I can make 7 more weeks at minimum.