Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread


New Member
I thought there was one for everyone else. We need help too :D
I know i need soome support in stretching. I want to stretch for 6 months and i am at week12.. dear lord 3 more months to go. I am fighting the relaxing demonds... Help !!!!!!!Support Please:)
You should join the Real Texture challenge. We are stretching for 6 months. I'll bump the thread for you.
Congrats on your stretch!!! :weird:

Just stick with it and you'll get through. I just finished a 24-week stretch a few weeks ago myself, and it was pretty good. I only relaxed my hair 3 times last year!

What I do:
  • Remind myself each day that stretching is good for my hair.
  • Never give in to relaxer temptation around week 14.:naughty: :lol:
  • Liberal use of S-Curl (or any other excellent moisturizer that works with your hair)
  • Remember to keep up with protein treatments to keep the line of demarcation strong!!!! Very important.
  • Rollersetting. Period.
  • Avoid combing the new growth. I use my fingers and hands to style my hair, and just smooth the top with a comb or the side of a brush.
  • Frequent washes (at least once a week) alternating a shampoo with a conditioner wash.
  • Phony ponies are my dear friends! :love: I hardly have to style my hair at all. This greatly reduces manipulation and protects the hair. I always baggy my ends.
That's all I can think of for now, but I hope it helps. :up:
Legend said:
Remember to keep up with protein treatments to keep the line of demarcation strong!!!! Very important.

I agree. I'm currently on a 6 month stretch as well and it's very important to keep that demarcation line strong. I skipped a week of protein treatment out of pure laziness and my hair was breaking like crazy.

I'm 22 weeks post now, and I sooo have the urge to relax:D. But I know my hair will thank me in the end.
Legend said:
Congrats on your stretch!!! :weird:

  • Frequent washes (at least once a week) alternating a shampoo with a conditioner wash.
  • Phony ponies are my dear friends! :love: I hardly have to style my hair at all. This greatly reduces manipulation and protects the hair. I always baggy my ends.
That's all I can think of for now, but I hope it helps. :up:

I agree with the above. Co-washing every other day really softens the new growth and has allowed me to stretch for 4 months. And the phony ponies really do reduce manipulation.
everyone gave good advice. just wanted to add one thing, if you must comb use a big tooth comb. i was using a small tooth comb when i had a lot of ng and wondered why my hair was breaking.
Thanks for this thread, i've been struggling with breakage in the front, every time i wash it and comb it breaks so i'm wondering if it would be best to give my hair a rest by weaving or braiding for 3-6 month.
Stretching is no joke. I just finished stretching for 4mos and that was hard as hell. I think the hardest thing was wanting to wear my hair straight but never building up the courage to use heat to straighten it out. I told myself that I would never stretch that long again but since I relaxed last night and my stylist told me that whatever I am doing I need to keep on doing because its looking good I might go longer. I really would want to try 6mos but that will be during summer and I dont know how my hair will hold up in heat and working out. Good luck on stretching. It has done wonders for my hair.

I'm with you girl. I am only 10 weeks post and am trying to resist the urge to relax. My hair really needs the break from relaxers and that's how I'm getting myself through.

I wash and deep condition on Tuesday and Saturday and co-wash on Thursday and bun all the time. I have to admit bunning is getting pretty old, but I know in the end, my hair will be much happier because of it.

I only have one question, my ends seem to be really dry when applying a moisturizer to them. Does anyone think this is because of not enough protein. On Tuesday I use a moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner and on Saturday I use a protein-based shampoo and deep conditioner. On Thursday I do an ACV rinse and apply coconut milk to my hair and cover with a baggie for an hour and then use a moisturizing conditioner for 30 minutes. I let my hair air, or if I'm pressed for time, I partially dry it under a dryer and then put my hair up and baggie the ends for that smooth relaxed look.

Is there anything else that I should be doing to keep my ends more moisturized? I don't want my hair to continue to break when applying a moisturizer to the ends.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Good luck! !2-16 weeks are my max! When and IF I get married again or turn 40........whichever comes first, I will start the transition to natural and will be doing the long strech. But until then, please please please let me have my relaxer!!!
I've been doing small 10 week stretches, and it has helped my hair tremendously, but I know I will have to do some longer stretches if I ever plan to get to BSL. Stetching not only improves the hair, but it also improves your scalp's chances of not getting damaged by relaxer burns, and it saves money so it is hands-down a good thing!
I am attempting my first 6 month relaxer stretch too. After I get to the 3 month mark, I plan on getting kinky twist extensions and following the C&G method. So far, I have been doing good with my protien and moisture treatments. I just need to find a good pre-poo and leave in combo.
Great idea. We should support each other. I couldn't join the real texture challenge; I've been natural most of my adult life; I already know what my real texture looks like.
currently I am stretching to 3 months since 12 weeks is best for my hair..however this time I may go for 14 weeks... Since I used ORS relaxer(no-lye) it leaves my hair more moisturized than any other no lye I have ever used... which will allow me to stretch longer.
sareca said:
Great idea. We should support each other. I couldn't join the real texture challenge; I've been natural most of my adult life; I already know what my real texture looks like.
ITA, i was natural for 25 years, relaxed for three years, i remember my texture very well and appreciated it.
I am at week 10 and Sta-Soft-Fro (Brown Bottle) and Detangler are my friend. Also, I co wash almost everyday and wear a bun. If I am going to a special occasion, I do a braid out.
Ladies, I'm really struggling already. I'm not a regular stretcher and I honestly dont think I'll last until June 20th. I'm going to try. I usually rollerset my hair and flat iron my roots and wrap but as soon as I get a little moisture to it. It's Puff City. I mean its amazing what shrinkage does. I'm not going to give up yet though. I wanna see what lies beneath.
I think for me this will be hard because i am trying to do it without weave. I was the weave queen and now i am trying to get my hair healthy with out it. plus, it took out my temples of my hair. I am just rollersetting, but now i am getting a little addicted to the hair sticks... it is quite easy in the morning. I may hit up a bun now because i dont think the roller set looks good anymore
I'm 6 weeks post and I was torn from getting a touch up or a rollerset today to stretch to 8 (my next appt.) and I decided on a whim yesterday to buy same wet & wavy hair for semi-micros I'm getting done tomorrow. I plan on stretching to 18 to 20 weeks. I'm so happy because it means my hair will rest, no combing and no stress, I can moisturize it and rinse my scalp in the shower daily and just go! :woot:The last time I had micros and stretched over 6 months my hair grew and retained length beautifully.
baglady215 said:
You should join the Real Texture challenge. We are stretching for 6 months. I'll bump the thread for you.

I was just about to say that ... yea I could use some support...the NG is coming in really thick in the back....thanks for starting this thread.

I'm currently on a 6 month stretch challenge. Braids are my saviour during this time. I'm following the C&G Method.
cluelessaka said:
Ladies, I'm really struggling already. I'm not a regular stretcher and I honestly dont think I'll last until June 20th. I'm going to try. I usually rollerset my hair and flat iron my roots and wrap but as soon as I get a little moisture to it. It's Puff City. I mean its amazing what shrinkage does. I'm not going to give up yet though. I wanna see what lies beneath.

Dont give in believe me there were days when i wanted to get the scissors out and just chop it off because I thought I was losing too much hair to detangling and it was looking a hot mess...haha! But to my surprise my hair is a lot thicker and its grown. There is light on the other side of the tunnel. Just pray to the Hair Gods to get you there.
6 and a half months and counting, trying to go to August or September. I'm so glad I'm doing this for my hair. The first few months were rough because my hair was very fragile because of the two textures. I was using protein treatments once a week to stop the breakage. Forget scissors, I was ready to take some clippers to my head because I was so frustrated.

But now I'm on a good stride. Lately, I've found that I can get away with just co washes and grease. Sometimes I forget to do stuff (haven't deep conditioned in a while), but overall I think my hair is doing good.

Next week, I'm going to put some braids in and hopefully that will hold me over until the beginning of May, then I may get a weave.
Oh, I forgot to say I'm 4 months post and headed for 6 months. When I get there I'll decided whether or not to go for 8. I'm doing back-to-back C&G w/ no breaks so it's been a breeze so far.
PrincessDi--A clarifying shampoo every month or so helps me when my ends start to feel dry and aren't absorbing my usual moisturizers well.
I would like to add myself to this group. I am currently only 7 weeks post but I am going for a 9 month stretch because of my pregnancy. This is my second child and with my first I discovered I respond to relaxers very violently ( chem burns so bad that the skin is white afterwards). So this time I am taking the precaution to skip the relaxers all together until the baby is born. Right now is not so bad. I don't trully notice the differences until about 4 months ( not that it is not nappy, just it doesn't bother me). So this is going to be a mjaor stretch for me.