relaxer stretchers support thread 2010

hi guys :hiya2: I'm fairly new (joined sept of last year) and I plan on stretching for 3 months which is a first for me since I usually go about 8 weeks:grin:, I would love some help and support but the length of the current thread is a bit intimidating.

So I decided it would be great to start a new relaxer stretchers support thread so that all those who are new to stretching can get some ideas and support without feeling the need to read through all those pages:think: :look:

so big hug to all--->:bighug:and let's try to fight the urge of relaxing too soon together!!:chocbunny: (lol)
This is right on time! :yep: I'm four weeks post and I'm hoping to do my next touch up in June at 24 weeks! I'm going to need prayer! :D

Oh and welcome to the forum OP! :welcome:
I will be 11 weeks post on Thursday (I think) and so far it hasn't been bad at all. Last week I did blow dry my hair and that helped trememdously with the roots. Afterwards I used my caruso steam curls so I did not feel bad about the heat used at all.

Thinking about self-relaxing, but it scares me.
I don't think stretching will be a problem for me. I never was regular on getting touch ups. I stay busy and ususally put it off for when I find time (in the meantime, I find creative ways to keep from looking too crazy. Working from home helps. So, I'm right at 4 weeks post relaxer. NG is feeling crazy already but as long as my edges lay down after being in a scarf all night, I'm good. Planning to self relax when it's time. *Gulp*
Right now i'm only 19 days post. I want to do a 6 month stretch, even though the longest I used to go was about 8 weeks.
My last relaxer was November 6, 2009, tomorrow will make 10 weeks post. I plan to stretch for 5-6 months then relax in April or May:)
I'm stretching my relaxer too.
I'm 4 weeks post, going for 12 weeks. I want to stretch longer, but my last relaxer was a little underprocessed. I usually leave some texture to my hair, but this is too much.
So I'm going to shorten the stretch this time around to make it easier for the stylist to correct the underprocessed bits.

I actually think that this stretch will be easy...12 weeks isn't long at all.

And OT, but Ms. Feliz your mom has gorgeous hair!
What's her regimen?
I'm in...currently on a 30 week stretch, and I'm 22 weeks post so far. My reggie is pretty simple:

Shampoo & DC Weekly, Co-wash 1-2x a week and air dry in direct heat, no wigs, extension etc..
Last relaxer 12-23-09 will not relax until mid-end of March 10'.

I'll be relaxing at the end of march too, I can't wait to see my progress!

This is right on time! :yep: I'm four weeks post and I'm hoping to do my next touch up in June at 24 weeks! I'm going to need prayer! :D

Oh and welcome to the forum OP! :welcome:

thanks! LHCF is my new addiction you gals (and guys) are AWSOME :yep:

I will be 11 weeks post on Thursday (I think) and so far it hasn't been bad at all. Last week I did blow dry my hair and that helped trememdously with the roots. Afterwards I used my caruso steam curls so I did not feel bad about the heat used at all.

Thinking about self-relaxing, but it scares me.

I hope my stretch goes as smoothly as yours. I'm sure if you ask the ladies here that have self relaxed before the will be more than glad to help you out. There's also a few threads about self-relaxing floating around so you can definitely check those out........good luck :peace:

Right now i'm only 19 days post. I want to do a 6 month stretch, even though the longest I used to go was about 8 weeks.

I hope to do a stretch that long too but I'm not ready yet...... baby steps at a time :yep:
Last relaxer: Dec. 19th, 2010
Next relaxer: April 17th, 2010....approximately 17weeks (4 months)

*sigh*...I think imma need all the help I can get. Today I am officially 4 weeks in...and my ng is startin' up with me already...:wallbash:
hi ladies! I'm 26 weeks post stretching til 30 weeks... i can see the light at the end of the tunnel lol. it's been pretty intense but i've learned a lot about my hair this being my first real stretch...
Last relaxer was on 11/21/2009, Next relaxer will be on 04/03/2010. I normally stretch for 11wks, but I had a setback after dying my hair. Deep condish for 2hrs or more keeps my ng soft and minimize tangles. :grin:
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I'm stretching for 6 months or more. I'm currently 15 weeks post. I'm currently in the process of putting in yarn braids.
Hi newbie:grin: I completed a 40 week stretch on 12/25, so I'm ready to go again! I'm doing the wig thing, with a flat ironing coming in March, then back under wraps until June.

Happy Hair Growing:yep:
Last time, I stretched for 12 weeks. It was easy. Weekly washes/weekly D/C and weekly roller sets made it simple! This time I'm going for 16 weeks. My last relaxer was December 16th. My next one will be around April 7th.
I have a question for you ladies though...what are you using to keep your new growth moisturized? I've been using S-Curl and Vatika Oil, which works perfectly well, but I don't want to use jherri curl juice in my hair anymore. I'm not averse to it just because it's jherri curl juice, but I just don't want my hair to become dependent upon glycerin.
Plus the smell of Vatika Oil and S Curl is horrific. :look:
Chaosbutterfly, Do you have Trader Joe's Nourish spa conditioner? Mixed with water; it's a great leave in/moisturizer. :yep:

I used that exact same combo once, s curl and vatika. It was very greasy. I really like s curl as a product in the summer, but I hate the smell and consistency and I hate how hard it is to apply.

As for keeping my NG moisturized, instead of looking so hard for that miracle moisturizer, I've started to really make my deep conditioning more intense, like I apply a lot of conditioner and coconut oil to my new growth and use heat to get it moisturized. Since I was had dry parched ng after washing my hair and drying it, I figured I should re-evaluate my DC products/technique. What do you use to deep condition?

I've stretched for 13 weeks so far,(I think) I haven't checked the calendar; it could be 14.
I'm stretching this long because I'm broke, I really want to relax, but I'm kind of torn about what to do. I want to start buying my own relaxer and taking it to the salon, but I'm lost as how to choose a relaxer.
I'm frustrated.
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Im currently 20 weeks post. This is my longest stretch EVER IN LIFE!!! Im going to try to stretch for 24 weeks but I have an event comming up so I might cave in at 22 weeks. I wear full wigs with cornrows underneath and pre-poo, wash and DC weekly. Next stretch I want to go longer!
I'm in... Im currently 15 weeks post, trying to go for 6 months. I have been wearing extension braids for the past week or so... helping me with my stretch.. I make sure i keep my hair moisturized and I wear my hair in PS and covered at night.
Chaosbutterfly, Do you have Trader Joe's Nourish spa conditioner? Mixed with water; it's a great leave in/moisturizer. :yep:

I used that exact same combo once, s curl and vatika. It was very greasy. I really like s curl as a product in the summer, but I hate the smell and consistency and I hate how hard it is to apply.

As for keeping my NG moisturized, instead of looking so hard for that miracle moisturizer, I've started to really make my deep conditioning more intense, like I apply a lot of conditioner and coconut oil to my new growth and use heat to get it moisturized. Since I was had dry parched ng after washing my hair and drying it, I figured I should re-evaluate my DC products/technique. What do you use to deep condition?

I've stretched for 13 weeks so far,(I think) I haven't checked the calendar; it could be 14.
I'm stretching this long because I'm broke, I really want to relax, but I'm kind of torn about what to do. I want to start buying my own relaxer and taking it to the salon, but I'm lost as how to choose a relaxer.
I'm frustrated.

Nooo...I don't have it. Thanks for the rec! I'm a PJ in recovery, so I can't use it right away, but I'll definitely keep it in mind when the detox process is over. :lol:

And don't want to use what I was using. I very recently realized that not every conditioner is a deep conditioner. Before, I was mixing up the rinse outs that I wanted to use up, adding oil, adding honey, and using it for a long amount of time. Of course, my hair was always dry because duh..that's not a deep conditioner. I've only recently started using a real DC (Nexxus Humectress) and I've seen such a difference in my hair. I'm really looking forward to this stretch now. :grin:

What relaxer have you used in the past?
^^^ here's the thing, I don't know. :hide:
I used to just go to overlapping dominicans until recently...but for my last one, I used Affirm mild, it was good, but one side came out under-processed, I don't think it was because the relaxer was too mild, but maybe because I had a bunch of gunk in my hair; either that or one side of my hair is a different texture than the other...
I want to try Mizani, but their relaxer is expensive right?
My last relaxer- Motions Dec.18th. I would like to stretch for 6mos. or as long as I can. Last time I stretched for 10mos with no problem, so I'll see. I am planning to switch to MBB. I havent decided if I will self relax or not. I would be very proud if I pulled off the self relaxing. My hair is very fine and thin, so the longer I can stretch the better.
^^^ here's the thing, I don't know. :hide:
I used to just go to overlapping dominicans until recently...but for my last one, I used Affirm mild, it was good, but one side came out under-processed, I don't think it was because the relaxer was too mild, but maybe because I had a bunch of gunk in my hair; either that or one side of my hair is a different texture than the other...
I want to try Mizani, but their relaxer is expensive right?

Well, no matter now, I guess.
Mizani Butter Blends? Just the relaxer isn't so expensive. I think it's like $20-ish for a big tub. So not so bad.
But I think if you want to use the whole system, like the neutralizing poo and the conditioner, then it'll be much more. But I don't use Mizani, so don't quote me on it. I just remember looking it up when I was considering it for my last relaxer. Hopefully, one of the other ladies who use it can give more insight.

And sorry about the underprocessing...that's such an important tip to remember, like to make sure that your newgrowth is clean enough to process fully. But then, it's so hard, because it gets all dry and, how do you just put nothing on your new growth for a week? :perplexed
Hey!! I'm new on the board too... I haven't had a relaxer since 12/15; and it was after a year of having sew in extensions; I'm not trying to stretch but I have been wrapping my hair every night for the first time in my life which has made my relaxer last longer... my question is, why is it so good for your hair to go a long time without a relaxer??? I have had many people tell me that not keeping your hair one texture can cause breakage, is that just a myth???
Hey!! I'm new on the board too... I haven't had a relaxer since 12/15; and it was after a year of having sew in extensions; I'm not trying to stretch but I have been wrapping my hair every night for the first time in my life which has made my relaxer last longer... my question is, why is it so good for your hair to go a long time without a relaxer??? I have had many people tell me that not keeping your hair one texture can cause breakage, is that just a myth???

Hi! Welcome to the board! :wave:

In a nutshell, it's good to stretch your relaxer because it gives your hair a break from the harsh chemicals in the relaxer. These chemicals essentially break down and destroy the protein bonds in the hair, which is what makes it straight. Unfortunately, with the protein bonds goes strength and resiliency, which is why for many people with relaxed hair, breakage and thinning of the hair can become an issue. By waiting longer in between relaxers, your hair has a chance to rest and regain its strength before undergoing the process again, thus decreasing the likelihood that your hair will break or thin out from using relaxer.

And no, it's not really a myth. When you get new growth, the place where the new growth connects with the relaxed hair is known as the line of demarcation, and it tends to be a weak spot in the hair, just because of the disparate textures. Breakage can occur at the line of demarcation if it isn't given enough moisture AND protein to maintain its integrity. Breakage there can also happen (and I think this is the most common reason) if the hair is simply handled improperly. That is, if it's being brushed or combed too much or too hard, if it's being washed too roughly, or if undue stress (like from ponytails or buns) is being placed on it. Most people incorrectly assume that not relaxing will make you lose your hair because they don't know how to properly handle their two textures, so they get lots of breakage. But the truth is that if they knew what they were doing, they would be just fine. As with most things, stretching takes some technique and a good plan. With some knowledge, patience, and the proper technique and products for your hair, stretching should not be a traumatic experience, nor should you end up with less hair than you started with.

With stretches, you want to start out slowly and then increase the weeks as needed. Meaning, I don't recommend that you start out stretching for 6 months. If you've never gone past 4-6 weeks, then start out trying for 10. If 10 goes okay, then try for 14. If 14 goes well, try for 16, and so on and so forth until you find a timeframe that works for you. Some ladies stretch for 6 months often, some don't go past 12 weeks. Everyone's hair is different, so don't feel pressured to leap into something that you don't think you can handle.

IMO, stretching relaxers is one of the best ways to keep relaxed hair thick, healthy, and happy. There are quite a few threads on it, including the original
Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread here:
and the
Long Term Stretcher's Challenge here:

Both of those threads are full of really good information...they are lengthy and it can seem overwhelming to read them, but I think they'll be helpful to you.

Phew, sorry about the novel. :rofl:
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Hi! Welcome to the board! :wave:

In a nutshell, it's good to stretch your relaxer because it gives your hair a break from the harsh chemicals in the relaxer. These chemicals essentially break down and destroy the protein bonds in the hair, which is what makes it straight. Unfortunately, with the protein bonds goes strength and resiliency, which is why for many people with relaxed hair, breakage and thinning of the hair can become an issue. By waiting longer in between relaxers, your hair has a chance to rest and regain its strength before undergoing the process again, thus decreasing the likelihood that your hair will break or thin out from using relaxer.

And no, it's not really a myth. When you get new growth, the place where the new growth connects with the relaxed hair is known as the line of demarcation, and it tends to be a weak spot in the hair, just because of the disparate textures. Breakage can occur at the line of demarcation if it isn't given enough moisture AND protein to maintain its integrity. Breakage there can also happen (and I think this is the most common reason) if the hair is simply handled improperly. That is, if it's being brushed or combed too much or too hard, if it's being washed too roughly, or if undue stress (like from ponytails or buns) is being placed on it. Most people incorrectly assume that not relaxing will make you lose your hair because they don't know how to properly handle their two textures, so they get lots of breakage. But the truth is that if they knew what they were doing, they would be just fine. As with most things, stretching takes some technique and a good plan. With some knowledge, patience, and the proper technique and products for your hair, stretching should not be a traumatic experience, nor should you end up with less hair than you started with.

With stretches, you want to start out slowly and then increase the weeks as needed. Meaning, I don't recommend that you start out stretching for 6 months. If you've never gone past 4-6 weeks, then start out trying for 10. If 10 goes okay, then try for 14. If 14 goes well, try for 16, and so on and so forth until you find a timeframe that works for you. Some ladies stretch for 6 months often, some don't go past 12 weeks. Everyone's hair is different, so don't feel pressured to leap into something that you don't think you can handle.

IMO, stretching relaxers is one of the best ways to keep relaxed hair thick, healthy, and happy. There are quite a few threads on it, including the original
Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread here:
and the
Long Term Stretcher's Challenge here:

Both of those threads are full of really good information...they are lengthy and it can seem overwhelming to read them, but I think they'll be helpful to you.

Phew, sorry about the novel. :rofl:

wow!! thanks that was a really in depth answer & it pretty much covered all the questions i had, thanks again, i appreciate it :grin:
Well, no matter now, I guess.
Mizani Butter Blends? Just the relaxer isn't so expensive. I think it's like $20-ish for a big tub. So not so bad.
But I think if you want to use the whole system, like the neutralizing poo and the conditioner, then it'll be much more. But I don't use Mizani, so don't quote me on it. I just remember looking it up when I was considering it for my last relaxer. Hopefully, one of the other ladies who use it can give more insight.

And sorry about the underprocessing...that's such an important tip to remember, like to make sure that your newgrowth is clean enough to process fully. But then, it's so hard, because it gets all dry and, how do you just put nothing on your new growth for a week? :perplexed

LOL exactly @ the bolded!!!!
I really didn't know how to stretch properly either, just a bad situation altogether.

I should read the threads on Mizani butter blends. what do you use?