Relaxer Related Questions


Well-Known Member
How do you do a corrective relaxer? do you ultimately just relax the whole head again or just the underprocessed parts only.

also... when doing a strand test, do you cut a bit of hair off or do you try out the relaxer on one patch of hair instead... i was thinking of doing my texturiser strand test on a patch of hair but my hair will be wet before I texturise the rest of my head.. and you aint suppose to wet your hair before a treatment, right?


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I'm not sure I understand your question, but I think you're asking how do you relax your hair. Is that right?

If you've never relaxed your own hair, you really might want to consider having someone experienced help you, or at least there while you do it.

Are you relaxing new growth or virgin hair? What conditioning treatments have you done prior to the relaxer? In what condition is your hair?

You don't indicate whst products you plan to use. What are going to use to protect your scalp, ears, and hairline? Are you using a kit that has all of the required products or did you get them all - relaxer, basing cream/petroleum jelly, neutralizing shampoo, conditioner?

None of these really answer your questions, but you should be very careful self-relaxing if you've never done it before. It can be dangerous.

Perhaps you can do that strand test - a small portion of your own hair - like one square inch - prepare it, relax it (put in the cream, smooth with your fingers), watch the timing very carefully, rinse it, wash it with the neutralizing shampoo very well until all traces of relaxer are gone as indicated by the color change, rinse super well, and condition. You are correct that the hair must be dried before you relax the rest - maybe you can do that in a couple of days.

I'm sure others will chime in with help - just be careful.