relaxer information needed


New Member
Can you do a Mizani relaxer on top of a Affirm? Is it ok to flip flop like that? I went to get an relaxer and I always use Affirm I think they were out of that and she put a Mizani on instead.I did not notice it until I went to pay the cashier and it said on my paper work Mizani touchup and It did burn quicker then usual. I though it was because I had been scratching. I go to jcpennys to get my touchups and it says in my file that I use Affirm she didn't say anything about the change and my head still burns and stings in spots. What should I do? and can I go back to Affirm or am I stuck with the Mizani?
Vev is right. You can go back to the Affirm relaxer with no problem. It should be ok.
Go back to Affirm and make sure that the next time you go they know that they applied the wrong relaxer, in fact I'd call them and tell them now & ask if you can get a discount on your next service.
That's a good idea about the discount. But I really like my stylist and she was telling me that they were cutting hours and letting people go just because. I don't want her got fired or anything like that, I think i'll let her know when I go back. thanks for the quick response but , what about the stinging that I am still having at this moment is there something I can put on it without messing up my style?

I sometimes get stinging around the hairline after a relaxer, because of sentive scalp I guess. Last time, I used Healthier Hair In A Bottle around my hairline, and there was no irritation of any kind.

Is there an open wound where you are experiencing the stinging?

Ballet Bun ...
Go back to Affirm and make sure that the next time you go they know that they applied the wrong relaxer, in fact I'd call them and tell them now & ask if you can get a discount on your next service.

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The morning of my touch-up I found myself scratching the top of my head, by accident! Sure enough, I felt stinging in that spot by the time I got home. I put aloe vera gel on that spot on my scalp and it took the sting out. My scalp feels fine now and no irritation. Maybe you can try that and see how it works for you.