Relaxer/Henna Same Day


Ladies, I am wondering if it is ok to apply my relaxer and then immediately apply henna? I'm thinking it's okay, but don't want to make a mistake. Thanks for your help.
Well Ms. Angie B.
I wouldn't do it ! I'm gonna relax mine in a few minutes condition, wear a bun for a couple days. Shampoo and deep condition and get it french braided. Then in two more weeks put my 1st Cassia (henna) in. You don't want to shock your hair:nono: try not to do too much to it at once

There are a number of ladies here (Softresses is the first to come to mind, aside from myself) who have relaxed and immediately followed with a henna treatment. The results have been very good. Unfortunately we don't have the journal feature anymore but searching posts by Softresses and henna should yield quite a bit of information on this topic.