Relaxer Help! (Motions?)


New Member
I have a store stopped carrying my Revlon Realistic lye (in regular).

I have searched this entire city, and the only lye relaxer I can find is Motions.

I spent the last hour reading on the board about Motions, and I'm really concerned/confused about using it.

Does anyone use Motions and have GOOD results? Anyone want to share a not so good result?

What strengths/types did you like/dislike?

My mom is looking in my hometown for my Revlon, but I need to relax by this weekend, and if she can't find it in the next few days I'll have to either use Motions, or a no-lye relaxer.

Please help, any advice/suggestions/opinions will be very helpful.
i've used motions kids before in normal strength. before the hair dresser had enough time to apply it to my whole head it started burning. after she was done i couldnt have left it in for more than 5 burned too much. but it did a good job of straightening my hair even though it was only on for a little bit of time. it doesnt take long for motions to take.
I've used Motiions and it does NOTHING for my hair. It's like I haven't had a relaxer at all.
Reginia, which version did you use? And what's your hair type, if you don't mind sharing.

The more I read, the less I know what I'm going to do.
I really hope my mom is able to find my Revlon to send to me.
Do you have any "Hair Stores" you can go to that sell relaxers, like a Sally's? Could you go on line and order anything? What about going to a beauty shop or a beauty school?

I don't like Motions myself either, although it worked fine on my 3c hair(for give me I don't know how else to explain) it did nothing of my type 4 hair. However I don't know what type you are, if you are a type 3 you will probably do ok. Yet I still think using it would be better then using a No-Lye once only to go right back to a Lye your next service.
Poetess232 said:
Reginia, which version did you use? And what's your hair type, if you don't mind sharing.

The more I read, the less I know what I'm going to do.
I really hope my mom is able to find my Revlon to send to me.

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I am a 4. The latter of the pics in my Surge collection is after a relaxer. I have used the medium and super and still nothing. This last time I even let it sit an hour and still... NOTHING. I wish I could find a decent relaxer.

My mom is the one that relaxes my hair. She either uses Elasta QP Mild or Motions Mild. She relaxed my hair today with Motions Mild and my hair turns out great after using it. I've never had any problems with using Motions. Since my hair is fine/color-treated, I left it in for about 9-10 minutes like it says on the container. I think as long as you follow the directions for the relaxer and make sure you do not irritate your scalp prior to relaxing, everything should turn out fine. Hope that helps!
Wildflower said:
I hate motions relaxer. it burns my sensitive scalp like crazy.

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Did u scratch your head prior to applying the relaxer? Did u use a base before applying? This can happen with any relaxer if u do irritate the scalp or do not apply a base like vaseline before relaxing!
Reginia said:
I've used Motiions and it does NOTHING for my hair. It's like I haven't had a relaxer at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

what is the texture of your hair...fine, medium, or coarse? and how long did u leave it in your hair???
Do you have any "Hair Stores" you can go to that sell relaxers, like a Sally's? Could you go on line and order anything? What about going to a beauty shop or a beauty school?

[/ QUOTE ]


Thanks for your answer. I'm unsure of my hair type, but I'm pretty sure the crown area is 4a, and the rest is 3b/c.

Sally's is the place that I can find Motions. That's the only lye relaxer that they sell. The place that used to carry my Revlon stopped carrying it. I've been all over town, and I couldn't find anything other than no-lye.

I need to relax by the end of the week, and I'm going to be moving, so I don't want to chance ordering something off the net. I can order something for the next relaxer, but I'm stuck on what to do for this one.

Thanks, Reginia for answering my question.

Thanks, Poohbear for your opinion on Motions.

Any more opinions on Motions? :\
I use Motions Oil lye relaxer (regular strength) to do my texturizers. I've had no problems with it. I always make sure I base my scalp thoroughly (with the melting protectant - can't remember the name of it, but it is orange)before applying it, so I don't have buring.
I have been using Motions Oil Moistorizer relaxer for a year now. I works really well on my hair. Always have good results and hardly ever burns. I think it works even better when you follow it up with their products.
Someone recently told me that motions has calcium hydroxide in it, although it is sodium hydroxide based... if thet would bother you make sure to read the ingredients very carefully. I'm not sure if it's true.
I used Motions oil in mild for my normal to coarse 4a hair. I left it on a little longer than recommended but it was like a texturizer!I had no burning though and my hair came out very shiny
I've used Motions for years and have had no problems. Reginia, you actually let a relaxer sit on your hair for an hour and nothing happened?
Thank you all for taking the time to respond

My scalp has never burned (and I've never based) so I'm not too worried about burns.

I can deal with underprocessed, too. As long as this won't make my hair fall out, I think I'll try it *sigh*

My mom is going to let me know when she gets home if she managed to find my usual relaxer back home or not, but if she can't, I'll probably try the Motions w/Oil. *sigh*