Relaxer Didn't Take


New Member
Relaxer Didn\'t Take

Hi everyone and Happy Holidays! I have not posted in a while and I am in need of some advice again, if you don't mind. I relaxed my hair 4 weeks ago with Motions Oil Moisturizer in mild and it didn't take! This is my second time giving Motion's relaxer a chance and both times it looked as if I didn't apply a relaxer at all. HELP, PLEASE! I was thinking of trying the Motions relaxer again, but not the oil one, (the one without oil). Maybe the one I used didn't take because the oil in it cut down on the processing? I don't know. All I know is I need advice from you girls. Oh, I almost forget if I do purchase another Motions hair relaxer, minus the oil, how long should I wait to put it in? Like I said it's been 4 weeks since my last one. I have applied a relaxer 4 weeks apart before, back in the day when I was a teen, and nothing ever happened. But I just want to be on the safe side. I usually relax every 6-8 weeks. But I am hating my hair right now and I have to do SOMETHING! Thanks in advance girls. Happy hair growing!
Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take

Hi Babychoc,

If you can wait another 2 weeks then please do so. Are you doing the relaxers yourself or is someone helping you? Have someone who knows how to do relaxers help you with it next time if you don't want to go to a salon.

If you try a relaxer and it doesn't come out right, I feally feel that the best course of action is to seek a pro. Maybe you need a stronger relaxer than the mild. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take


I think between the relaxers you should really wait and see a substantial amount of new growth before doing it again. Once bitten, twice shy, third time please have someone assist you who is good in applying relaxers or go to a professional and get your hair relaxed the next time. You may not be able to see damage, but it could be there.

Also up your conditioning and try to deep condition every 4 weeks with a good protein conditioner like Motions CPR or Aphogee. With the Aphogee please follow up with a moisturising conditioner and make sure you rinse ALL the hair thoroughly, making sure all the protein conditioner is out.

It's also very important to keep you hair very moisturised between relaxer touch ups.
Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take

BabyChoc, thas the same dodo that happend to me, i say you go to a professional, thats what imma do come Monday and get it rerelaxed, i couldn't be the one to tell you how soon however..
PS happy holidays to you as well
Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take

BC, I think you need to go to a professional to have your next relaxer done. Ask around and interview some stylists until you find one that you are comfortable with. You might have better results using another brand. Until you go however, you should wait a while (at least a few weeks) and deep condition your hair to get it in the best shape possible.
Maybe \"Lye\" Relaxers Aren\'t For Me.

Thanks girls for replying. I have been doing my own relaxers and hair at home for the past couple of years. I just like doing it myself, it turns out better for me when I do it, plus I hate the LONG hours in the shops! I have NEVER had a relaxer to do this in my life. I use to use Optimum no lye relaxer (super) and I ALWAYS got wonderful results. So why did I switch? I kept hearing how lye relaxers were much better for your hair than no lye. So I decided to give Motions lye relaxer a try. Well, I'm starting to think that maybe I should have just stuck with the no lye, since I didn't have any problems with it ever. I do take very good care of my hair, with deep conditioning, moisturizing washing once or twice a week with roller sets only and no curling irons or blowdryers! So I believe my hair is in good shape. I think that maybe I might try to strech my next relaxer until 2 weeks from now. That will be week 6. It's killing my though girls, my hair keeps saying "Help me, relax me, do SOMETHING." Just kidding, o.k no I'm not. I will try to hold off and I will continue with my usual regimen. If you girls can think of anything else, let me know. Thanks for your help.
Re: Maybe \"Lye\" Relaxers Aren\'t For Me.


Since you used to use Optimum relaxer in Super before, maybe the Motion Oil mild was too mild? Maybe you should have gone with Motions Oil in Regular. Why don't you give that a try before going back to no-lyes?
Re: Maybe \"Lye\" Relaxers Aren\'t For Me.

I think Pebbles may be right. It sounds to me as if your problem has more to do with the strength of the relaxer than with its being a lye formula. You used a mild formula on both occasions when you had problems. I can understand that, since a mild relaxer is a complete waste of time on my hair, too. On the other hand, you say you've been using super strength relaxers for years without any problems. Maybe next time you can try the Motions in a Regular formula and see how things work? If you do, be sure to leave it on long enough for it to do its job properly (without exceeding the recommended time limit). Or maybe you could even try the Motions in your usual Super formula, so long as you are absolutely sure that your hair is unusually resistant to relaxing.

I must confess, though, I wouldn't relax my own hair; however, it's a very personal decision which each woman has to make for herself. Whatever you decide to do, however, I think it would be best to wait out the time until you relax again. In your shoes, I'd wait my usual 6-8 weeks before I put any more chemicals on my hair.
Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Maybe the one I used didn't take because the oil in it cut down on the processing?

[/ QUOTE ]

I just noticed this bit of your post. I've been wondering about the oil in the Motions Oil Moisturizer Relaxer, too. Some time ago, I asked my hairdresser to use that on my hair, but I have stopped because my hair started looking so underprocessed. After each relaxer I would feel and see lots of waves in my newly relaxed hair, especially in the areas that had been more recently touched up. The older, pre-Motions hair looked much better. I couldn't understand it. I started wondering whether the oil could be interfering with the relaxing process, too, since my hair, while not exceptionally resistant, isn't the easiest to relax, either. Anyhow, last week I used Creme of Nature Regular (lye) and I got the best results I've had in ages. I think I will be sticking with Creme of Nature. However, if I had to use Motions again, I'd try the oil-free formula.
Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take

Hey Serena, thanks for replying. Guess what? I know I shouldn't have done this but it's too late to go back now. Yesterday I applied another Motions relaxer to my hair, but this time in regular formula (minus the oil). My hair turned out GREAT! I knew that it was probably that oil in the last relaxer which cut down on the strength. I had never had any problems with any other relaxers in my life. I too had the wavy look in my new growth last month after applying the Motions relaxer with oil. Now I know that was the problem. I didn't want to switch back to the no lye so I gave Motions another try. Three strikes and you're out, but I guess the third time worked for me! And I am SOOOOO happy now. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take

I'm glad the switch to the regular strength oil-free Motions worked out for you. I guess we've just got to individually find what works for our own hair! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Motions CPR or Aphogee

Londondiva, are these 2 conditioners effective in preventing hair breakage? My hair is weak in the back due to overprocessing with Bodiphier (used heat), and Wella Midway demi-permanent color, and now when I lightly pull my hair in the back I get a couple of strands on my fingers.

Also I noticed you also used Bodiphier--what was your experience? I got frustrated because my ends remained frizzy, while the front of my hair got pretty straight...

Re: Relaxer Didn\'t Take

Hey y'all. What the heck is lye? I thought it was bad since all the perms I've ever had said no lye. I was like thank God it has no lye.

I use Optimum relaxers, too. I get my hair relaxed about every 4 to 5 weeks. If I go any longer than that I can't put a comb through it! I never thought anything was wrong with that until I saw the replies to her that she should wait couple more weeks.

Is there something I'm missing here? I know almost nothing about hair. My mom still does my hair, and I'm 23. I only wash it.