Relaxer and Hair Oiling Question


New Member
I've read posts on relaxers where you relax as soon as you get new growth, my dilemma is i have new growth in the back of my hair, which is really thick and hard to comb whereas in the front of my hair the new growth can be combed and managed the front is hardly ever a problem but the longer i wait the thicker and harder it is to comb the back of my hair, should i relax my hair according to the back of my hair or wait till the front is ready?

I'm just not sure if waiting for the front is putting the back of my hair in jeopardy of breaking.

Another question i've heard that oiling your scalp clogs the pores on your scalp and can make hair grower slower, i normally oil my scalp right after i wash it because i have extremely dry scalp and i want to keep the flakes down until i wash my hair at the end of the week. Is there any truth to this statement? i remember going to school and my teacher would say that putting too much gel in your hair would clog your pores and prevent hair growth, she wouldn't allow girls in her class with hair that was geled down she had this whole theory that with all that gel in your head you couldn't learn anything so it made no sense to come to class lol.
I think it is a matter of what works best for you. I oil my scalp after a relaxer and sometimes after I wash depending on how my scalp is feeling. The trick is to find a natural oil that is light enough to match the oils that your scalp makes naturally.

Jojoba comes really close. I also swear by Extra Virgin Olive oil, both are really light and absorb well. I think those who tend to have oily scalps have to be more careful about putting oil on them. But, no matter what, its all a matter of what YOUR hair and scalp need than it is about a set of general guidelines.

Also, I always use a little oil when I give myself my weekly scalp massage. It cuts back on friction and the massage stimulates the scalp any way so that there is little chance of clogging. Also, if you wash your hair fairly often, I would think you would be less prone to build up wich would definitely clog your pores.

As for your teacher, maybe she just had something personal against gel in general. That is definitely the funniest thing I have heard in a while.
I used to use always castor oil, but i'm using DAX which my hairdresser advised me on. I only wash my hair once per week because its hard to handle if washed more than that...But i need advice on my relaxer question lol
Have you tried rollersetting the hair and then fingercombing it out once it is dry? Rollersetting helps to straighten out the roots of your hair and might make the new growth more manageable.

Now where is our rollersetting queen Sweetcocoa? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
My sister has this problem. She has much longer and thicker hair than mine. What she does is she relaxes the new growth in the back when needed and leaves the front alone until it needs it. It sounds weird but it works really well for her. She relaxes based on new growth and not based on how much time has passed. So where she would relax the front of her hair say every 8 weeks, the back of her hair has to be relaxed every six or so depending on how much new growth she has. She says washing it 3 times a week has helped her control the matting in the back so that she can stretch out the relaxers when she just doesn't feel like doing them.

You say that your hair is difficult to control if you wash it to often, are you doing a deep conditioning with every wash and a hot oil treatment before hand? Those two things make your hair extremely docile. I look forward to washing my hair because of the soft feeling they have when I am done.
She is a trip though. She keeps a journal of everything. Her diet, her excercise, her hair and her clothing purchases. She has a little notebook for each thing with a nice neat label on it. I have never seen someone so organized.
GiGi: lol i used to use rollers but i couldnt sleep with them in my hair, maybe i'll try it again.

notsombody: Thats sounds like a plan i was thinking about doing that but i had my doubts for me i usually relax based on time that has passed which might be a reason for my continuous breakage, It doesnt sound weird it actually makes a lot of sense. About shampooing my hair i use a cholesterol conditioner one of those creamy types that you leave on for 2-3 minutes then rinse out thats as deep as my conditioning goes but it helps a lot tho suprisingly my hair doesnt look as great just shampooed as it does when it hasnt been washed. My hair is thin and after a wash or even a perm its pretty docile but its soo flimsy i cant do much with it. I dont do a hot oil treatment often, just once in a blue moon lol@ ure sister /images/graemlins/crazy.gif i used to keep a journal for diet excercise and the stuff i bought lmao, but then i couldnt keep up.

Thank you both for your advice i'll try out your suggestions and see how everything goes
Grrl, I would have a headache a bottle of Tylenol couldn't stop if I slept in mine. When I rollerset, I wash, condition, set, then sit under a soft hair bonnet until dry. After my hair cools, I take out the rollers and massage a little oil on the hair and sleep with a satin bonnet over it. The curls aren't as tight the next day, more like waves.
LOL GiGi i think that would work best for me lol not only are they hard to sleep in but i sleep so badly that when i wake up i have none in my hair lol, when i sit under the bonnet i normally just do a wrap but i'll try it with the rollerset