Relaxed today, so it's time for a progress thread! (pics)


Well-Known Member
I feel like my hair is growing so sllllllllllooooowwwwly!

But oh well, it remains healthy. This relaxer cycle I will be relying on roller sets more often. :)

Thanks for all the support ladies!

Today (sorry the pic is dark)

Last relaxer: Dec 19, 06

And the previous comparisons:

And JUST FOR kicks, the front pic and my fur baby. :)

BTW, she trimmed me even on Dec 19th, so my hair had about 1' cut off one side. The pic on 12/19 stops just above 6 on the shirt.

Today she just relaxed no trim. My hair is at it's old tricks of growing faster on the left side than the right :(. But we decided to leave it uneven for now since I plan to wear roller sets for this relaxer cycle.

12/19- Hair just above #6 line
2/23- Hair just above line #8 with some just under line #6.

Each line is ~1 inch apart
Your hair looks healthy! Great Job...

My hair does the same thing (Grows Uneven). My right side grows at a faster pace than my left side....I even it out in Jun 06 and I'm not doing it again no time soon (until I reach my hair goal). I just wear rollersets!
great progress! just be careful with your ends, when they are not healthy they can damage the rest of your hair by splitting up. Happy hair growing !
thicknlong said:
great progress! just be careful with your ends, when they are not healthy they can damage the rest of your hair by splitting up. Happy hair growing !

Thanks. My ends are very healthy. Just uneven, not split. My stylist commented on how healthy they are today.
That's yo hair Famu? You know thats a weave!:lachen: J/K
You know I'm messing witcha. Your hair looks good chica and its not growing slow at all. You know the saying a watched pot never boils. :)
Girl, bye!! Your hair looks great, so thick and soft looking. You are making great progress. Whats the use of long thin hair. Just keep doing what you are doing.
firecracker said:
That's yo hair Famu? You know thats a weave!:lachen: J/K
You know I'm messing witcha. Your hair looks good chica and its not growing slow at all. You know the saying a watched pot never boils. :)

Thanks lady! You're right, a watched pot will never boil.
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I said it b4 and I'll say it again, U have great growth girl, atleast 1/2 in. a month which is great and it looks like the left side grows even fast maybe 7/8 of an inch. a month, I think it's great since you just cut it upto 5 on the shirt and now you're at 7-8 on the shirt. Your progress is amazing! Congrats and keep it growwing girl! :D
thicknlong said:
great progress! just be careful with your ends, when they are not healthy they can damage the rest of your hair by splitting up. Happy hair growing !

Is this true???
Yay, I love progress pics!:yay:

Your hair is looking really good, and your rollersets are so pretty! What kind of doggie is that, a Jack Russell terrier? He's adorable!:)
BeautifulWideEyes said:
I said it b4 and I'll say it again, U have great growth girl, atleast 1/2 in. a month which is great and it looks like the left side grows even fast maybe 7/8 of an inch. a month, I think it's great since you just cut it upto 5 on the shirt and now you're at 7-8 on the shirt. Your progress is amazing! Congrats and keep it growwing girl! :D

Girl, I'm sure you're right. I guess it doesn't seem like it since I feel like I'm STILL shoulder length. I guess I'm more like collar bone length now, but still chasing APL! I must say that I'm happy that my hair has remained healthy although I don't have hair down to my bra like I think I should at this point. Now that I've come to realize what works for me (simplicity), I will keep that up and let me hair tell me what it needs me to do. So, if that's trim than so be it. At this point I refuse to have long unhealthy looking hair. :lol:
preciousjewel76 said:
Yay, I love progress pics!:yay:

Your hair is looking really good, and your rollersets are so pretty! What kind of doggie is that, a Jack Russell terrier? He's adorable!:)

Thanks! Yes, he's a Jack Russell terrier. That's my baby Tony Montana :D
Girl it's growing!
Keep doing what you're doing!!! I should read through the thread to see if this question was answered, LOL

How long did you stretch for?

And keep doing your roller sets, coz they look good!!
seraphinelle said:
Girl it's growing!
Keep doing what you're doing!!! I should read through the thread to see if this question was answered, LOL

How long did you stretch for?

And keep doing your roller sets, coz they look good!!

Thanks for all the compliments ladies!

To answer your question seraphinelle, this time I only stretched for about 9.5 weeks, but usually go between 9-12 weeks. I just let my hair tell me when it's time. I don't stretch just for the sake of stretching per say. The longest I've stretched was 7 months (tried to transition). That didn't work out well for me and I ended up having to get a deep trim after that 7 month strech. Unfortunately super stretching doesn't work on my head.
Mizani_Mrs said:
very nice progress! Ur such a pretty lady with pretty skin and a pretty complexion. U gon girl!!!!

You and your hair are beautiful. :)
Your little partner there is a cutie too!

Thanks :). All of you are so sweet and supportive! I love being a part of the LHCF Sisterhood!
FAMUDva said:
Thanks for all the compliments ladies!

To answer your question seraphinelle, this time I only stretched for about 9.5 weeks, but usually go between 9-12 weeks. I just let my hair tell me when it's time. I don't stretch just for the sake of stretching per say. The longest I've stretched was 7 months (tried to transition). That didn't work out well for me and I ended up having to get a deep trim after that 7 month strech. Unfortunately super stretching doesn't work on my head.

OH ok thanks!
Well keep doing what you're doing!!
And that hair ain't hardly 'only shoulder length' :lol:

If only I could make it that far, FOR REAL!!