Relaxed today, so it's time for a progress thread! (pics)

FamU, i dont think ure hair grows slowly at all!!! :) Everytime u post pics it is significantly longer!

Way to go, girl!!!! :D
:) Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures...great progress!!!!

You & your hair are looking great....& lets not forget your doggie aaaahhhhhh:) :)
Thank you ladies :)

I guess it's difficult for me to gauge it because it always looks the same length to me. I have yet o meet one of those milestone lengths. I do however think that I should be at APL fully with the next relaxer in April/May. That is of course barring any set backs. I will make sure to take care of my tresses so that I don't have any set backs.
seraphinelle said:
And that hair ain't hardly 'only shoulder length' :lol:

:lol: I guess I call it SL because I dont' know what else to call it. It's not quite APL (about 1in away) so I just keep saying APL. ON the plus side I'm able to pull my hair from the back and touch my collar bone with it. Actually it is about an inch and a half past my collar bone when I do that. :)
Um girl, your hair does not grow slowly at all! You made wonderful progress in 9 weeks!!! You and your are beautiful!! The doggy is gorgeous too!