Relaxed/texlaxed ladies & baggying


New Member
This has been on my mind for a bit, but are there relaxed ladies here who baggy their hair?, or ladies who haven't had success with it?

When I do a full head baggy, I moisturise -AO WC con lately-, then I put my hair in a ponytail, and cover it with either a plastic bag or shower cap.

I usually wake up with tangles at the demarcation line, and my hair doesn't feel like butter when fully dried.

Are there specific techniques to doing it?
How much product are you using? I tried baggying the way I saw it done on YouTube. It was a big mess for me. So I just wet my ends, apply alil moisturizer and even less oil, then put it in a bun and cover just the bun. Can't get away with full head baggies. Somehow I get reversion. Crazy right

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I tried bagging once, and I was left with limp, weakened hair that would break with minimal manipulation. That was the first and last time I tried that. I have thick, dense hair, but that much moisture just about killed my haircare journey before I even got started.

If baggying is not working for you then please by all means stop. I would hate for you to cause more damage then good. Each head of hair is different. Do what makes your hair feel and look good.
When I was relaxed/texlaxed I use to baggie 90% of the time, but only my ends. I would cover the bag with a basic silk scarf to wear in public. I went from NL/SL to BSL in 18 mos doing this method. You just have to keep up your moisture and protein levels.
bump. I used a lot of product when baggying.
I just looked at baggying as an easy way to up the moisture of my hair.

I would have thought more relaxed heads baggy.. Is it more suited for naturals?
I'm relaxed and baggy my ends nightly. By morning, my ends are moisturized but not damp, wet or oily.

I moisturize and seal on occasion (only when needed). Twirl my hair in a loose bun, place plastic cap or sandwich bag (whichever I have on hand) over bun, tie my hair up and call it a night.
I usually will baggy my ends the day before my wash day. I add a pinch of leave in seal with oil, pull my hair back into one roller and cover with a shower cap. The next day, I bun my hair until I am ready to wash it.
If you feel it is doing more harm then good then I wouldnt continue. I tried it and for some reason I was left with a liquid like substance. My first instinct was that it was sweat but obviously my ponytail cant sweat so I did not make that a part of my regimen. I was a little grossed out.
I've only baggied my whole head a couple of times. I usually just put my hair in a loose bun or ponytail and put the baggy on that. I don't put on anything special, just my usual leave-ins (ORS Carrot Oil, NTM, and a little castor oil on the ends only).

Sometimes I put a roller on the ends of my ponytail before I baggy for smoother ends in the morning. I found that tip from a member's fotki. If I can find it, I'll post it here.
I'm relaxed and baggy my ends nightly. By morning, my ends are moisturized but not damp, wet or oily.

I moisturize and seal on occasion (only when needed). Twirl my hair in a loose bun, place plastic cap or sandwich bag (whichever I have on hand) over bun, tie my hair up and call it a night.

To further elaborate on my experiences -- and I participated in the baggy challenge at one point in time....

Whole Head - your hair will likely be wet by morning. The key to reducing the dampness is poking holes in the bag. Even still, your hair will be somewhat moist in my experience. The less product applied the less damp the hair will be. The baggy magnifies the product so use minimal product.

Ends - I moisturize as normal and seal if needed. Apply baggy. Hair is never damp by morning and I don't poke holes in the baggy. This has worked wonders for my ends. They are nicely moisturized with this method. They do not get overmoisturized. I bun daily so this helps to keep my ends in check.
I need to go back to baggying the ends.

A few hours before bed every now and then was good. I couldn't do overnight baggying either, it gave me itchy scalp.
I am relaxed and use wigs as my PS since I stretch for 6 months. I mostly baggy in the cool/cold months.
I moisturize my hair, braid into 8-10 plaits, seal the ends with coconut or castor oil and tuck them in then cover with a shower cap and tie my scarf. I sometimes baggy under my wigs (out of laziness).
I am thinking of going back to this because my retention now isn't as good as when I baggied. I use S-Curl or some other kind of 'juice'.
Baggying neither worked nor was convenient for me. The bag on my head would make me hot since it was trapping my body heat causing me to sweat and giving me overly wet hair. I had much more success when I got off the baggy method bandwagon.

If it's not working for you, don't sweat it.
I baggy with scurl. I use scurl on my new growth (long term stretcher) and ends. I have no problems with tangling or breakage at line of demarcation.
The only time I have tangles is when my the pH is raised in my hair. Some products raise the pH of your hair leaving the cuticles open and more prone to tangles. Try an acidifying conditioner such as roux porosity control or aloe Vera juice as a leave in.

I just started back on my baggying 6as of last week and I havent had any problems. I just add a tad of moisturizer and I seal with a little oil. Remember less is more, and also I dont do it daily, 3-4x/wk.....thats it.
I baggyied because I got sick of oil staining my pillow cases. I still do it when I stay at a hotel or at someone's house. Wearing a plastic cap is the only way I can ensure I don't ruin the pillow cases. I also like the idea of a zero friction environment for my hair at night. Even better than satin scarf or pillow case.
I don't add product. My hair usually retains moisture well anyway. So I do my usual light spritz and seal, then put on a cap. The room has to be cool or my head will sweat. But I like the idea someone mentioned of poking holes in the top of the bag. I'm gonna try that.
Anyway, yeah I'm relaxed and can baggy as long as I don't add extra product and keep the room cool at night.
I tried to baggy my whole head a few times and woke up with damp hair that was a mess. I don't think that's for me. But i've been slowing trimming off my thin ends, and have started baggying just the ends/bun hoping to retain more that way. I probs do it at least 3x a week, but I'll try to be more consistent in the future.

Maybe I'll baggy tonight to help soften up my newgrowth for tomorrow.

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I baggied my ends only last night with a roller so my ends are nice and smooth this morning.

I think i'll try to baggy my whole head tonight.

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I'm rockin' a full head baggy and about to go to bed.

Since I've decided to relax on Sunday, this is the beginning of preparing my hair for the relaxer. My newgrowth needs to be extra soft and moisturized so I can part it.

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