Relaxed/texlaxed ladies & baggying

I haven't baggied in awhile. If I do it overnight my hair will be damp. So I may baggy while watching tv or something, then seal and go to bed in a scarf.

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Still haven't gotten into baggying consistently. Sad thing is, my hair loves it.

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I baggy for about an hour or two at a time and it works great for me. I don't like baggying overnight because it's too much moisture and my head gets too hot. Daily baggying is really keeping my hair on point.

I also find that if I baggy before my hair gets dry, it works great. If my hair is already dried out, baggying doesn't work. I have to wash my hair and start my m&s over.
I baggying my ends only. I used to baggy my whole head but it caused moisture overload. I really like to baggy my ends when my hair is straight.
My relaxed hair seems to like it. I've been baggying every night with product. My hair is moisturized and I seem to experience less shedding.
I was consistent with baggying when I was relaxed and my hair always came out so soft. The key is to not drench your hair, and don't baggy wet/damp hair. You only want to use a little bit of moisturizer and a little bit of oil. The baggy will handle the rest.

Ponytail baggying was the most successful for me. Sometimes I'd roll my ponytail on a roller and put the baggy over that. In the morning, I'd have a super soft, smooth and slightly bumped ponytail.
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I don't baggy as much after learning from my Komaza analysis it wasn't a healthy move for my hair. I don't struggle with dryness nearly as much since re-incorporating sulfate shampoo in my regi to remove buildup.
I used to baggy my whole head but I got moisture overload. Im still trying to restore my protein moisture balance.

I have my split ends in check so thats a good thing. I dont wanna cause any more problems so I stopped doing it.
I baggied my hair when it was natural and I too got moisture overload. I will probably try it on my ends now if my hair got really dry.