Which is more damaging ?

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Which do you think is more damaging??? Getting a relaxer every few months or pressing (flat iron or straightening comb) every 1-2wks??
I'm no expert on this subject (I wish I was), I've just BC and turned natural.
I would say relaxing, you can try and protect your hair every time you press with products, and if done correctly heat can be your friend. But there is nothing to protect your hair when you want to relax as the purpose is to break down your hair to make it straight.

Another thing to consider is even when relaxed loads of people still like to press there hair once a week anyway.
Was natural/press and curl up until 6 years ago.

When I started relaxing I used to relax every 4-6 weeks BAD! For me.
That was very short lived and went back to natural/press and curl

Now about 2 -3 years ago I went back to relaxing and I relax every 12-18 weeks or 4x a year that is all and my hair is doing well with this. I just did a six month my hair did not like it, now that I seen why my hair did not like the 6 month I will attempt 2x a year in 2010.

I used to walk to school with a friend of mine every day and my friend would use a hot comb on the stove every single day =( I would tell her no, no, no I stopped walking with her b/c we would be late to school =(. Since she done this every day IMHO she was damaging her hair at that time.

When I had my press and curls done I would do them every 2 weeks.
I think it depends...there are many women on this board who relax every few months and their hair is long and thick. Then on the other hand there are women who press their hair every 2 weeks like pinkskates and, well, nuff said. So I think either way you can have long and healthy hair, it just would depend on how you take care of your hair after getting the relaxer (and the relaxing technique), and how you take care of your hair after the press (also the pressing technique).

Sorry if the answer is a bit vague, but this is really dependent on the person's hair and technique!
I think it depends...there are many women on this board who relax every few months and their hair is long and thick. Then on the other hand there are women who press their hair every 2 weeks like pinkskates and, well, nuff said. So I think either way you can have long and healthy hair, it just would depend on how you take care of your hair after getting the relaxer (and the relaxing technique), and how you take care of your hair after the press (also the pressing technique).

Sorry if the answer is a bit vague, but this is really dependent on the person's hair and technique!

You know what... I totally agree :) It just depends of the person and how she takes care of her hair afterwards...:yep:
IMO one can be just as damaging as the other. Almost too much of anything can be harmful to your hair. For either action you have to have balance (actually for anything in your body or on your hair)
I look at it this way: a relaxer permanently damages your hair straight & pressing temporarily (in theory) damages your hair straight.

I think they're both pretty damaging and have the potential to cause major problems. But, if you are skilled at one or the other and are able to keep your hair as healthy as possible, then just choose the one that fits best with your lifestyle. Personally, relaxing just seems like there's too much maintenance for me.
They both can be equally damaging. It depends on how straight you want it, what texture you are, what technique is used and how you take care of it.

Detangling gone wrong and a hot blow dryer can be just as or even more damaging to strands than a relaxer.
It be great to have opinions from people who have done both recently. I used to press my hair when I was younger, I did it for about 2 or 3 years. It was just fine but I didn't like it because I still had to detangle my hair and fight againt knots on wash day. At the same time, altough my hair was doing fine, my texture changed from frequent pressings. I can't call that damage since my hair was still very "healthy", although I don't like to use this word when it comes to hair. Dead cells can't be healthy :) Well, relaxers gave more manageability, so wash days became easier. Although I'd been a very bad girl with my relaxed hair, I've never had any major problems, no damage, nothing to talk about...

If you are trying to decide which way to go, make sure to consider opinions of people who have been through both, and eventually try to skip those advices coming from people who are mainly concerned about some hidden ideological philosophy:rolleyes: It's only hair, enjoy it the way you want:yep:
How long does pressed hair last? and does it change back after a hot shower for example?

When I was a pressed natural my pressed hair could stay straight for a month...and this was while I played sports in high school.

Obviously, when you wash your hair it's not straight anymore. The problem is, it's possible to incur permanent heat damage which ranges from your texture being looser to having completely straight pieces that won't revert.
It definitely depends on the person but all of the research I have read says that a relaxer causes more damage at one time and that it would take lots of heat damage over time to do the some amount of damage that a relaxer does.
I voted for both...but I think heat every 1-2 weeks would be worse than getting a chemical 3-4times a year and BARELY use heat. That's one reason I decided to relax again, rather than be a straight natural. :ohwell:

I do believe you can have HEALTHY HAIR with BOTH though!!! :grin:
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Judging from my personal experience, my hair was in a much healthier state when I kept natural and used pressing as a means of straightening. However, I didn't have my hair pressed out on a regular basis. Relaxing has proven to be very damaging to my hair.
Oops :blush: I accidently clicked "pressing" because I thought it was *Which is the healthier choice* sorry! I think RELAXING is more damaging because it's a harsh chemical and it's permanent. Pressing on the other hand uses only heat and is not permanent. It's all about being responsible. I know people who press their hair regularly and have healthier hair than people who have never used heat. It's all about knowing your hair and having the right heat protectant and not abusing the heat :yep: