Relaxed ladies: is co-washing a good thing?


Hi ladies ,

I'm looking for some help and guidance. As I have relaxed hair I wanted to know if co-washing/wash 'n' go/wet bunning etc is a help or hinderance to relaxed hair. Do you have to deep condition after a co-wash?

How do you relaxed ladies who co-wash style your hair (do you airdry, wet bun or blowdry/flat iron?) And do you co-wash in the morning or evenings?

Also does wet bunning mean bunning the hair after co washing or after saturating dry hair with a moisturising spray? (I've read a few of Tiffers posts and think she and her hair are both lovely).

I would like to start co-washing in the mornings in the shower and then just tie my hair back to dry throughout the day but don't know how to go about doing this, especially as I live in cold England. What would be the best conditioners/leave-ins/moisturisers to use when I do this or is this really not a good thing to do?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm really not sure what to do. I'm just trying to figure out the best practices to do for my hair to thrive :nono:.

I co-wash in the afternoons because my boss rather I have dry hair. I airdry, I NEVER wash and go or wet bun, let it air dry in braids, moisturize when its dry and cover with my silk scarf. I use Lacio Lacio after my co-washes and then moisturize with NTM silk touch and seal with coconut oil and a little shea butter.
Yes I have relaxed hair and I cowash... cowashing for me adds moisture to my hair instead of taking it away like shampoos do. I don't cowash all the time, I shampoo wash once every 2 weeks and cowash 2ce a week. In my case, I ALWAYS DC after cowashing but if I do decide to add one more cowash to my week, I might try not DC'ing this 3rd cowash and see how my hair feels.

I airdry by wetbunning for the 1st 30 minutes and leaving my hair down for the rest of the time. I cowash in the evenings... Wet-bunning for me is after washing, DC'ing and applying my leave in conditioner.

Hi ladies ,

I'm looking for some help and guidance. As I have relaxed hair I wanted to know if co-washing/wash 'n' go/wet bunning etc is a help or hinderance to relaxed hair. Do you have to deep condition after a co-wash?

How do you relaxed ladies who co-wash style your hair (do you airdry, wet bun or blowdry/flat iron?) And do you co-wash in the morning or evenings?

Also does wet bunning mean bunning the hair after co washing or after saturating dry hair with a moisturising spray? (I've read a few of Tiffers posts and think she and her hair are both lovely).

I would like to start co-washing in the mornings in the shower and then just tie my hair back to dry throughout the day but don't know how to go about doing this, especially as I live in cold England. What would be the best conditioners/leave-ins/moisturisers to use when I do this or is this really not a good thing to do?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm really not sure what to do. I'm just trying to figure out the best practices to do for my hair to thrive :nono:.

I co-wash as well, I'm actually in the spring/summer co wash challenge....I don't wet bun. I air dry in plats (braid out), roller sets or wash n' go or I'll do a bun after I dry.

depending on the look I'm going for I use a few different conditioners (Garnier Fructis Wonder Waves, VO5 Moisture Milks, Suave Humectant) to co wash and yes I DC and use a leave in (usually a bit of Kera Care Humecto or Suave Humectant, Hawaiian Silky 14-1 or GF leave-in) as well as seal with oil after my hair is dry.

Co washing has really helped during this stretch it helps to keep my hair and my new growth moisturized and makes detangling so much easier.
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yes ma'm. I co-wash after i leave the gym or humidity got to my hair.... co-washing for me lays my new growth down & keeps it soft as well as my hair
I condition wash twice a week and i airdry helps me retain moisture Love it.
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Cowashing helps me stretch my relaxers. It lays down the new growth and keeps it soft and moisturized. Right now I cowash 3x/wk and I do it in the evenings. I always dc after a cowash. Beginning next month I will add 2 more cowashes and will do those in the morning. I will not dc after these two just because I don't see the need to dc 5x/wk and I won't have that kind of time in the morning.

I have a ton of cowash conditioners. I have Patene Nature Fusion, TJ Nourish Spa, Suave, V05, Herbal Essence, Nutrine Garlic, JASON Biotin, Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancing, Shikai, Hairveda's Moist PRO. I may have forgotten some but my cowash staple is Hairveda's Moist Condition 24/7.

I airdry in a bun always. This is done at home so the bun as a chance to dry overnight. In terms of wet bunning I have left the house with my hair soak and wet in a bun. I've also done wet bunning on dry hair by just using a spray moisturizer.

I put my leave in (Giovanni Direct), moisturizer (Hairveda's Whipped Baggy Cream), and seal (Hairveda's Cocasta & Shikakai Oil) all on wet hair prior to putting it in a bun. This makes my hair soft vs. oily. Wet bunning on dry hair I spray on the moisturizer (Hairveda's Hydrosoft Spritz--I'm looking for something different for this now. Her new formula or maybe Oyin's Juices & Berries) then seal.

I don't co wash....Is too much work imo.(sorry am lazy) I get relaxed every 12 weeks and i blow out my new growth so i have no need to keep my new growth soft...

I wash and Dc and do all the things my hair needs once a week!
Hey there, I recently started co washing, like you my hair is relax. I cowash on mondays in the evening, for the moment all i use is Suave. I basically use the conditioner the same way i would a shampoo. Wash it out, add Kids Organics Detangler/leave in and seal jojoba oil. I let air dry (i have never done a wash and go or wet bun so i can not comment on that).
When my hair is dry it is SOOOOO soft and managable. I am almost 5 weeks post.
On Fridays I shampoo and DC.
Hope this helps.
Yeah...I like to CW occasionally if I can wash with shampoo the next day....reason being is that even though I rinse the conditioner well from my scalp, I find that it irritates me, and is very itchy......but if I want to give my hair a little more moisture I will c/w the day in between and then wash again, one helps my hair retain moisture as well!
I workout in the mornings before work, so I cowash in the shower and either do a wash n go or smooth it all into a ponytail. I can't cowash every day because my hair can't take that much moisture. So I do it a couple times a week and just alternate between a protein condish and a moisture condish. :yep:

For leave ins - I use V05 conditioner as a leave in most times, or another moisturizing conditioner or HE LTR leave in. Usually seal with oil (castor, EVCO or jojoba) and as it dries, tame the frizzies with shea. :yep:

I come to work with a wet head :lol: But it's usually (mostly) dry by 1030ish. My boss doesn't care too much, as long as I'm not drippin water everywhere, or as long as we don't have a meeting that morning and whatnot.

HTH. :)
Im relaxed and cowash. I was doing it before LHCF and didn't know it was a term for it. I found it made my hair soft and it was easier to do with less time in the shower. Due to the fact I was in the dessert heat and air, it make my hair feel clean. I still do it cause I feel it keep my hair moisturize and its also a habit. Then I just put it in a wet bun and go on about my day. Of course I put my leave in conditioner in and seal.
(When I was relaxed) I co-washed just about every day. I would airdry in braids or flat twists (for a braidout/twist out) a wrap, or in a bun (if I cowashed in the mornings). I cowashed then squeeze excess water out then apply leave in and seal...make a loose bun at the nape with a hair pin or stick. Or I would make like Im about to do a ponytail and make one single braid then pin it up. While it was wet, I would put my scarf on and take it off atfter about 20 mins or so (time of my commute to school or wherever I was going) and it would be damp and smooth.

I DCd when I needed...but I made sure to do it on shampoo days which was about once a week.

I usually would cowash at night that way, I would set my hair and it will be done in the mornings.

I used Pantene, Asience, and Sunsilk conditioners for cowashing. I would seal with grapeseed, jojoba, or coconut oil.

When I was transitioning and it was cold weather...I would just cowash at night..again, my hair would be done and it wouldnt be wet throughout the day.

I initially cowashed frequently because where I lived was hot and humid..but I found it helped me stretch and maintain moisture.

eta: I would stretch 6-7 months at a time..
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For me No.

Too much manipulation. I keep my hair moisturized well enough so co washing isn't really necessary. Maybe 1 a week ...if even that.
Co-washing is a good thing for me especially since I work out. Prior to my HJ, I didn't co-wash and was an avid gym-goer and my hair dried out and broke off(every relaxer cycle I had a tremendous amount of breakage but it was weird my hair was not short). Co-washing has improved my hair texture and quality since I have been actively doing it everyday or every other day follwed by a deep conditioner(15-30 minutes). I now shampoo less and co-wash more.
Co-washing does not work for me.

Besides I have never really had a need for it because the rest of my regimen and products I use are enough to get my hair moist and NG soft.

I don't think co-washing is bad, but everyone has to find what works for THEM.
I'm relaxed with fine but dense strands..and I co-wash 2-3 times a week...and I dc once a week.

My hair can't get enough it helps me stretch my relaxers...

I have yet to have a problem..been doing it for 8 months..I feel it has attributed to my growth.

I co-wash with Aubrey Organics..I can't do cheap hair no likey!
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I only co-wash when I`m 6+ weeks post to keep my new growth soft and my hair manageable. Too much co-washing can make your hair weak and limp causing thin ends (I know from experience)
I only co-wash when I`m 6+ weeks post to keep my new growth soft and my hair manageable. Too much co-washing can make your hair weak and limp causing thin ends (I know from experience)

See this is what concerns me about co-washing but I guess I'll have to wait and see how my hair responds. I wonder if you could just spray your ends with moisturizer and do nightly scalp massages to get the same positive results that co-washing gives without the extra manipulation that comes with wetting the whole head?

You would think your ends could never get too much moisture but on the other hand, I agree with this line of thinking. Knowing the delicate nature of the ends of the hair, is keeping them wet so much really a good thing? I guess theres were balancing the protein comes in to keep them strong as well.
I used to cowash daily last year and loved it. I never had any problems with ends that some ladies are talking about. In fact, I haven't had a trim in over a year. Now that I'm further in my hair journey, I'm pretty hair lazy. I cowash literally whenever I feel like it. I did it twice this week. Sometimes I DC with it, sometimes I don't. Depends if I'm shampooing that week or not. Most times I airdry and wet bun or do a Wash n go. I do it in the evening usually. I call wet bunning when you bun hair after u just wet with water in some way.

My fav products for cowashing - Garnier or Herbal Essences condish, HE LTR (leave-in/moisturizer) and Castor oil/Some kind of serum (just a tad to make it airdry soft). HTH
I'm a relaxed 4b and I co-wash 2-3x a week. My hair thrives on moisture. I currently use Garnier length and strength, but I have some HE I will probably try tonight. I don't DC after co-washing. I just gently towel blot, moisturize/seal my ends, apply neutrogena silk touch leave in, and use the scarf method to airdry my hair hanging out. When I'm ready for bed, my hair is usually pretty dry. I then bun it up and go to bed.