Relaxed Ladies - I need help ASAP!!


New Member
I conditioned my hair this morning, so can I still get a relaxer today??

Will my scalp be more susceptible to irritation now?

What can I do to protect my hair and scalp b4 the relaxer?

Your help is much needed and appreciated, so thank you!!
You conditioned you hair as in you washed your hair and then put conditioner in it ? Or did you just stick conditioner in it .

If it is the first one then relaxing your hair may not be the best thing to do. Your scalp would be a hot mess.

Have you never gotten a relaxer before ? Are you doing this yourself ?
You base your scalp and put conditioner/vaseline/any protective product on the ends of your hair before the relaxer.
The answer is no. Don't do it. Wait about a week. Since you've already conditioned your hair, you're fine. You could lightly base your scalp with grease but be careful to not get too much in your hair, which could backfire on the effectiveness of the relaxer.

Patience! :)