Relaxed ladies - HOW do you stretch trims?


Active Member

I've been wondering how you manage to stretch for months and months (over 4 months) without a trim if you are relaxed. I did a search on trims and have seen many posts on how long people manage to go without a trim but not much on HOW you manage to do it.

I would like to go the rest of the year without trimming my hair please tell how you do it.

I would like to know:

1. How often do you wash/condition?
2. How do you wear your hair daily?
3. Whats the longest you have managed to stretch?
4. Did you have to cut off all your bad hair/damaged ends FIRST before you could begin to stretch trims?
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Cathy Howse is a major proponent of not trimming the hair. Her theory is that if you moisturize your hair, do not brush your hair, wash and deep condition frequently this will minimize split ends and you won't need to cut as often. She also feels that split ends have nothing to do with hair growth. I am trying to go for as long as I can without trimming the ends. I will do this by:

1. Washing and Deep Conditioning 2 times/week (Wednesday & Sunday)
2. Do not Brush the hair (Cathy believes this causes breakage & I agree)
3. Moisturizing frequently and maintaining a protien/moisture balance
4. Cover hair at night with satin scarf & use satin pillowcase
5. No blow dryers or curling irons
6. Usually wear my hair in protective styles likes braids or phony ponytails (This is not something that Cathy promotes, but I have found that it works for me)

1. How often do you wash/condition? 2 times per week with a deep condition
2. How do you wear your hair daily? Usually protective styles, no curling irons or blow dryers
3. Whats the longest you have managed to stretch? I just started, I got a trim in February so my ends still look really good.
4. Did you have to cut off all your bad hair/damaged ends FIRST before you could begin to stretch trims? I cut them in February, my hair is still very even and I don't have any split ends.

Another thing, I am looking into finding another hair dresser so that I can start out with my rule that they can not touch my ends, use excessive heat, harmful styling products, etc. I think my current hair dresser will give me a hard time about this so I am finding a new one that will do what I ask her to do to my hair.

I hope this helps.
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