Relaxed heads: What do you use to FIGHT humidity?


Well-Known Member
I use Argan Oil, but it does not work at all. How do you make sure your hair doesnt frizz up/react to the humidity?
I put it in a bun! :)

When I want to wear my hair down, I set my hair the night before with 2 bantu knots. Before knotting, I slather on carrot oil and NTM. I also dab a little EVCO on my ends.

The next day, my hair stays moist and frizz free. :yep:

My hair is coarse and naturally dry, so this method works for me.

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I'm really starting to like the organix flat iron spray and the serum. I have a keratin treatment but I used it on my daughters hair that don't have a keratin treatment. The results were good.

My stylist us the mizani humidity pray and serum. I think its thermasmooth. Now that's some good expensive stuff

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