Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I'm 10 weeks post. Last time I went 15 weeks. I think I will go 15 weeks again, because then I can really see my length.

I like seeing the length results. I'm BSL, Mizani Lye Texlaxed, 4a/b (mostly 4b).

I feel the newgrowth now at 10 weeks...but even though I'm tempted to relax, I want to wait because of the health and length factor. The longer I wait the healthier it seems to be for my hair and the more length I usually retain. Mid-back length is my next goal.

That will leave me with 4 Texlaxes per year for 2012. I prefer 3...decisions, decisions.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

i'm still on week five, heading on to week 6. i am stretching to gain a little more thickness and i am not going for bone straight anymore, so i am going to switch from Mizani Regular to Butter Blends. i'm not trying to texlax, but i just want a little more texture for strength and body.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

i'm still on week five, heading on to week 6. i am stretching to gain a little more thickness and i am not going for bone straight anymore, so i am going to switch from Mizani Regular to Butter Blends. i'm not trying to texlax, but i just want a little more texture for strength and body.

shortdub78 I use Butter Blends and still get a bone straight relaxer. If you want texture, you will still have to be careful with this relaxer.
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Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I'm 4 months post and doing a T-up tomorrow. Trying the Linage Lye Relaxer for the first time so im excited to see results.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

7 weeks post...transitioning to natural with my fingers crossed
18 wks post. Not sure what I'm doing. If I relax ill stretch for a few more wks, at least my hair will get a chance to thicken up some.

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Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I don't know when I'm going to relax but I'm about 8 weeks or so right now. I typically go 10-12 weeks. I will see how it goes, maybe I will try to go longer than that depending on the condition of my hair.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

6.5 weeks today and 5.5 more weeks to go before texlaxing again. If I get it braided, I will go a little longer. I haven't decided what I'll do just yet.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I am 8 wks post now. 4 more wks to go until relaxer time!
21 weeks post. I bought my relaxer (Motions Oil Moisturiser regular, lye) over a month to self relax for Christmas but it's still sitting on my shelf...

My hair is surprisingly still quite manageable with little breakage even though I've been using more heat than usual blowdrying and flat ironing once a week...or should I say fortnight.

I'm going through a lazy phase with washing my hair which is so unlike me. Just been exhausted with work and the kids and I condition so well when I do wash that it's staying soft for longer.

I planned to relax this week but been scratching scalp so I'll just wait a little longer...maybe a few weeks even. After my 9 month pregnancy stretch in 2010 this feels like no big deal! I'm enjoying big hair.

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Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

5 days post! I'll relax again sometime in April or May.
Just wondering how the ladies who use mizani butter blends is fairing with their hair? Is that a lye relaxer? I was thinking of switching. I have been using phyto but it may be causing dryness or maybe it's the other products I use. Just seeing what my options are out there.
Right now Iam about 8 weeks post... Iam going to relax at 10 weeks with Affirm. Then my next stretch I will try to go to 12 weeks. Not bad, I used to relax every 4 weeks like clockwork :(
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Just wondering how the ladies who use mizani butter blends is fairing with their hair? Is that a lye relaxer? I was thinking of switching. I have been using phyto but it may be causing dryness or maybe it's the other products I use. Just seeing what my options are out there.

I bought and used a 4lb tub of Mizani Butter Blend lye and mild relaxer. It was really great for my hair, very gentle in fact and I highly recommend it. I now use Affirm Creme Relaxer (also lye and mild).

I do not ever use no-lye relaxers anymore because of the extensive damage they did to my hair. The calcium deposits left my hair brittle, dull and dry.

I only switched to Affirm because I can find it a lot easier than the Mizani right now(meaning it's always in stock here and Mizani wasn't). I really did love the Mizani BB a lot though. I don't like my hair straight so I always get mild and use it half of the recommended relaxer time or add oils and grease to it to cut the strength down even more.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

8.5 weeks post and 7.5 more eto go. I was going to texlax at 12 weeks post but changed my mind. I'm going for my usual 16 weeks again.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Almost 9 weeks post!
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

9 weeks post today - 7 more minimum to go but I may add 9 weeks instead for a total of 18 weeks. Chicoro's moisture prepoo is making my relaxer stretch a whole lot easier.
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Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Im about 12-13 weeks and my NG is VERY thick so I think Im going to relax in a couple of days.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

1 wk post 11 maybe 13 more to go depending on my negrows and mood.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

Yesterday was officially 12 weeks post and I dont think I can go any longer, I was pushing for 16 but I am going to relax this weekend.
50 weeks post relaxer here. At this point, I'm keeping my soon-to-be WL hair tangle-free by doing everything in plaits. Washing, conditioning and wearing my hair in plaits, similar to mwedzi, keeps me sane, and keeps my hair happy. I use the LOC method of moisturizing and I comb through and rebraid once a week. During the week I use a variety of moisturizing sprays and keep it tied up. Wash every fortnight.

My original goal was a year, but I'm loving it, so I have reset my goal from 52 weeks to 60 weeks.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I 14 weeks and 3 days post. I was thinking about relaxing this weekend, but I think I can keep going. This is my longest stretch in a very long time. I think I am going to aim for 17 weeks! Ok then, decision made. Now that I have made that decision I am going to spray BT on my two wack patches (thanks for nothing formula). I was holding off on the BT because I thought I might relax this week.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

42 wks post texlax. I'm not sure that I'm not already transitioning. We'll see.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

24 weeks post relaxed .. I will have my niece put a dark&lovely 'healthy gloss 5' relaxer in my hair next Saturday:yep:!!!