Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I got ION bond therapy shampoo, conditioner, masque, and spray. It's suppose to repair the bonds from being color/chemically treated. Really trying to get my hair in tip top shape for my next touch up in Oct. I hope these products are good.
That stuff is going back! It tangled my hair so bad! I'm already experiencing an increase in shedding. I will have to straighten my hair to see what's going on. And I might just wash every 5 days so I can straighten my hair, due to this new growth.
I will be relaxing my hair sometime within the week hopefully. I wish I could have done it tomorrow since it's my off day AND there's no school for the kid. However, I've already washed, protein treatmented, dc-ed, and blow dried today . Guess I gotta wait a couple of days.

I know what you mean. It would have been more convenient for me to relax today or tomorrow when I am off but I have decided to relax on Friday. The problem with today and tomorrow is that everyone is off (no work/no school) and they will just get in my way. I have some extra time off that I need to use, so I have decided to take Friday off and when the kids go to school and hubby goes to work I will relax and be done when they get home. This way I won't have him in my way or looking at all of the products I use on relaxer day. I am looking forward to it since I am 16 weeks post.
Last perm was in January (around the 18th). I'm always on the fence, plan is to keep pushing till April 2018 and see if I like my natural hair. If not, I'll just perm and start over again. I usually perm by the 5-6 month mark, but I used the Design essentials straightening mousse, which made dealing with my hair much easier.