Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

@Rozlewis how did I get a month behind you???

@sunnieb, I know we were twins at one time but I decided to do my last relaxer at 12 weeks and did not make it to my 16 - 20 week stretch goal. I was tired of my hair looking busted. You inspire me and I will try to stretch longer next time but 12 weeks might be my max to avoid unnecessary breakage. I will cheer you from the sidelines.
@sunnieb, I know we were twins at one time but I decided to do my last relaxer at 12 weeks and did not make it to my 16 - 20 week stretch goal. I was tired of my hair looking busted. You inspire me and I will try to stretch longer next time but 12 weeks might be my max to avoid unnecessary breakage. I will cheer you from the sidelines.

I'm going through that now, well not quite but it's fast approaching! :look:

10 weeks post now. I'm going to try and hold off until the end of August.
12 weeks post, my wash day was tough and I lost some hair due to my tangled ends but I wasn't sad because I felt I deserved it for being so hair lazy. After my wash I feel I can go to 16 weeks, I just need to be more diligent about moisturizing and sealing AND combing my hair.

I went ahead and relaxed. Turned out real good. I was at 40 weeks post or so.

Here is how it turned out. I'm happy about it :) And so relieved

@KhandiB I can't see the pic, is it still up?
40 weeks is so admirable! Did you get Dominican blowouts weekly?
I'm newly relaxed and plan to stretch for a while.
What are you ladies using to soften your new growth during your stretch and how are you wearing your hair?
@KhandiB I can't see the pic, is it still up?
40 weeks is so admirable! Did you get Dominican blowouts weekly?
I'm newly relaxed and plan to stretch for a while.
What are you ladies using to soften your new growth during your stretch and how are you wearing your hair?
I can't tolerate heavy products, creams, butters, nothing, but liquid, that isn't laced with protein and glycerin. I'm still on the hunt. I wash my hair a lot too.
I've been focusing on lifting weights and have cut my running to twice a week on the treadmill. I work out around 5 a.m. before work and I sweat a lot when running...and just in general.

I've started doing something different: The night before a run, I put coconut oil in my hair and use oil on my scalp. Then I put on a plastic cap, followed by a Turbi Twist and I sleep in it.

Then I wake up, take everything off, tie on a bandana and hit the treadmill. I come back home and shampoo and condition in the shower with Nexxus Therappe Shampoo and Nexxus Humecto Conditioner (bought at Costco).

Then while I continue getting ready (clothes, makeup, packing lunch and making sure DS is doing his morning routine) I airdry, then blow dry and flat iron.

I do this Monday and Wednesday night before runs.

I was going to post some comparison pics, but I haven't been able to upload today for some reason.