Relaxed Heads: Do you Wash & Go?


Well-Known Member
i'm curious: are any relaxed heads (not texlaxed, just plain ol' relaxed) able to do wash & go's? :scratchch

hope that's not a silly question :grin:
My wash and go's always look a mess especially after 8 weeks:nono:. During the summer, I'll wash and wear in a loose bun.
Wash and go meaning what exactly? Like wash and wear it down straight?

I guess the answer is yes. I do wash my hair and just walk out of the house. I just slap on a head band. My ends are healthy enough that I don't have to worry about them looking dry or out of control. I also wash and bun, but I don't like the deep dents that the hair ties create. I think in order to successfully wash and go you're ends need to be in good shape, otherwise you can just wash and bun until the damage grows out.
Yes, I did WNG's when I was relaxed bone straight, and do them occasionally now that I'm texlaxed.

ETA: my ends were impeccable from frequent trimming when I was relaxed bone straight, and my hair largely the same length all-over. That made it possible for my WNG's to look good and dry nicely.
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I'm currently trying to do this. I want to stay away from heat and found some really good tips on air-drying. If this air-drying technique I saw works for me without making my hair look a mess, I'll be doing it a lot more often.
No. It just doesn't look like anything. Now, my g.f., no matter how strong a relaxer she gets, still has curls when her hair is wet. She can do it. But not me!
Thanks for all the replies!! I was thinking the same thing as Cherokee&Black: that it just wouldn't look like anything! :lol:

i've been air drying my hair a lot lately, and pinning it up into a bun. but today's wash day, and i'm going to try letting it air dry pulled back, & rocking that with a headband tomorrow for work. hopefully it'll look like something!
I would love to wear my hair down when doing a wash and go but it would just fluff up , so instead I put it in a loose bun and use the fluff to my advantage (a larger bun).
I did a wash and go yesterday and I put it in a bun. When the bun was dry it was a big poofy mess. But like doll baby said my buns were bigger and I like it. But in about an hour I'm going to flat iron.
I do. It's not the cutest style in the world, but I do and put on a headband. As long as my hair is moisturized and healthy I don't care if it looks on point every day.
I'm with DesiRae. Moisturized and healthy--- that's all I want or care about. It looks decent. Who looks amazingly fly everyday anyway?
WnG's are pretty much all I know how to do, lol. Co-wash, bun it up while drying, let it down and give it a good shake when it's about 80% dry, and then bun it up again :grin:. I hate styling my hair. I either wear it bunned up or hanging down. I only fuss over it if I want to look presentable, for some reason.
99.99% of the time and loving it. My hair still has some texture to it. I think its all the protein treatments
I do it ...and I'm finally successful at it. I had to peek into the 'naturals only' thread to figure it out. There's something called the 'conditioner only' method, in which they leave conditioner in their hair after a cowash. not doing too much manipulation helps define the pattern better. That's what i did and it turned out nice.

I'm pretty bone straight so the only pattern i get is when i scrunch. but it works. i'm 4ab too. The thing NEED a prodcut to hold the scrunch pattern. and that's where gel, conditioner gel, or conditioner only comes into play.

I've had success using:
ecostyler gel,
qhemet's detangling gel,
light weight conditioner