Relaxed Hair


Well-Known Member
I relaxed my hair 2 weeks ago. How often should I wash, cond and flatiron without any damage? I'd like to do it once a week, is that to much or just about right? I'm used to washing my hair everyday or every other day when I was natural.
i'm relaxed and i wash every 7-10 days depending on when my hair feels dirty. i don't use a flat iron. i've started stretching and i'll use the flat iron to do my roots only later in the stretch. everyone's different so you'll have to experiment. good luck:)
I relaxed my hair last week and I've already washed it. I usually wash every 2 or 3 days. I dc everytime i wash. I usually only flat iron when I relax it which is about once every 3 months. HTH!:drunk:
I wash once a week...DC, rollerset and straighten my roots with a blower i wish i would do less heat but i cant handle the new growth:nono:
I wash once a week (twice is better), alternate weeks with flat-ironing and rollersets, deep condition w/each wash.
I wash and deep condition two to three times a week. I roller set and sit under the hooded dryer, but don't use any other heat.
I co wash 1-2 times a week and deep condition once a week. I wash when I feel I have build up.
After a relaxer, I wash 2 days later. With Biotail suppose to replenish what you lost during a relaxer, along with aphogee 2 min Kertain treatment and a DC.

I use heat twice a month, other than that, Im in a bun.
I wash on Wednesdays & Saturdays. I DC with each and every wash. I air dry in bantu knots or in a bun. I am in the BunForGrowth challenge, so I moisturize & seal daily, then bun.
i'm relaxed and i wash every 7-10 days depending on when my hair feels dirty. i don't use a flat iron. i've started stretching and i'll use the flat iron to do my roots only later in the stretch. everyone's different so you'll have to experiment. good luck:)

This is the same method I use for my relaxed hair! :yep:
I wash about every 4-5 days and deep condition with GVP conditioning Balm every wash and every other wash I use ApHogee 2 Min Keratin, then the balm. You just have to be sure to get enough protein and moisture dearie:) But, I believe you can cowash as often as you like because that adds moisture to your tresses.

Hope this helps...
I wash every 5- 7 days and sometimes co-wash mid week if my bun feels tangled and yucky. I do a DC pre-poo every wash day and add protien to my DC. You'll have to test different regis for your newly relaxed tresses. It's a little differnt for every one. My regi changes from being freshly relaxed to being 7 months into a stretch. Remember to listen to your hair and give it what it needs. HTH