Relaxed hair that ALWAYS looks beautiful

Hi Ladies!
How is it that some women have relaxed hair that always seems to look so sleek and shiny and healthy? All Flowin' and Blowin' in the breeze?
When I had relaxed hair it would be good n'Fresh for about 2 weeks after I relaxed, but after that it would look puffy and stiff and just not-so-great. What's the secret?
IMO alot of the ladies here seem to use lye relaxers. Ive noticed that since I switched my hair doesnt look dry and brittle like it used to in the past. It looks much more healthier and shiny now that Ive made the switch.
i wonder this all the time. for the most part my hair always looks so dull. im going to start applying rinses regularly and see if that will help.
I believe the key is minimal products or use very light products (like jojoba oil). Using shine spray that doesnt contain oils keeps your hair light and bouncy.
shunta said:
IMO alot of the ladies here seem to use lye relaxers. Ive noticed that since I switched my hair doesnt look dry and brittle like it used to in the past. It looks much more healthier and shiny now that Ive made the switch.
A lot of ladies here also use no-lye relaxers, with shiny, healthy-looking hair. :yep: I believe relaxer results depend on the individual's hair.

IMO, consistancy is one of the keys--sticking with a regimen that works brings predictable, great results.
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Isis said:
A lot of ladies here also use no-lye relaxers, with shiny, healthy-looking hair. :yep: I believe relaxer results depend on the individual's hair.

I agree and i also believe that the way in which the relaxer is applied is very important.
Isis said:
A lot of ladies here also use no-lye relaxers, with shiny, healthy-looking hair. :yep: I believe relaxer results depend on the individual's hair.

IMO, consistancy is one of the keys--sticking with a regimen that works brings predictable, great results.
Yep Isis, you are so right.:) You're living proof of that.
A lot of the ladies with bouncy swangin' hair, do NOT use grease. When I wear my hair down, grease does not go anywhere near my hair.

Also, more washing and moisture. Washing every two weeks, decrease my swang, and increases me grease levels. :nono: . I have to wash atleast once a week.

Also, using a light moisturizer, and sealing with minimal (some ladies don't use oil, I don't most of the time when I wear my hair down) oil.
I use nothing on my hair after the conditioner wash If I am wearing it straight and loose. I don't use oil or anything unless I am doing a treatment. I will use a little conditioner to smooth it before I put it up for sleep. For me this (lack of product) is the key to keep it bouncy and silky. Oils and moisturizers end up weighing my hair down.

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When I wear my hair down I don't use anything. However when I wear it up sometimes I do depending on the style.
What I really want to know is how these ladies manage to maintain all of this when it rainy/humid/super hot. Even if I leave the house with my hair intact I'm bound to look a mess in a matter of moments.
My hair stayed fresh by washing and roller setting it 2x a week followed by an oil sheen spray for "moisture" and shine.
I found out that roller setting your hair is the key to keeping it shiny and beautiful, I'm now about 8 weeks post and you'll never be able to tell. I apply any oil to my scalp once after I get a wash and roller set and I tie my head at night with a silk scarf, relaxed hair like natural hair needs care a perm is not going to cause your hair to look healthy and shiny, you gotta do the work to keep it that way.
ohsosuzy said:
What I really want to know is how these ladies manage to maintain all of this when it rainy/humid/super hot. Even if I leave the house with my hair intact I'm bound to look a mess in a matter of moments.
This is usually when I wear braidouts because it seems to work with the humidity. If it gets a little poufy, it's okay. I braid (plait) my already dried hair in 4 braids for an hour or so, preferable overnight, with no product. The next day as I take them down, I'll apply some Aveda Anti-Humectant to my hair to protect from outside humidity. It isn't 100% effective but it's close. Some of the ladies use this on their straight, relaxed hair. Others (like Lala) use the Sabino's Moisture Block and say it's the best on relaxed hair. I haven't tried it yet.
A lot of the ladies here made very good points - rollersets definitely attribute to that swang. Also, I use the least amount of product when I straighten my hair. I put more on the ends than anything, such as coconut oil (the best) or any light oil.
Washing and conditioning frequently, at least once a week, and rollerwrapping helps relaxed hair look fresh all the time. Also using light product to no product on hair, sometimes air-drying with a leave-in and sealing with an oil in rollers is enough, maybe spraying with a good oil sheen in between is enough to last through the week until the next wash. I think the biggest key is not weighing hair down with products.
SvelteVelvet said:
Washing and conditioning frequently, at least once a week, and rollerwrapping helps relaxed hair look fresh all the time. Also using light product to no product on hair, sometimes air-drying with a leave-in and sealing with an oil in rollers is enough, maybe spraying with a good oil sheen in between is enough to last through the week until the next wash. I think the biggest key is not weighing hair down with products.

I don't know, thats whats been working for me. I don't even remeber the last time my hairs been frizzy. Its been years and I weigh my hair down with leave ins and serum.
This is interesting. I remember when my hair was relaxed I could not fathom not putting something in it. It also looked like crap too :lol:
sylver2 said:
I don't know, thats whats been working for me. I don't even remeber the last time my hairs been frizzy. Its been years and I weigh my hair down with leave ins and serum.

So you put so much leave-in and serum that your hair hangs flat, looks greasy, and doesn't budge in the wind? There's a difference between applying just enough where your hair has a perfect balance of moisture but still has enough body and 'lightness' if you will that gracefully blows in the wind and captures the essence the OP is referring too in relaxed hair.
This is a good thread. I always wanted my 4b relaxed hair to swang. It just stays stiff in the wind!:( . Is it even possible for a 4b? It's so hard to find stuff that doesn't weigh my hair down because it's thin. I wanna hear more coments!:)
When I was in the salon every week mines looked that way :lol:

hottestdiva - it's possible. My moms a 4b and her hair swings. Its more about the technique than the products. She doesn't really put anything in her hair.
bmoreflyygirl said:
When I was in the salon every week mines looked that way :lol:

hottestdiva - it's possible. My moms a 4b and her hair swings. Its more about the technique than the products. She doesn't really put anything in her hair.

Can't wait for my hair to do this. I guess I'll have to cut back on some products. Either that or not use them so generously. My hair does do this when I have nothing in it, but at the same time it's really dry because I don't add anything. As soon as I do, no more swang for me:( . How does your moms hair stay moisturized?
Sorry to highkjack the thread but I have the opposite problem. After I get a perm my hair is ALWAYS super limp. It takes about the next wash or so for me to get any real swing to my hair. I use the Affirm sensitive scalp relaxer. Can somebody shine some light on this? Thanks.
SvelteVelvet said:
So you put so much leave-in and serum that your hair hangs flat, looks greasy, and doesn't budge in the wind? There's a difference between applying just enough where your hair has a perfect balance of moisture but still has enough body and 'lightness' if you will that gracefully blows in the wind and captures the essence the OP is referring too in relaxed hair.

no it doesn't look greasy, hangs flat or don't budge in the wind. :rolleyes: :lol:
I do apply a lot of leave ins though and serum and oil on top of that. it has helped with no frizz and keeps it looking healthy and smooth. It still blows in the wind, but I am not fond of that light bounce u get from rollersets anyway. What works for me may not work for others. I'm just sayin what I do.
hottestdiva19 said:
This is a good thread. I always wanted my 4b relaxed hair to swang. It just stays stiff in the wind!:( . Is it even possible for a 4b? It's so hard to find stuff that doesn't weigh my hair down because it's thin. I wanna hear more coments!:)

Oh yes, honey it is VERY possible. I don't even think about wearing my hair down if it ain't swangin.

A lot of factors can effect the swang (well atleast for my hair). Products can too. I find that I can't use a lot of ethnic products that loaded with mineral oil/petroleum/oils to deep condition before I wear it down.

And going light on the leave-in and maybe skipping the oils help too. Also the flat iron is a big deal for me too. No cheapie flat irons work the way a salon iron works for me.