"Relaxed hair can become natural again" - You heard it first here...


New Member
Okay ladies so clearly all the transitioners on this board have been getting it wrong all this time. Little did we know that all this time that there is no need to transition as you hair can become natural again.....:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Anyway click on the link for more information....


ETA: Oh and don't try to educate her any other way she will just delete your comment. :lachen:

Some people should realise that you tube really does them more harm than good. :ohwell:
That's a shame, she's dead serious. She doesn't even understand a process that she's been doing to her own hair....smdh.
Wooww! It's funny because she really thinks she knows it all! Somebody's gotta let her know that there is nothing in this earth that can strip a perm out of your hair...I can't believe she said just get in the shower and wash it out! smh
lmao she probably thought her hair was back in its natural state cuz all the relaxed ends broke off and she was only left with new growth after a year :lachen:
"Women cut all their hair off because they want to go natural, that is what they do. They don't cut all their hair off to get rid of the permanent"

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^^^ Hey vestaluv sweetie - where you been - good to see you again. How's the hurr??? (btw I used to be called stellagirl)
^^^ Hey vestaluv sweetie - where you been - good to see you again. How's the hurr??? (btw I used to be called stellagirl)

Hey girl! How r u? Somebody remembers me :grin:, lol. I've just been really busy and been neglecting the haircare thing for a while :nono: ( not completely though).
I need to do an update don't I :look:... soon!
I'm wondering why people were making a big enough deal over whether relaxed hair was permanent or not for this lady to have to do a youtube video on it.
^^^ yep you do so are we MBL yet? I stan for your hair!!!

btw have your relaxed ends become natural again??? :lol:

Lol, thats cold! Unfortunatly, I haven't seen the results the lady in the video has... no reversion here. I think I'm somewhere between bsl and mbl, I cut a few inches off some areas of my hair not too long ago actually. It needed to go. I'll try and get some pics up soon.
Lol, thats cold! Unfortunatly, I haven't seen the results the lady in the video has... no reversion here. I think I'm somewhere between bsl and mbl, I cut a few inches off some areas of my hair not too long ago actually. It needed to go. I'll try and get some pics up soon.

:yay: - Looking forward to the pics !!! :yep:
What is weird, is she is saying the right information, but then she's disagreeing with what she herself saying. She seems to be saying that it's not permanent because your hair will grow out eventually.
I think I'd better keep it moving as I have nothing nice to say about this lady and her video... :grin:
I got through about five lip smacks, then I had to turn it off.:sad:

This is why I don't do Youtube, I can't get past the lip smacking antics. I didn't see this video either; but judging by the responses in this thread; she sounds like a real idiot.
Certain portrayals of stupidity cause me physical pain. This is one of them.
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awww Bless her heart. She really believes whatever it is shes trying to say :perplexed

ps what'd she say again?? LOL
ugh i tried to comment and send a message and it wouldnt let me....I dont think she's stupid in the sense that we usually call ppl stupid....I think she's retarded and probably hard of hearing, which most likely adds to her retardation. I will ask my cousin what she thinks because this girl needs an excuse for the words that came out of her mouth and her fingers.
lmao she probably thought her hair was back in its natural state cuz all the relaxed ends broke off and she was only left with new growth after a year :lachen:

That's exactly what I came in here to say.:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Oh so, if we wet our hair, it goes back? Ignant is a disease. (SMH)

ETA: Okay, I got to the end where she talks about how "long" her hair is (in all those years, she's only sl? And that's long? No'Mam:nono:
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Oh my!:blush:

Please go to the video at 7:28 where she says "So people...educate yourselves" :lachen:

The title of this video is funny!
Perms and Weave (if you aren't black or a cosmetologist be quiet)