Relaxed and Texlaxed: Shampooing


Well-Known Member
How often do you shampoo your hair?

I'm thinking of trying every two weeks versus my current weekly regimen. I wear my hair down and straight, 95% of the time and don't weigh it down with too much moisture. I could moisturize heavily and Bantu knot the second week.

What do you think?
Im not relaxed but if you search TheHappyHairShow on youtube, she has AMAZING long hick texlaxed hair and she may be able to help :) im sure she has a video on it somewhere
Instead of have a set time to wash, I wash whenever my scalp is itchy and my hair is not taking in moisture as it would usually due to a build up of product. I find this time about 1.5 to 2 weeks, but that depends on what I'm using for the week to stay moisturized. I also co wash in between.
It depends for me. If I'm working out then I alternate poo'g with a sulfate & sulfate free poo every Saturday. I try to keep my scalp clean but hair moisturized at the same time so I co-wash midweek. When I have to skip working out then I'll change out the poo on the weekend & just co-wash 2x that week.
How often do you shampoo your hair?

I'm thinking of trying every two weeks versus my current weekly regimen. I wear my hair down and straight, 95% of the time and don't weigh it down with too much moisture. I could moisturize heavily and Bantu knot the second week.

What do you think?

If its not broke, don't fix it. If you wear you hair straight and do not use a lot of moisture, you avoid build-up but induce dryness in a sense. Even if you moisturize heavy the next week and PS, is it enough to really cancel out the effects of the week before? Idk. For some that could be fine. Try it out. But if what your doing now is working, why change?

I only say not to change it because a setback does not take long to happen. Try it and see. It just may work out.

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I wash my hair once a week, because I tend to be pretty heavy-handed with products and need to avoid buildup. If you think moisturizing heavily the second week will offset not using too much moisturizer the first week, then I say go for it. If it doesn't work, then this seems like a problem that can easily be corrected by going back to your old routine.