Relaxed and lonely, lol!

I don't really want to talk about anything honestly. I just wanted to give a shout out to all the relaxed heads that you are not alone. And then give them a space to shout out to other relaxed heads, lol!

It's just funny some days when you click on the board so much of the front page is "Ooh, look I just BCed!" or "How do I define my curls" or "Best products for naturals" or whatever

I respect that and honestly sometimes I feel the pressure. But then sometimes I wonder, is being relaxed going out of style or something?

No for real, I just wanted some ladies to come up in here and...

Say it loud:

"I'm relaxed and I'm proud!"

:Copy of 2cool:

I don't feel the pressure. Embrace your relaxed hair, sister! I LOVE natural hair too, but I also enjoy my relaxed hair.

"Relaxed and proud!"
Just did a corrective and happy to be from my texlaxed tangled nightmare. Hair was blowing in the wind today and I was feeling so sexy. I love my relaxed tresses.
I love my relaxed hair and I relax bone straight. So there!:beer2:

Hey ShiShiPooPoo, your hair is getting so long:yep:, way to grow. I think this thread is funny because when I joined LHCF 3 1/2 years ago I felt very lonely as a natural. Well when I first joined there were a lot of naturals and then something happened (I don't know what) and a lot of naturals stopped posting. For a long while it was like a natural ghost-town and I felt very lonely. LHCF is funny like that...things come and happen in cycles.
Texlaxed:pinocchio, oops, :blush: I mean Relaxed and Proud! I too LOVE natural hair. I choose to keep tex... er, relaxing.:lachen:
LOLOLOL!!!! Self relaxer Dark and Lovely color treated relaxer will be slapped on 6/26...2 days shy of 8 weeks but I have vacation coming and I want my hair to be smooth. :look:
I don't know if I'll change my mind later but right now I am very happy with the simplicity the relaxer has afforded me. Now I can just wrap my hair after a shower and be ready for bed in 5 minutes. With my natural hair I had to put some braids in there before bed in order to not have a tangled mess when I wake up and lord knows how long that would take.
I'm relaxed! I have toyed with the idea of going natural but I love my relaxed hair and the ease of taking care of it.

Ajoyfulljoy- you may want to put a base(vaseline or a really thick conditioner) on your scalp right before relaxer application to avoid scalp burns or to lessen it. Helps with allowing the relaxer to sit on the hair a bit longer.

I do and it still burns :look: I'm switching relaxers (from Soft n Beautiful to Silk Elements), cutting out certain foods so the relaxer won't react with anything weird that my scalp is secreting (no pop or spicy foods, heard this makes relaxer burn) and I'm using this special scalp creme/lotion that LondonDiva said keeps her scalp from burning (Profectiv Root Health). Hopefully these three things will help out this time.
About it ... if you ladies let someone else relax you make sure you go home and neutralize again. I got my hair done yesterday and I took in Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor for her to use post shampoo and pre conditioner. Of course she conveniently forgot to use it :ohwell: So I get home and jump in the shower after I came home from running some errands. I decided to use my Aphogee 2 minute (which I love by the way) but decided to neautralize again "just for good measure." Do you know that woman never properly neutralized me? She only lathered three times for about 8 minutes total. My lather was pink!!! This just underscores that you have to be careful who you go to if you can't do it yourself. I was so mad. And don't get me started on her overlapping. And how she said with my texture (4zzzz) I need to relax every 4 weeks!! :nono: I was like "um-kay ... whatever you say." I musta looked dumb to her, because I am not letting her near my hair again, with her non-neutralizing-overlapping-like-it's-necessary-to-breathe self. I need to find a good Toronto stylist who is into good hair practices, pronto.

That is so scary! I'm glad you went home and took care of it yourself. Tha lady would have had your hair coming out! I tell you about these people out here...
Hey ShiShiPooPoo, your hair is getting so long:yep:, way to grow. I think this thread is funny because when I joined LHCF 3 1/2 years ago I felt very lonely as a natural. Well when I first joined there were a lot of naturals and then something happened (I don't know what) and a lot of naturals stopped posting. For a long while it was like a natural ghost-town and I felt very lonely. LHCF is funny like that...things come and happen in cycles.

Yeah, it also seems like a lot of fads break out on this board. Depending on what month it is, the whole front page can be filled with a completely different topic.

Was it around Christmas that everyone was on the ayurvedic kick? You click on the board and that was all you had to read about. Now there seems to be barely a post here and there.

After my first amla oil making experiment (I burned the oil and it stunk up my house) I was through :lachen:

I will stick to olive oil, if I feel like being fancy I'll put some essential oils and maybe SAA in it but that's it!

(I know people, I really need to learn how to multi-post, lol!)
I'm all up in yall's business, (not relaxed:blush:) But um I SOOO remember that ayurvedic bandwagon. Now it's about Ovation Therapy...I wonder what will be next.......:scratchch

Yeah, it also seems like a lot of fads break out on this board. Depending on what month it is, the whole front page can be filled with a completely different topic.

Was it around Christmas that everyone was on the ayurvedic kick? You click on the board and that was all you had to read about. Now there seems to be barely a post here and there.

After my first amla oil making experiment (I burned the oil and it stunk up my house) I was through :lachen:

I will stick to olive oil, if I feel like being fancy I'll put some essential oils and maybe SAA in it but that's it!

(I know people, I really need to learn how to multi-post, lol!)
I started transitioning in Jan. of this year. I thought it would be easier to transition from relax to texlax to natural.....WRONG!!! Dealing with the different textures was insane! I am also managing my 3yo DD hair and when stretched reaches MBL(and she's "tender-headed)....I can't deal with her hair and two different texture texlax to natural hair, work two jobs, volunteer with sorority, church and bible study, take a pre-req course for grad school, and try to have a "social life" and still be SANE!!!!!

Therefore.....I'm relaxed and proud!!!!!
Hey, I relaxed today. And I felt good until I looked at all the sweet naturals. But, I don't feel so bad after looking at the pretty relaxers. I need some pointers. So we have to support each other. I am stretching , though. :look:
I'm relaxing on Thursday. I had an unintentional stretch of nearly 4 months. My stylist told me not to do that anymore :ohwell: She suggested 8 weeks, I'll try 10 - 12. 8 weeks is still too soon for me.
About it ... if you ladies let someone else relax you make sure you go home and neutralize again. I got my hair done yesterday and I took in Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor for her to use post shampoo and pre conditioner. Of course she conveniently forgot to use it :ohwell: So I get home and jump in the shower after I came home from running some errands. I decided to use my Aphogee 2 minute (which I love by the way) but decided to neautralize again "just for good measure." Do you know that woman never properly neutralized me? She only lathered three times for about 8 minutes total. My lather was pink!!! This just underscores that you have to be careful who you go to if you can't do it yourself. I was so mad. And don't get me started on her overlapping. And how she said with my texture (4zzzz) I need to relax every 4 weeks!! :nono: I was like "um-kay ... whatever you say." I musta looked dumb to her, because I am not letting her near my hair again, with her non-neutralizing-overlapping-like-it's-necessary-to-breathe self. I need to find a good Toronto stylist who is into good hair practices, pronto.

Uh-uh:nono:See, I set an appointment with my stylist on Thursday. I touched up today, after 12 weeks of stretching. I remember when she overlapped while relaxing my hair the last time, I was not going throu:nono:gh that again. I also left my relaxer in for 10(between applying it and smoothing it out) That has to be the quickest time I have allowed it to sit. Unlike when it is in until 'it burns'. I controlled it, and I felt good about it and saved money. I plan to keep these stretches every 12 weeks. They have been working great for me. Now, what to do in between the time is another story>:look:
I'm relaxed and I'm still here! Ain't going nowhere. I just don't post on the hairboard much anymore because I don't have anything to talk about.

I am however, thinking about going back to bonestraight. We'll see.
But umm..I'm newly relaxed or shall I say texlaxed..Am I even allowed in this thread..since I'm supposedly in "relax" denial :lachen:....nah I'm still tripping off that other thread...I digress...[/quote]

yeah, that thread was a trip. I was laughing at loud at that!!!

but anyhoo...I am relaxed, texlaxed and getting ready to go ack to bone straight. I am so glad that I found LHCF cuz I have never had such soft healthy long shiny and relaxed hair in my life. I am really gonna appreciate my relaxed texture this time around. The biggest thing is that I no longer abuse my hair.
I'm relaxed and happy! LOL. It already takes me about 5 hours to wash, DC, rollerset, and flat iron the roots to get a straight style (It takes me like an hour to rollerset right now, hopefully I can cut it down by 20-30 minutes), so I'm not trying to add another hour or 4 when I feel the urge to wear it out and straight. I'm not adept enough to handle natural hair at this point in my life :) (shout-out to all the natural 4a/4bs who always have cute hairstyles, b/c that would not be me, lol)
Coming in here makes me want to relax! I never considered relaxing until I joined this site. :nono:
Another relaxed head checking in! I love being relaxed. I like to airdry and wear braidouts; rollersets are wonderful for a more polished look. Love the versatility of being relaxed.