RELAXED 4B..........WHERE R U????

I am checking in. I am 4b MBL relaxed.My last relaxer was Aug 18th so I am about 20 weeks post and plan to relax by Valentines day but may continue my stretch til March (I hope to be full MBL by then but IDK. I have been truly neglecting my hair. I've been wearing it in a side bun and adding Silken child,Redkin anti-snap/mizani h20 night time as needed! I brush up my edges and curl my bangs! That's it. I have been just leaving it alone through the winter while I stretch!
Aug 2010
Checking in (wow I haven't posted in forever) shamefully I stopped caring for my hair maybe year ago. I was relaxing every 14-16wks but my hair broke sooo much during that time. So now I'm 8 to 10 weeks. Two so far and I'm fine with the results. I rarely deep condition but when I do I use EVOO and a cheapy conditioner. I rinse my hair with baking soda once a week and use Seyani Hair Butter as my every other day moisturizer. Sometimes with a little ev0o to seal the ends. I rarely style my hair. I go to a stylist who I love every other week she washes it and roller wraps it and on relaxer day she relaxes. Was wearing wigs but my hair line started to break I just keep it pinned up during the day. Nothing special. Looking to put it up in Kinky twist soon just because I'm lazy.
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4b relaxed checking in. Just relaxed my hair October 15th after being 2 years natural.

very slow grower, currently at APL /SL. I am currently 11 weeks post; I'll probably stretch to 12 or 13 weeks post.

I'm having a looooot of shedding an dit really increased at about 8 weeks post. I'm actually scared of whsing my hair right now.
I'm going to try the previous recommendations to use garlic.

My hair has been cornrowed for 8 weeks under a wig.
4b relaxed checking in. Just relaxed my hair October 15th after being 2 years natural.

very slow grower, currently at APL /SL. I am currently 11 weeks post; I'll probably stretch to 12 or 13 weeks post.

I'm having a looooot of shedding an dit really increased at about 8 weeks post. I'm actually scared of whsing my hair right now.
I'm going to try the previous recommendations to use garlic.

My hair has been cornrowed for 8 weeks under a wig.

i had the same problem with shedding at week 8 or so. i'll be 10 weeks post on saturday, but i'm relaxing on thursday or friday. i used alter ego garlic conditioner and it stopped my shedding. hope that's helpful to you.
I'm 4b relaxed. 10 weeks post now. I normally relax at 12wks, but I may attempt to stretch longer again this year.....maybe
I'm 4b relaxed. I go 10-12 weeks between relaxers. My fine strands don't let me go longer than that. I experienced some major postpartum shedding in early 2010, so I'm still nursing my hair back to thickness. I take a garlic pill every day.
Hey ladies. So I just relaxed my hair after an 8 week stretch. I know to some of you that is no time at all, but I honestly felt like it was HELL!! So I guess my question is: How can I stretch longer and not have my new growth become so unmanageable?? I'm not big on weaves and wigs. And I'd rather not have my hair in braids. I did a straw set this last time, but those take for-ev-errr! I don't know y'all I guess I'm just picky, but any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Also I am buying some relaxer from my beautician bc this year I plan on relaxing on my own. Any tips on that end? Thanks a bunch. :)
4B relaxed! I touch up every 12-16 weeks, but for 2011, I'm trying to stretch my relaxer by wearing kinky twists for the year.
I'm here and here to stay, just relaxed a couple of days ago. Love a fresh relaxer!

On the grow again growing out this cut!
hi i'm 4b. I had a major setback last year and cut alot. I am now trying to rebound with some serioous tlc. I usually do a 10 week relaxer but i am trying to push it to 12. I don't know if I am going to make it i am at about week 8 and even with my roller set my new growth is actinf a fool!
Hey ladies. So I just relaxed my hair after an 8 week stretch. I know to some of you that is no time at all, but I honestly felt like it was HELL!! So I guess my question is: How can I stretch longer and not have my new growth become so unmanageable?? I'm not big on weaves and wigs. And I'd rather not have my hair in braids. I did a straw set this last time, but those take for-ev-errr! I don't know y'all I guess I'm just picky, but any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Also I am buying some relaxer from my beautician bc this year I plan on relaxing on my own. Any tips on that end? Thanks a bunch. :)

DCing and co-washing are a BIG help in stretching and keeping the NG manageable.
i had the same problem with shedding at week 8 or so. i'll be 10 weeks post on saturday, but i'm relaxing on thursday or friday. i used alter ego garlic conditioner and it stopped my shedding. hope that's helpful to you.

I haven't been able to locate the alter ego condish locally, so I started taking garlic supplement orally. My last wash, I detangled dry and not when wet. I noticed my hair pulled out more when I comb when it's wet.

I'll getting ready for a relaxer this weekend, hopefully things will work out.
Hi Ladies,

I'm checking in.....I don't post often, juggling alot of hats. I just relaxed Oct 1, 2010 after a ten month attempt at transitioning. I finally broke down and relaxed. I don't miss the marathon detangling sessions where I felt I lost "googobs" of hair.:pullhair::perplexed..but can't imagine relaxing any more than 2x per year. The health of my hair is priority #1. I haven't checked my length in a long time but family and friends say it is longer than it's ever been. It's hard for other people to gain 5lbs. and they swear it's
I just found a woman in the STL that does Dominican stlyle blowouts. I might check her out. I know I sound like a "Newbie"..the family, grad school, j.o.b., and business have seriously robbed me of my HAIR time...ugh!
I really think I need to sneak in some time to search the threads for my answers.::perplexed
I'm glad I found this post! BEWARE: THIS IS A LONG REPLY

Here's the 411 on my hair.

I've been relaxed since childhood, never any serious issues. I've worn my hair in a lot of short styles and I've achieved almost shoulder length hair. However, sometime in late 90s I decided that I wanted locs so I stopped relaxing and boy my natural hair was sooooo thick I couldnt even comb it. All I did was wear erikya badu wraps then finally after my boyfriend asked me " what are you going to do with your hair?" I said okay enough back to relaxer.

Fast forward to 2009 I decide Ok I want to go natural. I stayed on YT and thought that was the best thing since sliced bread. Yeah, I can do this, I can do that, I can embrace my natural hair because now I know how and when and what to do to my hair.

Finally in December 2010 I'd had enough. I've had to do 2 big chops 1 because of "scab hair" and then 2 after sucking all the little bit of moisture I had after coloring it.

I started fantasizing about my relaxed days, looking at old pics, looking thru hair mags, So I went to the BBS store got me some relaxer to relax my 2 inches of natural hair. The result - a wavy curly bush with some areas untouched that were still kinky.

I'm depressed now, so the next day i just relax the kinky parts trying my best not to touch the relaxed parts so it would at least be the same texture all over.

I let it air dry and buzzed down the sides and back so I could at least look like I had a
style. After it was said and done I felt better because I could at least comb it although it was silky straight and it just look texlaxed

So, here's my dilemma. I'm stuck again trying to learn how, when and what to do to my extremely DRY hair. I certainly want to grow it out healthy but it's SOOOOO uneven right now.

Because of the texture I have to wear the wet look, so I've co-washing it everday, leave-in cond and seal in with coconut oil. My hair feels great that day but next day I have to repeat the same thing anything so it will be moistured. Sometimes I just put curlfree juice in it and seal w/coconut oil. But my scalp has been itching like crazy. I washed it only about 2 times since relaxer - just co-washing it.

Please feel free to share your entire hair regimine (pm if you want) because YOU Gals hair is where I want to be!

I'm starting my journey with about 2in in the top and anywhere from a 1/2 to and 1 on the sides and back.


relaxed 4B checking in :yep:. I relax every 12-13 weeks, trim 1x per year and my goal is MBL by Oct 11'. I was once there, but my SHS tried to even me up :nono:. Not mad though, I'm just starting again w/ fresh blunt ends :grin:.
Checking in 4A, Fine stranded girl. I am currently 13 weeks post relaxer :dance7: for the first time ever, hoping to get to 16weeks.
Currently collarbone, hoping for APL when I relax :grin:
I'm 6 weeks post and I'm not sure how long I'll stretch for this relaxer. Really I like to go 11 to 13 weeks but I use weaves to help me get there. Because I haven't been able to find my favourite moisturizer (Africa's Best Shea Butter and Tea Tree Oil Moisturizer) locally, I decided not to weave because the leaveout would probably suffer. I bought the moisturizer and should get it by next week. At that point I'll figure out what to do. I'm kinda leaning toward touching up the leaveout and my hairline and getting a weave done so I can stretch most of my hair for more than 14 weeks.
Relaxed. Hennaed. On the grow and living in az also at least for the next couple of months. Im Moving back to Louisiana. So I'm gonna have to change my reggi. I'm going from dry heat to wet heat!

Oh btw. How y'all doing?
Relaxed head right here. I am currently 5 weeks post. I usually stretch 10-12 weeks, no longer than that. I tried to before and it was a disaster. I had so much breakage.
Self relaxing 4a/b here. Currently I am almost 20 weeks post. I usually stretch 12-16 weeks with few problems. I think I went too long this time. I'm having breakage and split end issues. I did 2 deep conditioner treatments and plan to relax at the end of the week. I moved in late 2009, and have noticed a change for the worse in my hair since then. I don't know if it's because the water is different or I just need to pay more attention to my hair. I got lazy. :badidea: But I'm back on the bandwagon!!:thewave: