Relaxed, 2 different types of Textures 9 weeks Post


Active Member
Hi Ladies,

I have been too busy to post to this site as often as I would like. My hair care journey is going great. I think I can claim BSL, and after I am relaxed, (that's an old pic in the siggy) (I get a relaxer in 2 weeks) I will post a picture, and you can let me know if I made it. Hubby was able to stretch several sections of my hair to BSL, but the sides are still either APL, and a few are chin length from where I had bangs ages ago.

Now here is my question, I am 9 WEEKS POST, I'm trying to stretch to 11 Weeks. I normally get a relaxer every six to 8 weeks, so I am just learning about my hair textures after all these years. Okay, here is my question, every place on my hair, except 1/2 inch around the front of my hair line, is soft, managable, and to my surpise, extremly wavy, but soft little waves, almost like my father's hair.....if ALL of my hair was like this, I could stretch for probably 4 months, especially if not wearing straight styles because I would not have to worry about damage along the demarcation new growth line (going from wavy to bone straight). That texture is cosher, I can rollerset by letting it airdry and everything. 9 weeks post, and I don't need to touch a flat iron.

BUT THAT 1/2 inch around the very front of my hairline (yes the part where everyone sees) has new growth, but the new growth, while wavy when you look really close, is hard, and wirey, it's almost a different texture. It's like, the back of my hair is 3c, and the front just that 1/2 inch is 4A.

And looking back I recall my mom putting relaxer around my hairline every 4 weeks, but sometimes she would wait almost 12 weeks to perm the newgrowth on the back of my hair. I'd ask her why, and she'd be like, only the edges around the front of your hair are rough, and those were the ones she'd be greasing and frying only 3 weeks post perm with the pressing comb.

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE HAIR THAT IS SUCH DIFFERENT TEXTURE RIGHT AROUND the hairline??!! Can any of you all give me some tips on softening the new growth around the front tiny peice of my hairline. It is litterally a small strip around the size of a headband around the front of my head.

I have been just flat ironing the root of my hair only in that front, so I'm talking the roots of just 8 sections around the front hairline, and not the length of the front of my hair when I rollerset. The rest of the hair STILL NEEDS NO HEAT, even my husband is amazed. But how can that little inch in the front right at the hairline where everyone sees be soooo nappy and the rest of my hair, all the rest of it, wavy and soft at the root, and straight as a bone rollersetting only with serum, and airdrying for 6 hours?

When I gel, in a bun I just slap extra gel up there. I can't gel every week though, as I have a dry sensitve scalp, and the gel irritates me after a while. But most weeks I have been gelling and bunning which is a way around the different textures even though they don't look the same. And even back in a bun, I see people stare at me, because the back is like big waves, and the front looks like a wavy brillo pad, and I know they think it's a weave, but how do you have 4A hair just in the front, and 3C hair on the rest of your head. Sorry to be so long winded but does anyone else have this problem, if you do PLLEEAASEEEE HELPPP ME!!
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it could be scab hair maybe? Some ladies say that the more they grow their natural hair out, the softer and more manageable it becomes.