Relationships and Prayers


Well-Known Member
Please pray for me. Pray for God's strength and guidance in my relationship. Pray for peace and clarity of mind because we are going through some difficulties right now and I cannot think clearly.

Pray the Lord clear my mind and will lead me, guide me, for I am ready to follow. I know I have nothing without God.

I am feeling so lost and confused today so much so that I cannot even explain the problem. I dont know if there is a problem.
madamdot said:
Please pray for me. Pray for God's strength and guidance in my relationship. Pray for peace and clarity of mind because we are going through some difficulties right now and I cannot think clearly.

Pray the Lord clear my mind and will lead me, guide me, for I am ready to follow. I know I have nothing without God.

I am feeling so lost and confused today so much so that I cannot even explain the problem. I dont know if there is a problem.

With all of my heart, I am praying. And Dearest One, as the sweet child of God that you are, be reassured that " ....God has not given you a spirit of fear, (or confusion), but has given you a spirit of power, love and of a sound mind.

And in your life, He has made all the crooked places straight, all the high places low, and has crushed into dust the gates of iron.

For with you and your loved one, God has ordained peace for you...

And He has placed a fenced brazen wall about you and those whom you love.

Your sister in His Love,

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