Relationship of convenience


Well-Known Member
Do you feel like you are only in a relationship out of convenience not really because you want to be with that person?

DH and I were talking about this on Sunday and the issue came up again today when I was getting my hair braided and the stylist was watching Divorce Court before the Vows.

I know that I was with an ex for 2 years only because we moved to NYC together and I didn't know anyone else. If we stayed in VA or I moved to NYC with family/friends I probably would have dumped him after a few months. DH was with an ex for a similar reason, left a bad roommate situation.

The episode of Divorce Court (before the vows) was a young white couple (25 year old woman on marriage #3) and the guy was unemployed, a gambler, porn addict and a cheater. She seemed to be a former hooker (mentioned sugar daddies and meeting them on craigslist). He helped her get her daughter back (not sure if authorities took the child) and she seemed to be rewarding him with marriage but not really with him because she loved him. She could not even articulate why she loved him.

A Black couple was on the show too and they had tons of drama (he's a cheater (slept with her friend), he disappeared for 3 months, prefers video games to helping feed and bathe the kids after work and he is currently unemployed. I'm not sure why they were trying to save their marriage. It seemed like they only got married because they had a child (her second).
Unfortunately I was in one in my prime years and wasted a lot of time. I'm paying for that mistake now. 7 years....
I would not ever. I don't even keep friendships out of convenience. I'm too emotionally needy for that.
Been there, done that and have the t-shirt... things did NOT end well :nono:

FOr everything I went through, if nothing else, the experience was my best teacher in regards to men, relationships, and my strength.