Regular Heat Users: How often do you wash/condition?

How often do you wash your hair?

  • I wash every 3 days.

    Votes: 13 15.1%
  • I wash every 5 days.

    Votes: 13 15.1%
  • I wash every 7 days (1 week).

    Votes: 51 59.3%
  • I wash every 10 days.

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • I wash every 14 days (2 weeks).

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • I wait beyond to weeks for my next wash.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hi ladies!!! :grin:

Just out of curiosity, and trying to perfect my hair regimen and help other gals with theirs, I would like to know:

For ladies who use heat to style - whether flat-ironing, or rollersetting, or blowdrying, etc. - how long do you wait before your next wash/condition? Also, what is your conditioning schedule, i.e., do you deep condition with every wash, do you prepoo and how often, etc.? Also, do you oil or moisturize, or both in between washings?

Also, if you have tried different washing/conditioning schedules, what were your observations, and the pros and cons of each, and what have you found works best for you?

Thanks ladies!!! :weird:
I do a hot oil treatment or protein conditioner as a pre-poo before I wash and deep condition.

I do this every week then I shampoo, deep condition and rollerset.

I don't use heat all the time. I plan on using heat every 6-8 weeks this year.

Last year, I only used heat when I visited the stylist every 3 months.

I'll skip the heat if it causes any problems but I'm not anticipating that it will.

I moisturize and seal every day or every other day.
I'm trying to come up with a regimen and I still haven't but this is what I have been doing for the last 3 months...

For ladies who use heat to style - whether flat-ironing, or rollersetting, or blowdrying, etc. - how long do you wait before your next wash/condition?I get my hair blown by Dominican hairdresser about once a month. But really only if I have a special occasion or hot date. :) I no longer touch a hair heating appliance after the initial blowout. But after its blown I wear my hair straight for like 4 days. I feel like I take better care of my hair when it is wavy/curly- in its natural state, so I wash it.

Also, what is your conditioning schedule, i.e., do you deep condition with every wash, do you prepoo and how often, etc.? I deep condition once a week and I co wash 3x a week. I may prepoo with the Burt's Bees avocado butter pre-poo, but not often.

Also, do you oil or moisturize, or both in between washings? I massage my scalp nightly with rosemary oil and I moisturize my ends with NTM every night. I find when my hair is straight to prevent it from looking oily, slick or greasy...I just go without. Maybe on the 4th day of it being straight I will put NTM on my ends and do a bantu knot out.

Also, if you have tried different washing/conditioning schedules, what were your observations, and the pros and cons of each, and what have you found works best for you? I work out daily so I have to wash my hair every 2 days because my hair gets poofy and my buns look doofy.

As a sidenote I wash my hair in 2 braids and I love doing this because its not as hard to detangle and I lose less strands.

Everything I do I learned from LHCF...Thanks, ladies!
When I'm about to use heat, I do the full works prepoo wash and DC and after the flatiron my first wash is after 5-7days usually, then I go back to mid week co-wash and end of week DC and cowash...
Great thread. There is a similar thread to this one on BHM if you're a member there. It is called "The Hot Girls" .

They all use heat at least once a week but they have pretty good regimens.
For ladies who use heat to style - whether flat-ironing, or rollersetting, or blowdrying, etc. - how long do you wait before your next wash/condition?
I wash my hair every 5-7 days. My hair gets oily within 3 or 4 days so washing at least once a week is must for me.

Also, what is your conditioning schedule, i.e., do you deep condition with every wash, do you prepoo and how often, etc.?
I deep condition EVERY week now that I colored my hair. On week 1 of the month I use a keratin treatment. Follow with a moisturizing conditioner. On week 2 I use a moisturizing treatment. On week 3 I use a mild protein treatment. I normally use silk protein because it strengthens and moisturizes the hair at the same time. On week 4 I use another moisturizing treatement. I don't pre-poo because I don't really see the benefits of it to be honest. I used to use coconut oil as my pre-poo which worked well but it was just an extra step that could be disposed.

Also, do you oil or moisturize, or both in between washings?
No. Maybe I should, but to be honest I don't need it. My hair hardly ever gets dry because it produces a lot of oil. Putting a moisturizer on top of it just equals weighed down lifeless hair for me.

Also, if you have tried different washing/conditioning schedules, what were your observations, and the pros and cons of each, and what have you found works best for you?
Once a week has been the regimin since forever! I dont plan on changing it. If my hair didn't get so oily so quickly I would stretch it.

Hope this helps!
For ladies who use heat to style - whether flat-ironing, or rollersetting, or blowdrying, etc. - how long do you wait before your next wash/condition?
7-8 days

Also, what is your conditioning schedule, i.e., do you deep condition with every wash, do you prepoo and how often, etc.?
I prepoo and do a steam treatment on Sunday and then I wear it natural Monday then Tuesday daytime I do a DC with heat and then straighten it for the week. If I use heat during the week for a function or something I straighten the roots and first couple of inches and put on a fake bun the other days with a leave-in. I only straighten the ends if its going to be out.

Also, do you oil or moisturize, or both in between washings?
Yes, not with regularity only on an as needed base.

Also, if you have tried different washing/conditioning schedules, what were your observations, and the pros and cons of each, and what have you found works best for you?
I used to do everything in one day without the heated DC and just the steam DC.
Now, with both, my tangles fall away its like butter. It also gives me a chance to touch my hair because when it straight I keep my hands out of it. My days off are Sun Mon and I work nights so that's why this works for me.
HTH :)
I wash every 7 days and deep condition after every wash.

Sometimes i pre poo with coconut oil and aussie moist.

I moisturize daily with a drop of jojoba oil..sometimes QP mango butter or sometimes Coconut oil
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I wash every 5-7 days just like Dani
I prepoo with Hair one, and alternate washes with a sulfate poo, next wash a non sulfate poo
DC every wash-30 min with heat
Air dry in a cross wrap
Next morning flat iron
I moisturize once a day with a creamy moisturizer
Seal with One n only Argan oil, pure argan oil, or mix of coconut/emu oil.
Thank you so much guys! Your experiences are really helpful. Based on what has been posted so far, I have deduced that deep conditioning with heat is a must, and so far it seems that weekly washing (give or take) is the consensus. Keep it coming ladies!
I wash every 4-5 days
Shampoos...I alternate between elucence moisture balancing, joico kpak shampoo or joico silk results shampoo. I also occasionally used dudleys deluxe shampoo.

I only deep condition once a week and I alternate between keracare intensive restorative mask, dudleys hair rebuilder, and elucence moisture repair treatment. I do this for 15 minutes with heat, 30 if I am using the keracare.

During the other wash, I condition with either elucence moisturizing conditioner, joico silk results, or joico kpak daily conditioner, for no more than 5 minutes.

I use salerm 21 for leave in and chi deep brillance serum. I tend to blow dry my hair and then flat iron. For the times that I do set it, I use setting lotion.

I don't moisturize my hair much during the week. When I do I use ors carrot oil. I usually just need a couple drops of oil the day after I wash and I like the light version of wild growth oil.

BTW...I also use a cellophane rinse on my hair every 5-8 weeks, usually some shade of Adore. I also will use Dudleys DRC for a more intensive protein treatment when I feel I need it.
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I wash every 5-7 days. I co-wash most times, and I use shampoo about once a month. Afterwards, I use a leave-in, usually Cantu or Silk Elements. Then I put on heat protectant and blowdry. Afterwards, I flat-iron. I plan on DCing every week, as well.
*Bumping 4 more responses :)...great thread OP!!

1. No PrePoo for me, I used to do it but I didn't notice any added benefits...sometimes I do a hot oil treatment when its really cold out and I've been slacking on my trimming, but thats very RARE.

2. I wash every 5-7 days with the most moisturizing thing I can find (lately it been Nexxus Therappe).

3. Condition in the shower with something cheap. Rinse.

4. DC with heat with something more moisturizing, 30 min or so. Rinse.

5. At this point my hair should be melting like butter as I detangle and prep for Blow dry. If not then I know that whatever I DC'd with wasn't good enough :nono:

6.Spray my leave in (lately I've been rotating Aussie Hair Insurance and Aphogee Green Tea).

7. Bdry on low...the Chi Rocket is AMAZING...I timed it, it takes 12 minutes for whole head to be completely dry...I think its the way the comb attachment is crafted...very innovative.

8. Apply Good serum to length of hair, concentrating on ends.

9. Trim each 1in section before it is flatironed (I'm OCD so I find myself S&Ding EVERY week, 1/4 in trim every 2 weeks or so). ***NOT ASHAMED TO SAY I FLATIRON ON 450 hair can stand it and this is what works for ME :drunk:***

I think it is imperative to DC EVERY TIME before heat styling, esp flatironing....And I don't touch heat appliances again for the rest of the week until wash day...:)

Oh, And I don't Moisturize/seal AT need for it!!!
I also used to prepoo like beaute noir buuuttt I didn't really see a diff.

-I try to wash w/ a cleansing conditioner hair one or wen. 2-3x a month I will clarify before doing this. (hard water in florida)
-DC w/ whatever cleansing conditioner and usually add either a protein condish (ion effective treatment) or moisture condish (aubrey organics honeysuckle rose). I don't use heat because I'm a lazy bum.
-Rinse, then add roux pc (on days that i clarify I use roux pc after clarifying)
-rinse again
-Add leave in (HE LTR or Moroccanoil hydrating styling cream)
-Sometimes I'll add sally argan oil (depends on how I feel)
-Airdry 50% then blowdry
-Flat iron usually b/t 375 and 400

Just out of curiosity, and trying to perfect my hair regimen and help other gals with theirs, I would like to know:

For ladies who use heat to style - whether flat-ironing, or rollersetting, or blowdrying, etc. - how long do you wait before your next wash/condition?

I generally shampoo my hair once a week and deep condition with heat before I rollerset my hair for the next week.

Also, what is your conditioning schedule, i.e., do you deep condition with every wash, do you prepoo and how often, etc.? Also, do you oil or moisturize, or both in between washings?

I prepoo with conditioner the day before my wash. I put conditioner on dry hair and cover it with a plastic bag. I keep this on overnight. After I shampoo the next day, I deep condition with heat for 30 minutes, I apply a leave in and seal with oil before setting my hair. I use S-Curl No Drip to moisturize between washings.

Also, if you have tried different washing/conditioning schedules, what were your observations, and the pros and cons of each, and what have you found works best for you?

I used to shampoo or cowash every 3-4 days but I have found that after I'm 10-12 weeks post, my hair sheds like crazy. I had to reduce the frequency of wetting my hair when I stretch my relaxers. So while I can shampoo or CW more often after a fresh relaxers, I have to wait at least a week when I have a great deal of new growth.
I'm a natural checking in. The back of my hair comes down to about an inch below the start of my shoulder blades. My sides are approaching full shoulder. The front comes to my bottom lip. I was going to flat iron at 12 months for a length check, but I think month 18 might be a better move for me.

My hair is in a weird place. I am almost always in twists and I usually leave them in for 7-10 days; this week, however, undid 7 days of coils with a co-wash. The co-washing coming out of coils looked so nice that I did it again the next day, finger detangling under the running water...pulling back into a puff. I am finding that my hair liked the coils a lot and likes the co-washing even more.

For whatever reason, it's working. I am not finding more SSKs (single strand knots) like I thought I would. hair is doing something new. I am moving for as long as I can from 7-10 day twists to daily co-washing and occasional coils for a change. No one told me how much a regimen can change or how suddenly. 3 months ago, co-washing was just YUCK for my hair. hair is smiling at me. *shrug*

For a year, my hair has rolled with whatever I have given it, and I am blessed to have not had any kind of setback since the BC. Thanks, LHCF!

Nice thread, OP!

i wash 5-7 days after flatironing, depending on what time of yr it is, b/c my style starts to go flat past that. i usually co-wash every couple days for a week after, then poo and dc before flatironing again. i use nexxus humectress as a leave-in b4 flatironing and mango butter after on my ends only every day after straightening. i used to wash,dc and flat iron every week without moisturizing in btw but my hair dried out and started thinning at the ends, so now i only use heat at most every 14 days and just co-wash in between.
Love this post - I wash every 5 days and use a blow dryer and flat iron - twice now I've tried air drying and it's just been a hot mess so it's great to read that there are others doing what I'm doing (I'm new - 43 days into my HJ).