Regular Glycerin vs Vegetable Glycerin


New Member there a difference? In other words, is the glycerin that you get at Walmart or other stores, work the same as the more expensive vegetable glycerin at natural health stores?
I would like to know this too. I have the vegetable kind at the moment. But I have used both. I may switch back to regular though.
vegetable glycerin is used as a natural sweetner derived from plants. regular glycerin is made from fat and lye. try sweetening your tea with that.
Ohh ok....I never knew the difference. Thanks everyone! But which one is better to use in hair? Does one maintain moisture better than the other?
Vegetable glycerin is derived from vegetables whereas regular glycerin is derived from animal fat. Most products that contain glycerin probably contain regular glycerin unless otherwise noted as kosher or vegetable. I don't think one retains more moisture more than the other. Some people just like a more natural or vegetarian alternative if one exists. For example some people like soy or wheat protein as opposed to animal protein.
Vegetable glycerin is derived from vegetables whereas regular glycerin is derived from animal fat. Most products that contain glycerin probably contain regular glycerin unless otherwise noted as kosher or vegetable. I don't think one retains more moisture more than the other. Some people just like a more natural or vegetarian alternative if one exists. For example some people like soy or wheat protein as opposed to animal protein.

Interesting, I learn something new everyday.