Regimen for Fine Hair


Well-Known Member
My Planned Regimen - What do you think?

Since I never really had a hair regimen since starting my hair journey (back in 2008), I've decided I needed one that was set based on how my hair "acts". I did two BC's and have fine hair. I was wondering why I was not as successful as the other women who started their hair journey the same time I did (and are Full MBL or WL). I later found out that fine hair needs more pampering than other natural hair types. So here is what I came up with based on my experiences:

Planned Regimen:

~Wash with Bentonite Clay once a week

~Pre-poo with EVCO or Vatika

~Deep Condition after wash

~Use a light protein conditioner when needed

~Moisturize and seal when needed doing a the modified LOC Method (Instead of LOC, I do Liquid, Cream, Oil, Butter/Pomade: LCOB/P)

~No heat at all but if used I will put the setting at 300 only doing 2 passes

~Dust on any of the highlighted days in the Morrocan Calender every 2 or 3 months

~Finger Detangle

Products I use (so far):

Bentonite Clay (This is the only thing that doesn't make my hair feel stripped and cause breakage)

Kynx: Miracle Kink Cream (has a lot of slip)

Curls: Lavish Curls Moisturizer (It's a spray and it is sometimes used as the Liquid in the modified LOC Method I use. It is also slippery)

Vatika Coconut Oil (Pre-Poo)

Jamaican Black Castor Oil (used on scalp as needed and also used in the Modified LOC Method)

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Pre-poo)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (I add this to my deep conditioner)

Aloe Vera Leaf infused Filtered Water (Spray Bottle):

~Cut off base of the leaf and trim away side spikes. Let leaf sit upright in a container for 30 minutes so that the bitter sap drains from the leaf. (The amount will depend on the aloe variety you're using; there may not be any).

~Once drained, fillet the leaf by removing the top layer to reveal the gel inside. Scoop the clear gel into a container.

~Fill a pitcher with water and add gel from the leaf. Let it stand in the fridge for 8 hours so that the water infuses with the aloe vera. Strain water into another pitcher or spray bottle!

~Refill the main pitcher with more water and let it infuse with the remaining gel. Repeat until gel dissolves completely. I keep mine in a bottle in the fridge.

Schwarzkopf Zero Frizz 100% Rescue Deep Conditioner (with added oils. This also makes my hair really soft)

Pure African Unrefined Shea Butter (the yellow one. The white one didn't work for me, was chalky and hard to dissolve in my hands)

Aphogee 2 minute Reconstructor (as needed)

Homemade Caramel Treatment (This made my hair soft and manageable):
1/4 cup of honey
3 jars of banana baby food
1/4 cup of Blackstrap molasses
1/4 cup of olive oil (or any other oil of your choice)
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

I do a henna treatment on an as needed basis

The best protective style that I know of that works for my hair when it comes to retaining everything is Box braids (with extensions). When I was little my mother did my hair in box braids (without extensions) and I was Hip Length.

Can any of you ladies who have fine, long (MBL or below) hair tell me if I am missing something from this regimen?
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I think finger detangling and no heat are the mosy important parts

Be careful with the clay and anything else that is heavy and thick. Now that my hair is long, the weight of that stuff is too much. I get lots of broken strands when I use henna
I think finger detangling and no heat are the mosy important parts

Be careful with the clay and anything else that is heavy and thick. Now that my hair is long, the weight of that stuff is too much. I get lots of broken strands when I use henna

I don't remember that last time I used heat. I just added that just in case I one day want to. I have Chi Silk Infusion and Paul Mitchell Skinny Serum for those occasions.

I tried Terressentials and it was worse and more harsh on my hair than the Bentonite Clay. The Bentonite is also the only thing that doesn't damage or strip my hair.

My last henna treatment was a success because I used warm green tea and vatika. It rinsed completely and didn't dry my hair out, cause stiffness or breakage. I also deep conditioned after and did the LCOB/P...

My hair is wispy and light, the products I am currently dont weigh my hair down. The only concern I have is when winter comes. Most of those procuct have glycerin and I dont know what else to use during that time. Have any suggestions?
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I think that we may be in the same situation, Ms. Jamerican. I also have fine hair, but I didn't know that my strands were fine for some time. My hair cannot take heat or heavy products like others here, and I have had to chop my hair several times due to setbacks. I will be watching this thread for more tips!

Can your caramel treatment be used as a DC?
I think that we may be in the same situation, Ms. Jamerican. I also have fine hair, but I didn't know that my strands were fine for some time. My hair cannot take heat or heavy products like others here, and I have had to chop my hair several times due to setbacks. I will be watching this thread for more tips!

Can your caramel treatment be used as a DC?

Yes, that's what I used it as. My hair was shiny, strong, soft and had body. My breakage also stopped. I never used it in a while since I bought 20 jars of the Schwarzkopf Zero Frizz 100% Rescue Deep Conditioner from the dollar store for $1 each (last year)