Recommitment Thread...Finish strong in 08


New Member
In light of us entering the last quarter of 2008, I figured maybe we can talk about the good and bad of 08 and what we can do to finish strong.

My good- finally gave cowashing and more frequently washing(4-5x a week) a honest try and loved it. Ovation/Megatek and Wen, Joico Kpak and Kenra mc, solia flat iron- where have you been all of my life :lol:, being more patient

My bad- not as consistent with megatek recently, need to be better at safely securing my wet hair buns, being scissor happy

Recommiting myself to: Megatek application everyother day, more airdrying my rollersets
My good:
I was able to stay away from the scissor, and wore more protective styles.

My bad:
Didn't baby my ends as I should.

Recommiting myself to:
Take care of my ends better, moisturize twise daily, roller set more often.
My good: Found some great products, condishes for co-washing, and oils for sealing..Protective style queen, took care of ends...Co-washing and bunning really helped...

My bad: Shedding from postpartum shedding...I now smell like a clove of garlic, from taking garlic supplements to applying garlic oil to my scalp...

Recommiting myself to: Oil washing, constant moisture, and making sure my hair is protected at night
My good: Being able to stretch for a long period of time. Learning the benefits of not measuring all the time. Finding a good extra wide tooth comb:yep:. Learning how to detangle better:yep:
My bad: Air drying. Not using protein correctly, Blow frying my hair and losing hair due to extreme breakage from detanglling in correctly
My Good: Discovering Ayurveda.
My Bad: Not sticking with any kind of hair care regimen. This year was very rough on me so I let my hair slip majorly. Not sleeping with a scarf or bonnet. Not deep conditioning. Wearing my hair out all the time, going weeks without detangling when I do this. Trimming for no reason, one time I did this twice within a month >.<

Recommitment: Wrap hair every night in bonnet or scarf. Baggy twists every night. Keep hair in twists consecutively until this time next year. DC with every wash. No more trimming until Sept next year.
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Great Thread! Just in the nick of time, I was about to start slacking, tryna be all cute for school:lachen:

My Good: I've been keeping my ends moisturized and DC'ing regularly. Just got off my summer cowashing kick.

My Bad:My fall regimen isn't going as planned, because it's still humid so my rollersets are poop.:nono: I've haven't been all super-low-mani like I planned, and was even planning a blowout next week.:nono: I also struggled with my protein-moisture balance.

Recommitment:Continue with my summer braidouts, until the summer comes to a real end, allow myself an occasional heat pass, keep my conditioner game up, keep it low-mani! Don't be afraid to wash during the week!
My good: Figured out that my hair needed protein, so I stopped dead in my tracks and bought some aphogee products and added it to my regimen it decreased the breakage really fast :grin:.

My bad: I was so focused on keeping my hair moisturized that I neglected to add protein to my regimen, thus my hair became really soft from daily moisturizing and weekly deep conditioning w/heat and begin breaking and snapping off and I didn't really notice b/c my hair is naturally thick. Then I begin to notice see-thru ends :wallbash:. I noticed that my hair was breaking but I thought the breakage was normal infact the shedding is normal :ohwell:.

Recommendation: Along with daily moisturizing and weekly deep conditioning also use aphogee shampoo for damaged hair, keratin 2 minute reconstructor and pro-vitamin leave-in conditioner to keep the moisture/protein balanced :yep:.
made it through the summer without pulling my hair out.
used the same products majority of the year thus far

haven't been washing frequently enough. I only washed once last week :(
Not remembering the last time I colored and coloring again :o
I've only DC'd once in the last 4 months!

Weekly DC'ing again and biweekly wash and rollersets for fall :yep:
My Good: I updated my "arsenal" with some quality natural products, got rid of the sulfates and silicones, learned how to moisturize more effectively.

My Bad: Until recently, I wasn't really paying attention to the ingredients in the products I was using. Other than that, there is nothing really bad.

I am committing myself to a recovery plan (see my blog for details), and I and recommitting to frequent washing/deep conditioning and diligent moisturizing.
GOOD: Not buying so many products. Reading ingredients. Not hoping on all these tempting bandwagons. Moisturizing hair daily. Using eggs in hair. Finding Shea Butter and coconut oil.

BAD: Blow drying hair prior to braiding earlier this year. Not learning how to do protective styles. Forgetting to take my vitamins. Not giving my ends special attention.

RE-COMMITMENT: Take vits DAILY. Learn to do more protective styles. Narrow down staple products. Baby my ends. Up water intake from 64oz to 90oz.
Good: Finding this website, beginning to work on developing a regi, beginning to identify staple products, being persistent about finding what works for my hair

Bad: Basically not taking care of my hair, letting it break off, not wrapping at night

Recommitment: Develop a regi and stick to it, wear a satin scarf and/or satin bonnet every night, act like I care about my hair
Good-Sticking with products long enough to see if they actually work.
I found Wen,and now airdrying is a piece a cake:yep:.I stuck to it and now know it surely works for me.I was so stuck on using heat to style (very often) like i did my pixie cut:nono:
Wen has helped my hair so much in this short time that i have been using it.
Aphogee products are great for their price too.I'm hoping that the Green tea and keratin spray,leave-in moisturizer,and Healthy hair journeys follicle spray(will be using on my hair mostly)will be all i need to get me through this braid stretch.

Bad-I cut too much this year...i honestly didn't need to.
But i gotta try bunning for when my hair gets longer.

Re-commitment-Going back to basics.Not slacking up on my braids AT ALL!!!!
Sticking to moisturizing as much as needed(2x daily seems to work for now)because my hair gets so dry if i slack.
I'm also trying to quit adding extra products because i know that they are unnecessary.
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The good - protective styling, deep conditioning, con washes, vitamins, and Mega Tek

The bad - not using silk scraf or pillowcase at night, mistakenly not using protein because I'm a natural, and being impatient while detangling and ripping my hair


Recommitment - Braid up my hair (weekly) and apply Mega Tek every day, take my vitamins with plenty of water, use silk pillowcases, and protect my ends by any means
Awesome thread gym!

My good- going natural

My bad-jumping on too many bandwagons & not staying away from the clippers:wallbash:

Recommitting myself to- finding my staple products and sticking to them
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My good- been consistent with my MT/ oils application and wearing my conditioning cap even though its wayyyy too hot!

My bad- colour, oh colour, what have you done to me? I just want to get the right shade...

Recommiting myself to: I will be concentrating on my retention by leaving my protective style in for a good while instead of switching every 2 weeks no colour till DEC (OMG who said that?!)...
In light of us entering the last quarter of 2008, I figured maybe we can talk about the good and bad of 08 and what we can do to finish strong.

08 has been a year full of emotional turmoil hair-wise. Well, everything-wise but we're talking about hair.

Good: I found a couple products I like. I found the Goody Styling Therapy brush. I've experimented with new ways to detangle. I've really improved in my styling abilities.

Bad: I had several serious knotting and tangling disasters and cut. Many of my experiments turned out with bad results.

For the rest of the year, I will style less, manipulate less. I will never wash my hair without detangling it immediately before or after. I will not cut again.
Good- cut back on my pjism big time. Found what works and sticking to it.

Bad- I still have A LOT of products I need to use or donate and clear out some space. As of late I have not done too much as far as different styles. Sometimes I get lazy and don't use my MT like I should.

Recommiting myself- To only have 1 cabinet full of hair products. Focus on using MT consistently to reach my goal. Play around with different styles. Hoping my urge to chop will pass when I reach wl. Q
The good: sharing this website with DD - she LOVES it and so does her growing hair. Moisturizing my ends daily. Healthier hair that is longer than I remember it ever being.

The bad: WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too many bandwagons. Not sticking with a product to see if it actually works.

Recommittment: Auyerevic (sp) method works for me and my hair. Going back to it. Protecting my ends.
My good- finally gave cowashing a try and liked it. Megatek, daily moisturizing, ayurvedic powder in conditioner

My bad- not as consistent with megatek, being scissor happy, slacking on rollersetting

Recommiting myself to: Megatek application everyother day, more consistent with weekly rollersets
Good: I don't think I have any :nono:. I've been slacking all year

Bad: I'm addicted to heat. I always wear my hair straight now, I don't think i've worn a protective style since Jan,

My goal for the end of the year is start back DC my hair (I have not done this in forever) and wear more proctive styles. My goal is to twist my hair at least once a month and wear them for 2 weeks.
Good:I actually took care of my hair for once and saw good changes.

Bad:I began seeing good length and thickness and got careless with my regimen and heat.

I've learned: To respect my hair and it will respect me back.Abuse it you loose it.

I'm recommiting to:Finding a moisturizer my hair actually likes and continuing and being consistant with my hair regimen.
My Good: Since joining this forum, I've learned a lot about my hair and how to obtain length. Relaxer stretching, co-wash, Ovation, etc.. I noticed thickness and growth.

My Bad: Early signs of PJ-ism's. :perplexed Not sticking with just a simple reggie.

I've learned: That while its good to DIY, is not for everyone.:nono: I'm a wife with two preschoolers, and a full time Job. I must respect my hair (no experimenting w/products) and visit my hairstylist at least twice a month.

I'm recommitting: To keeping it simple for the rest of the year and into 09. I will try my best to growth my hair naturally without growth aides, as I love my relaxed hair and I love being able to wear it straight everyday. The wetting and applying of products to my hair everyday is not necessary a fit for my lifestyle right now.
Good thread!

I was good about finding out that water is the sole thing my hair needs to survive. My hair has grown considerably doing the water only method. Every morning I drench my hair in water under the shower and then style while wet.

I was bad about not co-washing. I was good up until the last month. The water only method sort of gave me the excuse to not do it. I was co-washing overnight at least 4 nights a week.

I will recommit to co-washing.
My Good: I tried cowashing and it has helped my hair.

My bad: Went on vacation and neglected my hair and regimen.

Recommitment: Will wrap hair EVERY night. Will stick with quality products.
GREAT thread.

My Good- After a year here. I am finally making progress. I realized that after a bad corrective last Aug that my hair was too damaged to be rollerset. (I would see broken hairs all over the place shaped like the curler :blush:). I have found out my hair likes to be washed a few times a week, and air dried with a scarf. Being a total DIY'er.

My Bad- Conquering shedding and the elusive search for thicker hair.

Recommiting- To at least 30 min DC each week with heat. Because of the frequent cowashing, I have been slacking on my DC'ing.
My Good: Found a regimen and line of products that work well for my hair, did protective style (bun) all summer, stretched my relaxer to 17 weeks, found a hairstylist I love who is all about healthy hair

My Bad: Spent way too much money on hair products, mostly growth aids.

I've learned: Even though I was able to stretch for 17 weeks, I had too much shedding and 12 weeks works best for me. I can achieve my hair goals without the use of growth aids, how to listen to what my hair needs.

I'm recommitting: To enjoying every step of my hair growing process and using only my staple products
Good: Co-washing or washing with my Neem bar, at least three times a week.

Bad: The last time I deep conditioned was....maybe two weeks ago. May ends are a dry crispy mess right now.

Recommit: To DCing twice a week, with heat.
My good: I'm co-washing 4-5 times a week, pampering my ends, giving my hair a well needed rest form heat, and taking my garlic pills.

My bad: I need to purchase a good multi-vitamin and take it daily. Also, I need to find a good DC and put it into my regular washing regime.

RE-COMMITMENT: I will take my take ALL my vitamins on a regular basis, DC at least once a week, braid or twist up my hair every night no matter what ignorant comments my husband makes about my hair, and I'll attempt more protective styles.
GOOD: Creating a somewhat hair care regimen, learning about different oils, co-washing, sealing and moisturizing.

BAD: Not DCing like I'm suppose to, letting anyone put relaxers in my hair. not being patient with my hair.

RE-COMMITMENT: To DC more and learn patience and baby my hair more. Use moisturizers and seal with oil more. AND LEARN HOW TO DO A BEAUTIFUL BRAID OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wallbash:
Good: Co-washing, Staying Natural, DC

Bad: Using too much Heat, combing on dry hair, not moisturizing daily

Recommitment: Daily Vitamins, protective styles, growth aid, Daily Moisturizing